News from the freight bypass line (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the second part of the stay at the freight bypass near Hanover with 59 photos, there are unusual vehicles, very long container cars, double traction, privatized 145s and a colorful DB Vectron. There are upcoming gauge 1 models – but also some that would be long overdue in 1:32, such as the classes 145, 152, 185 and 189.

News from the freight bypass line
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After cold, foggy days, the sun was shining. A good reason to spend some time at the freight railroad line again to watch the passing trains with the camera. For the first time, I encountered a Siemens Velaro D of the class 407 on its way to Paris, in addition to old and new locomotives, during an unusual track swap.

Old Photographs of DB Class 44
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The class 44 with its three-cylinder engine was one of the most impressive standard design locomotives. 27 pictures that I took in the 1960s and 1970s.

Through Düsseldorf with the old Snow Plow
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In January 2010, it snowed in Düsseldorf. The inexperienced street cleaning service struggled with the small amount of snow with little success. But the Rheinbahn had an old snow plow. Pictures of the operation.

How Concrete Ties are made (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Which locomotives bring the prestressed concrete sleepers to the track construction site? Variety is guaranteed.

How Concrete Ties are made (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After the concrete has hardened in the mold, the prestressed concrete sleeper is not yet finished. Part 2 of an exploration.

How Concrete Ties are made
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Without concrete ties, not much can be done on the railroad. But how are they made and what do they really look like? Part 1 of an exploration.

Industrial Siding with Special Features
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Unusual track layouts and sophisticated shunting options in a confined space are particularly appealing to model railroaders, especially in gauge 1. This article, with 38 photos and a plan, describes and shows in detail how switches, crossings and a narrow track curve are combined in a prototype.

Autumn Scenes Bathed in Sunshine
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In these gloomy November days, it is good to relive the last days of October in sunshine. I took the 40 pictures along the overgrown freight bypass near Hannover.
A Very Special Road Trip
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Unfortunately, the model railroad industry largely ignores automobiles on tracks, even though they have been used everywhere for track inspection and maintenance for well over 100 years. 99 years ago, a film shows how, for lack of roads, a PR tour kept switching to tracks.

DB Station Signs of Epoch III
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Station signs are a little-discussed topic. The following article, with original documents, describes how they were supposed to be since era III of the Deutsche Bundesbahn.

At the Swabian Alb and in Constance
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Im Teil 2 des Reiseberichts treffen wir Altes und Neues. An einem Haltepunkt sind die Epochen I und VI vereint.

Review: Deutsche Bundesbahn in Farbe
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Color pictures of railways were rather rare in the post-war and subsequent economic "miracle period" of Germany. Heinrich Petersen searched for such pictures at the Railway Foundation and provided vivid commentaries on them.

Detour traffic Berlin - Hamburg near Uelzen (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In Wieren, the lines from Uelzen to Stendal and Braunschweig divide. Diversion traffic flows and sometimes comes to a standstill here because Berlin - Hamburg is partially closed.

Detour traffic Berlin - Hamburg near Uelzen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Due to a closure of the (Berlin -) Wittenberge - Hamburg line for essential construction work, ICE and EC trains will take a detour via Stendal, Salzwedel, Uelzen and Lüneburg until December 14, 2024. A visit to Uelzen and along the America line. 48 photos.

About the Electrification of Black Forest's Höllentalbahn
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Die Elektrifizierung der Höllentalbahn von Freiburg im Breisgau bis Neustadt und Seebrugg erfolgte zunächst mit einer Oberleitungsspannung von 20 Kilovolt. Ein Dokumentarfilm.
Read more … About the Electrification of Black Forest's Höllentalbahn

Transporting Tubes and Pipes
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A couple of photos of freight trains loaded with tubes. 1971 and 2007.

