
Properly secured, realistic loads mean an effort that not every gauge 1 operator wants to make. Removable loads are a practical solution.


The DB Museum is venturing into one of the last hardly explored topics in railroad history. Next Friday, April 26, 2024, the Nuremberg museum will launch the special exhibition “Under Pressure. The history of the train toilet”. In eight themed areas with around 150 exhibits, documents and photos, the development of the train toilet from its beginnings in the 19th century to the present day is recounted. Exhibits include the chamber pot from Chancellor Otto von Bismarck's drawing room carriage, a model of a faeces transport carriage, toilets in original and miniature size, a pioneering bioreactor and many stories to make you smile.


Jaffa's Moba-Shop offers a range of 3D-printed figures for gauge 1 that no longer need to be painted. This could be an alternative if you don't intend to portray the model people with a macro lens.


Sometimes you can't do without stations underground. A model for gauge 1 offers completely new perspectives.