Visiting the Wuerttemberg T 1005
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In 1970, I had the opportunity to experience and photograph the Württemberg T 1005, built in 1899, shunting in a southern German ironworks. The locomotive has been preserved in the Museum of Technology in Berlin.

Country Station with Potential - Part II
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The rural station in Baden-Württemberg is structurally compact and operationally productive. Inspiring historic photos and a continuing chance find that demonstrates the potential of a gauge 1 layout.
Steam Locomotive from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Now the details of Wunder's class 935-12 for gauge 1 have been finalized.

Review: Die Baureihe 18.1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The "Schöne Württembergerin", the class C of the K.W.St.E. and later class 181, is comprehensively described in a new book.

Wuerttemberg station Kupferzell by Spur1-igArtig
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur1-igARTig has again completed 1/32 scale models of two structures that once stood on the Kocher Valley Railway Waldenburg - Forchtenberg and which were moved to the Hohenlohe Open Air Museum in Schwäbisch-Hall, Germany.
Read more … Wuerttemberg station Kupferzell by Spur1-igArtig

Another T 3
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the 1970s - and again today - you could experience a T 3. Irretrievable photos taken in 1972 of a locomotive with a train in proper style and a station that had long since disappeared.