Collections worth seeing in Northern Germany for those interested in Technologies
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There are three somewhat hidden collections and museums in the Hanover area that technology enthusiasts and engineers should not miss out on. Children and grandchildren can be there and will be amazed, because many things can be touched.
Read more … Collections worth seeing in Northern Germany for those interested in Technologies

Freight Car Overload
by Gastautor
Since absolute attention to detail is generally preached in gauge 1, but there is often a lack of implementation when it comes to loads, Hans Ziegler has calculated what load a car can carry - and on which lines.

The End of Class 145 at DB Cargo
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Locomotives normally run for 30 to 40 years, sometimes even longer. However, the class 145 has already served its time at DB Cargo after around 25 years.

At the Passenger Train Line (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
43 images, among many others, that exposed the camera sensor within an hour.

At the Passenger Train Line
by Friedhelm Weidelich
ICE 4 trains now dominate the picture on the Hanover - Berlin line. But when the S-Bahn runs with Reichsbahn carriages, a visit with the camera is definitely worthwhile. 48 pictures from 100 minutes on the line.

At the Service Depot of Siemens Mobility in Dortmund
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Reliability of trains is a goal that Siemens Mobility has achieved in its service depot in Dortmund, among other places. A visit report.
Read more … At the Service Depot of Siemens Mobility in Dortmund

Colorful and Messy on the Freight Line
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Flashy locomotives and freight cars with a very run-down exterior - only the very brave would want something like this on their gauge 1 layout. A few photos of the freight railroad.

Commuter Train from Siemens Mobility for Egypt
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Every now and then there is an opportunity to get to know rail vehicles produced in Germany for export. Siemens Mobility presented the DesiroEgypt for Egypt at a press event yesterday and invited railway journalists to take a ride. The four-car multiple-unit train is based on the DesiroHC, which is used on the RRX, for example.

May 1 at Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verein (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There are no lakes on the Heiligenberg - Asendorf heritage railway line. But the heavy rainfall in April created an unusual foreground. 39 photos.

May 1 at Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verein
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Yesterday was the start of the season at Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verein, Germany's oldest museum railway. Two steam locomotives hauled a variety of passenger trains on the meter gauge line from Bruchhausen-Vilsen to Asendorf. 45 photos with some unusual motives.

The History of Train Toilets at the DB Museum
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The DB Museum is venturing into one of the last hardly explored topics in railroad history. Next Friday, April 26, 2024, the Nuremberg museum will launch the special exhibition “Under Pressure. The history of the train toilet”. In eight themed areas with around 150 exhibits, documents and photos, the development of the train toilet from its beginnings in the 19th century to the present day is recounted. Exhibits include the chamber pot from Chancellor Otto von Bismarck's drawing room carriage, a model of a faeces transport carriage, toilets in original and miniature size, a pioneering bioreactor and many stories to make you smile.

Photos of DB Class 212 since 1967
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The more powerful version of Deutsche Bundesbahn's V 100, the class 212 since 1968, in pictures from a bygone era. And one that looks like new.

At the Freight Line
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Once again I was drawn to the freight bypass line in the sunshine. 71 photos with ICE, freight trains and engines running empty.

Colorful Trains
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The freight bypass near Hanover is usually very busy and always productive for photographers. A picture gallery with rare, new and old vehicles.

Visiting the Wuerttemberg T 1005
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In 1970, I had the opportunity to experience and photograph the Württemberg T 1005, built in 1899, shunting in a southern German ironworks. The locomotive has been preserved in the Museum of Technology in Berlin.

Wunder's Hoppers at Work
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Along with track details, freight cars are among the least photographed objects on the railroad. I found a few that matched Wunder's hand samples in the archive. Hoppes in use during track renewal.

Diorama Idea: Klusenstein
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Chance brought an old manuscript to light that contained a proposal for an H0 diorama. However, with a little more space you could also develop a varied diorama for gauge 1 that is suitable for all eras. Klusenstein is ideally suited as a layout area for short trains from 1912 to the present day.

