Märklin Novelties 2024
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin is presenting its new items for 2024 today. Gauge 1 is coming up with a heavyweight model.

Portrait of Märklin's Gauge 1 Model of Steam Engine DR 02 0314, Part 2
by Friedhelm Weidelich
What is she like now, the 02 0314-1 from Märklin? The steam locomotive model for gauge 1 also has great play value.
Read more … Portrait of Märklin's Gauge 1 Model of Steam Engine DR 02 0314, Part 2
Summer Novelties from Märklin for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Gauge 1 locomotive collectors are getting new material. Märklin announces several model versions as summer novelties and tries something new with the prices.

Photos of Fine Models' Bavarian Baggage Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models has received the first photos of two production models of the short Bavarian baggage cars.
Spur-1-Treffen 2022 in Speyer
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After a forced break due to Corona, the International Gauge 1 Meeting will take place again this year. However, not in Sinsheim as before, but in the Technik-Museum in Speyer, the headquarters of the Speyerer Veranstaltungs- und Messe GmbH. The date has also been changed.

Hand Sample of Wunder's Touropa Couchette Car
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Travel agency special trains shaped the tourism industry in the 1950s, when the own car was still an exception in Germany. Touropa was one of the most important providers of vacation trips to European destinations of longing. The hand sample of the gauge 1 model of a Touropa couchette car spreads pure nostalgia. 35 photos show all details and the surprising quality of the interior design.

The June List of Gauge 1 Projects
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The first half of 2020 is nearing its end. Failed trade fairs and obstructions caused by Corona and an insolvency have not had a major impact on the industry. But if you take a closer look at the gauge 1 project list, you will discover shifts in the market. Because some can deliver, others cannot.

Dingler's Novelties 2020/2021 (updated)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The International Spur 1 meeting in Sinsheim, traditionally held this weekend, had to be cancelled due to Covid-19. But you can find out here what Dingler would have presented there. The novelties are tempting and cover a lot of the scope of our hobby.
Novelty Announcement: E 95 from MBW
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MBW plans to deliver an DRG/DB E 95 in 2021.

Production Samples of the DB Umbauwagen by Wunder (updated)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The four production samples of the three-axle conversion cars from Wunder are almost spectacularly successful. The gauge 1 models of the 1950s to 1980s Bundesbahn passenger cars, which were in operation in thousands of copies, offer excellent value for money. 69 photos, which show the enormous variety of details and will increase the anticipation considerably.
Read more … Production Samples of the DB Umbauwagen by Wunder (updated)

Märklin's 241-A to be delivered soon – and more News
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin will deliver the 241-A-65 in July 2020. There is even more interesting news from the world of gauge 1.
Read more … Märklin's 241-A to be delivered soon – and more News

MTH to be closed
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MTH from the USA, also represented with "Railking" models in 1:32, will close business.

First Pictures of the Painted Bavarian Low Side Cars of Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Bavarian low side cars from Fine Models are approaching production maturity. 14 new photos, which should please gauge 1 friends of epochs I and II.
Read more … First Pictures of the Painted Bavarian Low Side Cars of Fine Models

Weathered Freight Cars the Ziegler Way (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
We continue with patinating examples of the Ziegler brothers. The pictures speak for themselves.

Acid Pot Cars for Gauge 1 from Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has now delivered the second pot car with item number 58725. If you can get the gauge 1 model out of the packaging without a crash, you can look forward to a little handicraft fun.
April 2021: TrainExpo.ch for Gauge 1 and 0
by Friedhelm Weidelich
On April 24 and 25, 2021, a new model railway platform of Gauge 0 and 1 is planned in Birmensdorf/ZH with the title TrainExpo.ch. Club layouts and models of all kinds in gauges 0, 0e, 0m, On3, 1 and 1m will be shown in operation, products for layout and vehicle model making will be on sale.

Stone by Stone to a Realistic Bridge
by Friedhelm Weidelich
As a dental laboratory technician, Joachim Lutz is very familiar with moulds. He has built a bridge for the gauge 1 club layout with team colleagues that is quite impressive.

