
An Austrian logging railroad with charm runs on narrow modules and 16.5 mm gauge. Many self-made switches and self-built vehicles make for interesting operation.


Steam locomotives for field railroads are quite rare to find in 1:32. Three of them run on one layout.


Proform is working on new gauge 1 models for narrow-gauge tracks.


Dirk Becker exhibited his steam dairy in Giessen for the second time. The small 1:32 scale field railway system is well worth seeing.


The extremely creative Michasdorfer Kleinbahn in 1:32 is constantly expanding its fields of business. Now it also runs at a paper factory. 34 photos with many details worth seeing.


The Toury sugar factory in France, founded in 1875, once had an extensive narrow-gauge network for beet transport and factory traffic. Uwe Haas has set up a monument to it.


The Michasdorfer Kleinbahn has been completed. The light railway layout has now been extended by a corner module, which is again characterized by the near-natural design.


The "Sour Cucumber" has grown. The Michasdorfer Kleinbahn, a somewhat obscure field railroad on 1f gauge, has been expanded by a module. 35 photos bring out the qualities of the layout construction.


Yesterday, I was able to photograph a new field railway module of the "Saure Gurke" in 1f scale. Here is a little appetizer for some unusual photos that stand out from the photographic monotony in magazines and forums. Because it all depends on the lighting.


Klütz is known for its compact station with turntable, whose buildings also were available for gauge 1. The light railroad with 600 mm gauge of the Foundation deutsche Kleinbahnen offers interesting perspectives and some nostalgia. 60 photos.


In the third and last part of the report about Michasdorfer Kleinbahn, the viewer is offered many perfect details and an amazing track plan.


Part 2 of the Michasdorfer Kleinbahn leads through a forest in which some things are quite scary. 31 atmospheric photos in large format.


In Giessen, the field railway module boxes of the Michasdorfer Kleinbahn were constantly surrounded. I have photographed the layout in 1:32 scale at Micha Schmidt elaborately and captured many details that you can only perceive with the camera. 30 photos in large format.


The three module boxes with a 1:32 scale light railroad, designed down to the last detail, were constantly besieged. It revolves around a sour cucumber manufactory in the style of the 1950s. The modules rightly received the attention, because the modeler works on a very high level.


Field railway kits in 1:35 scale can be equipped with a motorized running gear for 16.5 mm gauge with little effort. Thomas Zeitz shows an example.


The modular field railway layout of Thomas Zeitz has already been presented with many pictures. Here now his description.


Thomas Zeitz presented his versatile 1/32nd scale field railway at the Spur1/Spur0 Messe in Mainz.


At the end of 2019, spur1info reported about a Gauge 1 meeting in Hong Kong. Now there is news.


In 2014 I showed a nice field railway from Denmark in scale 1:35. In the meantime the model maker has changed to a larger scale. A good reason to have a look at the old module layout again. 50 pictures in large format.


In Stadtoldendorf, Germany, Martin Krane recently exhibited its compact 0e field railway once again. It shows that you can build an interesting motif in 1:45 on the space of an H0 layout. In 1:35 or in the true 1:32 scale you would not need much more space. Maybe a reason to think about a little layout.

33 photos with many ideas for your imagination.


For gauge 1, narrow-gauge railways are still a niche product. In search of inspiration we visited the NuSSA - the zero and narrow gauge exhibition in Stadtoldendorf, Germany. It was worth it, because high quality model making was exhibited there.

We start with a field railway in 1:32. 46 photos of a compact, versatile layout.

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