Country Station with Potential - Part III
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Our country station offers plenty of inspiration for all Gauge 1 enthusiasts who want to build their tracks as close to the prototype as possible. 71 photos with incredible details.

The Track Dismantling Train
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The following description is composed of individual incidents that happened in reality, garnished with a little fantasy. The almost true story inspires us today as a play scenario on our gauge 1 diorama "Bw Fützen", which is the operating center of the Wutachtalbahn, also known as Sauschwaenzlebahn.

Gravita 10 BB on the Way
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Gravita 10 BB is used by DB Cargo and other railroads for freight service. Some picture documents.

Modern freight trains and old locomotives in the evening light
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Thursday and Friday are the days with the most freight traffic. On the Hanover freight railroad bypass, varied train compositions with old and new electric and diesel locomotives rolled by every few minutes. Some over 60 years old. 56 atmospheric photos.
Read more … Modern freight trains and old locomotives in the evening light

A Short International Train from Switzerland
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the popular epoch IV, short express trains were observed as well, for example between Zurich and Stuttgart. Pictures from my archive with interesting train consists from 1970 to today.

German and Dutch Days of Rail 2023
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In two weeks, the Days of Rail will be held all over Germany, where the rail industry will present itself in all its diversity. Märklin is also taking part.

Spur 1 Austria to produce Rottweil's 44 460
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the current newsletter, Spur 1 Austria announces the 44 460 from Bw Rottweil, which was taken out of service in Crailsheim in 1973.

MRCE Disappears from the Rails
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MRCE sells its locomotives, the brand will disappear from the tracks.

October 1970: two Hours at the Station
by Friedhelm Weidelich
I photographed a hard-working class 50, a 044, an 038, and more at Aldingen in October 1970. The first of the two freight trains contained a surprise.

Images of Deutsche Bundesbahn's Class 44
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Because of the almost sensational demand for gauge 1 models of the class 44 or 043 and 044, I looked into my archive. The tremendous steam development of this heavy three-cylinder freight locomotive made for spectacular pictures.

Interiors from Earlier Epochs
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the open-air museum in Neuhausen ob Eck, model builders who value detail and village interiors will find inspiration to recreate.

Bridges (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Swing bridges, culverts for a dirt road or a country road, massive bridges made of steel, concrete and natural stones: Bridges lend themselves to layouts and dioramas in many shapes and sizes.

Scan stories: Singen in June 1975
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Scanning old negatives is time-consuming and puzzling. But a special train in Singen in 1975 could be dated. A few days later, an unusual work train passed by that could almost be recreated on 1 gauge.

Review: The multi-system Locomotives of the Deutsche Bundesbahn
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Diverse traction current systems in Europe were an obstacle to cross-border trains in the 1960s. A publication just released by EK-Verlag memorializes DB's multi-system locomotives, some of which are still in service.
Read more … Review: The multi-system Locomotives of the Deutsche Bundesbahn

History of Muengsten Bridge
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Müngsten Bridge, opened in 1897, is 107 meters high and crosses the Wupper near Solingen with two tracks in a spectacular way. A remarkably good film about Germany's highest railroad bridge is available at public service TV WDR.

Stuttgart Hbf around 1971
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Stuttgart's main station was a well-functioning terminus with interesting rolling stock in the 1970s. A look back to epoch IV. Later, Märklin also advertised model trains here.

The Emergency Train of Bw Rottweil
by Friedhelm Weidelich
When the Deutsche Bundesbahn was still run by experienced railroaders, every depot had an emergency train ready to provide rapid assistance in the event of a derailment. Of course, locomotives and personnel were also kept on hand for this purpose. So they were quickly on the spot.
Meet the Rottweil emergency train on standby and on the way is shown in ten pictures that I took about 50 years ago.

Deutsche Bundesbahn 50 Years ago
by Friedhelm Weidelich
50 years ago, the steam locomotive era of the Deutsche Bundesbahn was almost over. Special trips with steam trains, circulations of the last steam locomotives and test runs with converted vehicles determined the picture. 18 photos from my archive that bring long-forgotten things back to light.