Gauge 1 DB Class 81 by Steiner Modellwerke under Scrutiny
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Like the announcement, the production model of DB's class 81 has its premiere at spur1info. The first gauge 1 locomotive from Steiner Modellwerke is now available. The price-performance ratio is right. But what is particularly well done and what can be criticised? A review with 88 large format photos.
Read more … Gauge 1 DB Class 81 by Steiner Modellwerke under Scrutiny

The First Photos of the DB Class 81 of Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Ten professional photos of the production model of DB's 81 001, era IIIb, by Steiner Modellwerke for gauge 1. For subscribers only.
Read more … The First Photos of the DB Class 81 of Steiner Modellwerke

Class 81 by Steiner Modellwerke Has Arrived
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Freshly unpacked is the DB tender locomotive of class 81, which has just arrived from Steiner Modellwerke.

Weathered Freight Cars the Ziegler Way (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Hans and Walter Ziegler have taken two more freight cars for weathering.
The 1-gauge cars show the long years of service of the prototypes.

Kiss Modellbahnen are saved
by Friedhelm Weidelich
For a long time, far too long, the customers of Kiss Modellbahnen had to wait for concrete results after the insolvency announced in March. Now the results are available.

Novelty: DB Cab/Baggage Car BD4yge(f) by Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder Präzisionsmodelle will produce a rather exotic cab control and baggage car for gauge 1, which had its origin in Bavaria in epoch III.

EUR-Pallet Kit for Demanding Customers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Accessories for gauge 1 are usually quite large. Kits can be mounted without magnifying glass and the secure grip of a four year old. The pallet kit discussed here is ideal for fun at the end of the working day - and the result is very close to the original.

Live Steam 07 1001
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Besides the 07 1001 of the DR from Proform there is also a 07 1001 as a live steam model. It is operating in Switzerland.
The May List of Gauge 1 Projects
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Covid-19 hits gauge 1 more than was to be expected after the interruption of production in China and Korea. Two problems in particular are delaying deliveries.

DR 07 1001 from Proform Spur 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
07 1001 clearly shows the French provenance. Proform built the gauge 1 model to order.

Photos of the Completed Sample of E 71 from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The hand sample of Fine Models' E 71 has been painted and lettered. Photos that make you want to own this Prussian vintage locomotive for gauge 1.
Read more … Photos of the Completed Sample of E 71 from Fine Models
Spur-1-Treffen Sinsheim 2020 Cancelled
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Gauge 1 Meeting in Sinsheim cannot take place because of the Corona crisis and has been cancelled today.

Practical Couplers for Narrow Gauge
by Friedhelm Weidelich
If you get desperate when coupling 1e narrow gauge vehicles, the model coupling is to blame. Now there is a solution that gives pleasure.

A Weathered SBB Eaos
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Achim Lutz has weathered a pseudo-patinated used SBB Eaos open freight car from Märklin according to a prototype photo. The effort was worth it.

DB's Makeshift Baggage Car MDyg 986 by Wunder for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
From 1957 the Deutsche Bundesbahn built a makeshift baggage car from two 3rd class makeshift passenger cars. Like all transitional solutions in Germany, these cars were in use for decades.
Wunder Präzisionsmodelle now delivered the long baggage cars, which were used in all types of DB trains. The gauge 1 models are well made, but need matching radii. 49 photos of all details.
Read more … DB's Makeshift Baggage Car MDyg 986 by Wunder for Gauge 1

Novelty: E 71 by Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After Spur 1 Austria, Fine Models also announces an E 71. It is already almost finished. There are understandable reasons for the double development.

News from Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Austrian class 93 of gauge 1 Austria is nearing completion - and the Easter Bunny brings a rustic electric locomotive.
Cleaned Up
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the Corona crisis many have time to think. And then they start cleaning up.
New Passenger Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Many passenger coaches of the Deutsche Reichsbahn are still waiting for a realisation in 1:32 scale. A new announcement with details for spur1info subscribers.

The Perfect Vineyard
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Yves Rittener has finished his vineyard. It doesn't get any better than this!
Scarce and Abundant Supply for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the moment a flood of offers is pouring in on gauge 1 friends. And some articles are already in short supply. Breaking news.

New Figures from Wema Bahnatelier
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wema Bahnatelier has released two new figures, which can be used in many ways.

A Small Loco Shed Diorama (6)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Not a grass mat next to the gravel, but a varied vegetation makes the locomotive shed diorama for gauge 1 worth seeing. Grass and plants have "grown" quite fast. But before that I had another idea.

