
Fine Models GmbH is on vacation until the end of August. Spur1info already has 63 photos of production models of the freight train baggage car and the luxury horse-drawn carriage.


Trade fairs are good testing grounds for model ideas. What about the Breuer tractor?


The Donnerbüchsen are on their way, but have not made it to Giessen. Interest is being tested with an interesting model.


The last two hand samples of the third series of Bavarian freight cars from Fine Models are a high-side gondola and a boxcar, both with brakeman's cab. 36 photos in large format.


The hand sample of the Bavarian crane from Fine Models in the Bundesbahn version is much more complex than the Länderbahn version.


Bavarian state railroad cars are ideal for gauge 1 because they are short and often have unusual shapes. Fine Models has now received the hand samples of the crane wagon and other models. I have photographed them in detail.


Fine Models is expanding its 1 gauge range for friends of Bavarian railroads with more freight cars. Detailed information and first photos of two hand samples.


From China, Fine Models sent photos of all versions of Henschel's rotary snow plough for 1 gauge.


Premiere hatte in Speyer auf dem Stand von Fine Models ein Handmuster der Baureihe 95 und die bayerische AA1.


This weekend, the second Spur1 & Spur0 fair will take place in Mainz. Two hand samples will be on display for the first time, one already here at spur1info.

On Sunday the journey by car is a bit more complicated because of an event.


In the crowded halls there was no way through until after 2 pm. At Fine Models, a novelty was hiding in the rather pale hall lighting.


A technically very interesting small volume model is waiting for demanding customers. Spur1info already has the facts.


Fresh on the photo table from Asia came two hand samples of the freight train accompanying cars from Fine Models.


Fine Models has received the first photos of two production models of the short Bavarian baggage cars.


On the photo table was a hand sample of a wine barrel car of the "Deutsche Weinkesselwagon Gesellschaft m.b.H. Kitzingen". A gauge 1 model from Fine Models, this version fits very well with the other Bavarian freight cars.


Due to slow customs clearance, the two Donnerbüchsen hand samples from Fine Models arrived only today. 18 pictures of the attractive passenger cars for gauge 1.


Push-pull command cars dominated the scene at the Fine Models and Wunder booth at the International Gauge 0+1 Days in Giessen, Germany.


News for subscribers.


For some railroad models, the question arises for a variety of reasons whether there was a prototype. Bruno Waldmeier has given some thought to this.


Fine Models announces several freight train conductor cars for gauge 1 for 2023.


Finally, a few snapshots from the Intermodellbau.


At Intermodellbau, Fine Models/Kiss showed more hand samples - and already a production model.


Fine Models is presenting the hand samples of the second series of Bavarian freight cars at Intermodellbau - and already a part of the third series.


At Intermodellbau, Fine Models and Wunder showed new hand samples.


From Korea the first photos of the second series of Bavarian freight cars have arrived, which Fine Models has announced for gauge 1. Bavaria fans will be pleased.


Fine Models is currently delivering the E 71 13 and the blue E 71 19 of the DB. First photos.


Only a small double-digit number of customers receive the small series model of the Bavarian cogwheel locomotive PtzL 3/4 or the later class 971 from Fine Models these days. The highly complex handbuilt model is even more enjoyable if you take your time during commissioning. A comprehensive article about the first-class model with practical tips for running in.



Fine Models expands the Bavarian freight car program presented a few days ago with two models for early epoch III.


Fine Models is expanding its series of Bavarian freight cars with new models for 1 scale. Here are the facts.


Removable roofs on the cabs of gauge 1 locomotives allow the interiors to be upgraded and equipped with simple means. Just like movable flaps and doors on engine compartments and front ends, they provide deep insights for the discerning eye of the technically interested locomotive collector. Individualizing and adding to the models are part of our hobby. For Ern Hettinger it is a very essential part.


Die 97 101 der DB im Zustand von 1962 von Fine Models ist die zweite Variante, die hier in 36 Fotos vorgestellt wird. Sie unterscheidet sich in vielen Punkten von dem zuvor gezeigten Länderbahn-Modell.


Only forty models of the exclusive Bavarian cogwheel locomotive PtzL 3/4 and the DRG and DB versions are offered by Fine Models. 29 photos show the details of the Epoch I version.


Fine Models is preparing a second Bavarian car series. The first model is already fixed.


Fine Models will announce several versions of Henschel's six-axle snow blower soon.


The asymmetrical brakeman's cab makes this O-car of Bavarian provenance stand out. An interesting gauge 1 model from Fine Models for the early days of the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG).


Fine Models is just delivering the Bavarian open freight cars. 21 photos and a review of the E-car of the Royal Bavarian State Railways.


From 2021, the two successors founded after the insolvency of Kiss Modellbahnen will go their own ways.


I just received photos from Fine Models of the Vectron that will be delivered under the Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland brand in May 2021. The amount of detail will surprise steam locomotive enthusiasts.


Fine Models has received first snapshots of the completely new hand sample of the Siemens Vectron. The modern electric locomotive is marketed under the in-house brand Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland.


Fine Models hat neue Fotos vom Handmuster der E 71 in der Bundesbahn-Version. Das Spur-1-Modell wird Holzböden in den Führerständen erhalten.


We have the new status for upcoming deliveries of gauge 1 models.


Fine Models has added two new variants to the Bavarian Lokalbahn steam locomotive project which has been taken over from Kiss.


Märklin will deliver the 241-A-65 in July 2020. There is even more interesting news from the world of gauge 1.


The Bavarian low side cars from Fine Models are approaching production maturity. 14 new photos, which should please gauge 1 friends of epochs I and II.


Fine Models has finished the last unpainted shown hand sample of the 97 101. Four photos of the gauge 1 rack locomotive, which will be available in autumn 2020.


The hand sample of Fine Models' E 71 has been painted and lettered. Photos that make you want to own this Prussian vintage locomotive for gauge 1.


After Spur 1 Austria, Fine Models also announces an E 71. It is already almost finished. There are understandable reasons for the double development.


Yesterday evening, shortly before 8 p.m., the public service broadcaster Hessische Rundfunk reported about a large gauge 1 layout built by Fine Models and destined for a customer in Asia.


Recently, the Bavarian milk wagon and a hand sample of the CL passenger car from Fine Models also appeared in front of the camera. 28 photos that make you look forward to the gauge 1 models.


Fine Models has received three samples of the Bavarian low side cars of the Oq and O types. In Bavaria they were indispensable in epochs I and II. They should become attractive gauge 1 models. 37 photos in large format demonstrate what you can expect.


The two hand samples of the Bavarian cogwheel steam locomotive PtzL 3/4, the later class 971 of the Deutsche Reichsbahn and Deutsche Bundesbahn, set a very attractive monument to the prototype. 55 first-class photos show the richness of detail offered by the strictly limited models of Fine Models for gauge 1.


Fine Models has today received two hand samples of the Bavarian cogwheel steam locomotive PtzL 3/4, which are only produced in an exclusive edition of 40 pieces. Here are the first photos.


The Christmas presents are never ending: Fine Models announces tomorrow the Bavarian rack locomotive PtzL 3/4. Here already are the details and photos of the handmade samples.


Fine Models has now defined details for the Bavarian low side cars. Details for spur1info subscribers.


The Bavarian two-axle car models by Fine Models, shown in raw condition in Sinsheim, are now painted and lettered.


A long series of Fine Models' Bavarian beer cars for gauge 1 attracted the attention of visitors at the Fine Models and Spur1-Exklusiv exhibition stand - and two steam locomotive versions of the Palatine and Bavarian railways as well.