Virtually walk through the Anhalter Bahnhof of Berlin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Deutsches Technikmuseum (German Museum of Technology) and the Technical University of Darmstadt have digitally recreated the Anhalter Bahnhof. It can now be entered virtually.
Read more … Virtually walk through the Anhalter Bahnhof of Berlin

Weathered Wood
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Gauge 1 is ideally suited for prototypical patination, which should not stop at buildings. In addition to a keen sense of observation and a willingness to experiment, photos serve as a welcome stimulus.
Live Rail Traffic
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Watch trains live and with sound and immerse yourself in faraway landscapes: a few tips.

News from the Feldherrnhügel
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The freight bypass in Hannover is always worth a visit. A rich photo yield from 90 minutes.

A small Petrol Station
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Lack of space is one of the biggest challenges in 1 scale. Here is a rural gas station for which there is room everywhere and which can be easily replicated.

Worn Wheels
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steel wheels on steel rails are subject to wear. But where are the limits?

Current freight traffic on DB tracks, part 2
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In part 2 of the current freight rail photos, we encounter a 145 with train destination display and colorfully decorated electric locomotives from Europe.
Small Shunters at Freiburg Depot
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In 1976, I took photos at the Freiburg im Breisgau railroad depot, among them two small locomotives. One scene fits particularly well on a gauge 1 layout.

In the Tuttlingen Region
by Friedhelm Weidelich
When I visit my hometown and the weather cooperates, I like to take a few photos at the old trunk line, where new vehicles can always be seen.

11:00 a.m. from Kluetz
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Klütz is known for its compact station with turntable, whose buildings also were available for gauge 1. The light railroad with 600 mm gauge of the Foundation deutsche Kleinbahnen offers interesting perspectives and some nostalgia. 60 photos.

Railroad and Solar Eclipse
by Friedhelm Weidelich
How do you get the railroad and the solar eclipse in the picture at the same time? Tough!

Something like a Culemeyer
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Culemeyer road rollers brought freight cars and heavy loads to places where there were no tracks. RailAdventure has developed auxiliary bogies for transferring rail vehicles that work on rail and now also on road.

InnoTrans 2022 (2) - Locomotives
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Locomotives made up only a small part of the exhibits at InnoTrans 2022. But there were spectacular engines among them that would also be eye-catchers in Gauge 1 scale.

InnoTrans 2022 (1) - EMU and DMU
by Friedhelm Weidelich
More than ever, the future of passenger rail transport consists of multiple units. InnoTrans 2022 made that clear. But the drives are becoming more environmentally friendly.

On the road to InnoTrans
by Friedhelm Weidelich
InnoTrans, the world's largest rail trade fair, opens today in Berlin. 124 new rail vehicles will be presented on 3.5 km of track. RailAdventure has brought some of them to Berlin.

With Alstom's iLint across Germany
by Friedhelm Weidelich
If you want to pass the time while waiting for the Märklin novelties, I have something for you. Alstom is currently touring Germany with a multiple unit train that draws its energy from hydrogen via fuel cells. As far as the hydrogen goes.
On the way with a Speeder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Going on tour with a speeder: For some, it's just another job.

Tag der Schiene for a Closer Look
by Friedhelm Weidelich
On September 16 and 17, the German Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport is organizing Rail Days with the rail industry. The events are more inventive than the advertising logo.

DEV Trains (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
During the Days of the Railway Friend at the German Railway Association (DEV) between Bruchhausen-Vilsen and Asendorf, freight trains ran on meter gauge. The oldest load on a 125-year-old flat car was a 99-year-old tractor.

DEV Trains
by Friedhelm Weidelich
As usual, during the Days of the Railroad Friend(s) at the Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verein, there is more operation between Bruchhausen-Vilsen and Asendorf on meter gauge than on the other operating days. But on the standard gauge line the "Kaffkieker" shuttled.