A Small Loco Shed Diorama (5)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the fifth part of the building report the plumbing work on the roof of the small locomotive shed will be completed. In addition, two realistic-looking puddles are created with the simplest of means.
Kiss Modellbahnen insolvent (updated)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Kiss Modellbahnen GmbH & Co KG is insolvent. The insolvency proceedings were opened yesterday.

Delivery dates from Märklin updated
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has just announced the current delivery dates.

A Small Loco Shed Diorama (4)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Even an engine shed covered with tar paper in 1:32 scale should have gutters. Another challenge for the occasional handyman...

Faszination Modellbahn in Mannheim, Germany
by Friedhelm Weidelich
From 13th through 15th March 2020, "Fascination Model Railway" will once again take place at the Maimarkthalle in Mannheim. Here, model railway enthusiasts will be able to view models and hand samples that they know from reports on the International Toy Fair.
The fair organizer is in contact with the authorities because of the corona virus. As things stand today, the fair will take place.

Signal Tower with Illumination
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Horst Göhr has built a signal box for a customer, which is to be installed on a gauge 1 layout.

A Small Loco Shed Diorama (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A diesel locomotive needs fuel from time to time. So a small filling station is integrated into the gauge 1 diorama. This also increases the play value.

A Small Loco Shed Diorama (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After the positioning test and three glued-on walls, literally basic work is carried out in the engine shed. Parts of the interior fittings are also made. Inspired by imagination, a useful workshop utensil is created, which I have never seen in any model before.

A Small Loco Shed Diorama (1)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A small chipboard, a started and a finished kit and a piece of track. This gave rise to the idea of developing a diorama that provides plenty of activity and fun even during the building stage. While doing handicrafts, it quickly became clear that once you started, the ideas develop by themselves. Perhaps also with you, dear readers.
The Updated Gauge 1 Project List
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A few projects and prices have been added since the last release. 175 gauge 1 projects with more than ever uncertain delivery dates.

An Engine Shed Roof According to the Prototype
by Friedhelm Weidelich
It is much work to cover a roof with model tiles. But the effort is worth it if you strive for the highest model-making quality.

Bavarian Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Recently, the Bavarian milk wagon and a hand sample of the CL passenger car from Fine Models also appeared in front of the camera. 28 photos that make you look forward to the gauge 1 models.

Bavarian S 3/6 from Wyko Echtdampf
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Michael Wyrwich has finished a Bavarian S 3/6 in green state railway livery for gauge 1.
Here are a few photos.

The February Project List and the Gauge 1 Market
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In 2019, Gauge 1 reached its zenith. At least in terms of the number of projects, because in addition to the still pending announcements, often several years old, there were numerous novelties, plus some double and triple announcements against all good sense.
In 2020 the project list is shorter, but countless projects are to be delivered this year. Will that work?
Read more … The February Project List and the Gauge 1 Market

Toy Fair 2020: Riding the Cannonball
by Friedhelm Weidelich
For the 300th birthday of Baron von Münchhausen Preiser is bringing an Elastolin figure. It matches the conversations in the model railway hall at the International Toy Fair.

Toy Fair 2020: Fulgurex
by Friedhelm Weidelich
On the stand of Fulgurex you could find all sorts of familiar things. But the next Gauge 1 novelty is already planned - with an interesting side effect.

Toy Fair 2020: More from Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Not everyone at Märklin expected such a success of the new Gauge 1 products. The market is heading in a new direction, which Märklin is pursuing with new self-confidence. Customers will also benefit from this.

Maerklin's V 320 (updated)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The 320 001 of the track construction company Wiebe hummed quietly on the Märklin gauge 1 roller bench.

Toy Fair 2020: Noch
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Still has made the Gras-Master even stronger and announces for the first time accessories for gauge 1.

Preview of the International Toy Fair 2020
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Toy Fair in Nuremberg has been steadily losing importance for gauge 1, but Märklin makes it worth a visit.

Samples of the Bavarian Low Side Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models has received three samples of the Bavarian low side cars of the Oq and O types. In Bavaria they were indispensable in epochs I and II. They should become attractive gauge 1 models. 37 photos in large format demonstrate what you can expect.
Read more … Samples of the Bavarian Low Side Cars from Fine Models

A Closer Look at the Handmade Sample of the Bavarian Cogwheel Locomotive by Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Read more … A Closer Look at the Handmade Sample of the Bavarian Cogwheel Locomotive by Fine Models

Lokladen's Exklusive Model of DB's ETA 178
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Lokladen, Bingen, Germany, offers an exclusive gauge 1 model produced by Dingler: ETA 178 001 of the Deutsche Bundesbahn.