On a Sunday
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There is no shortage of interesting trains in the east of Hanover even on Sundays, where the freight bypass and the main lines to the east and north meet. The most interesting train from RailAdventure came after sunset. 36 photos, some of them spectacular, with trains and traction units of all kinds.

Deutsche Bundesbahn Class 64/064 in Pictures
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The class 64, which is being realized by MBW as a gauge 1 model, was a beautiful tender locomotive. 30 photos from my archive, some of them more than 50 years old, recall long-gone Bundesbahn times and the uses of the compact steam locomotive.

TEE Train and More
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The E 03 001 with a TEE train was announced. But it was also worthwhile to be on the road with the camera. A picture sheet with 34 current photos.

Review: Unvergessene Bottwartalbahn
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Swabian narrow-gauge railroad Marbach - Beilstein - Heilbronn has been memorialized. A comprehensive book. If only layout and printing would be better...

At the Freight Railroad Line
by Friedhelm Weidelich
We have the Vectron as a model for gauge 1, and the Traxx 2 as well. But today's rail traffic has even more to offer. A picture gallery with 48 current photos.

Images of DB Class 485
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In 1976, I photographed some DB class 485 railcars with class 885 cab cars in southern Baden.

Two Michelin Stars for Tohru Nakamura
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Tohru Nakamura, who runs the top restaurant Tohru in the Schreiberei in Munich, has once again received two stars from the Guide Michelin. Congratulations!
You can also enjoy exclusive catering from him in Luxon, RailAdventure's contemporary modernized TEE observation car.

A Special Train from RailAdventure in the Eifel Mountains
by Friedhelm Weidelich
RailAdventure spent the weekend towing Deutsche Bahn trains that were silted up and trapped by last summer's flood. Some pictures.
Read more … A Special Train from RailAdventure in the Eifel Mountains

Weathered Electric Locomotives
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modern and old electric locomotives bear weathering and operating traces of varying intensity. But some traces they have in common. 45 photos with which you can judge the quality of patination on gauge 1 models.

From what period is the photo?
by Friedhelm Weidelich
An old photo of an engineer and a certificate from the GDL could help with genealogical research. Do you have any ideas about this?

The Pinecone Train (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the third and last part about the train des pignes in the south of France, another 62 photos document this beautiful steam railroad and its meter gauge line in Provence. In total, there were 168 photos - enough to fill a book.

The Pinecone Train (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the second part we continue our journey with the pinecone train and have plenty of time to explore the station and the village of Annot. And then the locomotive is turned for the return trip.

The Pinecone Train in France
by Friedhelm Weidelich
France has a number of beautiful meter gauge railroads. We took a ride on the Chemins de fer de Provence. A report with 55 photos that will give you wanderlust.

The Fichtelbergbahn - part 3
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the third and last part of the report about the Fichtelbergbahn of the Sächsische Dampfeisenbahngesellschaft (SDG), we once again meet steam trains on the way and look at the Hüttenbach Viaduct and the terminus Kurort Oberwiesenthal, which has a nostalgic automat. Two videos complement my photos.

The Fichtelbergbahn - part 2
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the second part we look again at the station Cranzahl, other small stations at the narrow gauge railway and accompany trains with the camera.

The Fichtelbergbahn - part 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Fichtelbergbahn Cranzahl - Kurort Oberwiesenthal in Saxony overcomes a difference in altitude of 240 meters (789 ft) on a route of 17.4 km (10.8 m) in the Ore Mountains. With steam, of course. We went along for the ride.