Prussian battery railcar from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler has provided us with photos of the Wittfeld battery-powered railcar 1-gauge model .

New Norwegian NSB Locomotives for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Agder Modell Teknikk from Norway keeps going and announces two new NSB locomotives in 2020 for gauge 1.

A Ship is Coming
by Friedhelm Weidelich
On 19 August 2019, MSC Gülsüm, the world's largest container ship, docked in Bremerhaven, Germany, at the end of its maiden voyage and was given a warm welcome. With a (fool format) focal length of 840 mm, the 400 metre long ship did not quite fit into the picture.
What does this have to do with Gauge 1? You will know in a moment.
Accucraft relaunches J&M's CIWL Sleepers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Together with Exclusive Models in the Netherlands, Accucraft is re-launching the CIWL Pullman sleeping cars.

Detailed photos of the current announcement
by Friedhelm Weidelich
More details and photos of the novelty announcement.
Extended travel time for compact dioramas
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Gauge 1 usually suffers from too long vehicles and too short tracks. But you can, strictly following the example of the DB Regio, extend the journey time with a trick. German TV satirical program Extra3 showed the method again yesterday.

Details of the Bavarian Low Side Cars by Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models has now defined details for the Bavarian low side cars. Details for spur1info subscribers.
Read more … Details of the Bavarian Low Side Cars by Fine Models
An interesting Development
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There's something going on at the model railroad shows.
The updated Project List
by Friedhelm Weidelich
New projects, changed prices and postponed and confirmed delivery dates - the updated project list provides updated information on gauge 1 projects.

Bavarian S 3/6 by Wyko-Echtdampf
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin offers the high-heeled S 3/6 in H0 scale, Wyko-Echtdampf now has 1-gauge livesteam model. And also a somewhat special model is present.
The last 1-Gauge Project List
by Friedhelm Weidelich
For the last time this year, we are looking at the list of 1-gauge projects that has grown once again. About 50 were delivered in 2019, but the list contains well over 220 projects.

1-gauge Model DB 78 440 by Maerklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin's 1-gauge model of the DB class 78 entered the market at the end of December 2018 and was very successful. In a few days I will introduce the 78 from Kiss, which is now being delivered.
The review of the Märklin model is still available in the archive. To compare and because the reproduction of the 73 photos in the new system is better, I present the article about Märklin's 78 440, article number 55077, here once again.

Three High Quality 1-Gauge Layouts
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the third Sauerland gauge 0 and gauge 1 meeting, three gauge 1 layouts and dioramas were shown, which demonstrated craftmanship at the highest level. My colleague Stefan Karzaunikat from Spur-Null-Magazin provided us with photos which offer many suggestions for a realistic design of layouts and dioramas in 1:32 scale.
Op de derde Sauerländer Spur 0 und Spur 1 Großbahntreffen wurden drie systemen en diorama's getoond, die de modelbouw op het hoogste niveau demonstreerden. Mijn collega Stefan Karzaunikat van Spur-Null-Magazin heeft ons foto's geleverd die ons veel suggesties bieden voor een realistisch ontwerp van faciliteiten en diorama's in schaal 1:32.

Coupling 1-gauge Passenger Cars from earlier Epochs Easier
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A cohesive train appearance as with the prototype is a matter of nerves of steel with four-axle passenger cars on gauge 1. Even the fine motor skills of a surgeon won't get you far. But there are now practicable tools to solve these problems cleverly and to ensure an automatic connection of the cars.
Read more … Coupling 1-gauge Passenger Cars from earlier Epochs Easier

More about the First Spur-1-Treffen in Hong Kong
by Friedhelm Weidelich
More pictures, information and a video arrived from Hong Kong. The event had prominent visitors.
Read more … More about the First Spur-1-Treffen in Hong Kong

EW 1 by Dingler with new Versions
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler has now the versions of EW 1 passenger cars for BLS, SOB and SBB.

Production sample of the Bavarian D XII from Spur1-Exklusiv
by Friedhelm Weidelich
From Bauma I received snapshots of the production sample of the Bavarian tender locomotive D XII, which will also be available as class 730-1 of the DRG.
Read more … Production sample of the Bavarian D XII from Spur1-Exklusiv