An Afternoon at the Pressnitztalbahn
by Friedhelm Weidelich
To partially rebuild a dismantled narrow-gauge railroad and to run a busy operation on it: At the Pressnitztalbahn, volunteers have managed to bring a Saxon narrow-gauge railroad back to life. A visit and a ride are worthwhile. And you quickly realize: The Harz narrow-gauge railroads could certainly learn a lot from the narrow-gauge railroad operators in Saxony. 47 photos showing an adorable 750 mm narrow gauge railroad in the Ore Mountains.
If we had an efficient European freight railroad...
by Friedhelm Weidelich
You might look to Fort Madison from time to time. Here's a new perspective.
Read more … If we had an efficient European freight railroad...
The other day in America
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Passenger transportation in the U.S. still has the charm of the 19th century in many places. An example.

Review: Herkules, Goliath & Co – Rail cranes
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Railroad cranes may be among the least known rail vehicles. This subject, reserved for specialists, has rarely been covered in magazines and books. Udo Kandler has rolled up the history of German rail cranes in his book published by EK-Verlag and compiled spectacular pictures.

Addition to the Eurosprinter gallery
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Besides the class 182 of Deutsche Bahn, there are other electric locomotives that resemble the Austrian Taurus. An addition.

Making phone calls on a German train - wait a minute!
by Friedhelm Weidelich
News agencies, TV stations and newspapers are reporting today what Deutsche Telekom and Deutsche Bahn have published as a press release: "By 2026 at the latest, there should no longer be any gaps in coverage along rail lines in long-distance and regional transport." This refers to mobile communications coverage on trains, which network operators and Deutsche Bahn have been working on since 2008 with little success. 16 years of moderated (not only transport policy) standstill in Germany thanks to the Merkel governments have turned one of the most important industrialized countries into a snail-like dawdler that foreign countries can only laugh at.
Read more … Making phone calls on a German train - wait a minute!
French PTT Mail Cars in Germany
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the French zone, French mail cars were also on the road during three decades after World War 2.

30 Years ICE
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Thirty years ago, on June 2, 1991, the ICE train service of the Deutsche Bundesbahn or Deutsche Bahn AG started with high-speed trains of class 401. Information and a large picture gallery with views from outside and inside.

Whit Monday at the Heritage Railway
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Since Whitsun, the first German museum railroad of the German Railway Association (DEV) is allowed to operate again. Although under the Corona-related conditions, but with success to justify the effort. Not only is the train simply operated, but the background of the meter-gauge narrow-gauge railroad and the railroad operations are explained to the passengers. A living museum with ambition.

Amtrak celebrates 50 Years
by Friedhelm Weidelich
50 years ago today, Amtrak, the national passenger transportation company, operated its first trains in the United States. Latest news.

RailAdventure acquires British partner Hanson & Hall
by Friedhelm Weidelich
RailAdventure GmbH, the market leader for special transports and test runs with new trains in Central Europe, has acquired the English company Hanson & Hall Rail Services. Six Class 43 high-speed railcars will operate as dual locomotives for the company's domestic services in Great Britain.
Read more … RailAdventure acquires British partner Hanson & Hall

Rolling Stock for the Diorama
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The rustic original for a bridge diorama or module in 1:32 scale still needs to be supplemented with suitable rolling stock. Here are 49 year old photos and some new ones for inspiration. They show an amazing range of locomotives, railcars and passenger cars.

More European Night Trains to come in 2022
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Czech transport company RegioJet, together with the new Dutch night train operator European Sleeper, will add new routes and destinations to European night train services next year. 67 photos show what was going in Prague's Central Station in 2012.

A little Bridge might be an Idea for a Diorama
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There are settings that you can't invent. Eventually you will find a believable accumulation of details that inspire a modeler to a diorama. Here comes a bridge scene for gauge 1 that has it all and could be realized on a compact footprint for epochs I to VI.

50 years ago: with P 8 to Switzerland
by Friedhelm Weidelich
50 years ago, I took a steam special train with 038 650 to Switzerland. A picture gallery.

A Saturday Afternoon at the Freight Line
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The freight line near Hanover always offers surprises. A picture gallery with 45 photos taken in storm, rain and sunshine.

New Nightjet Cars of Austrian Railway ÖBB
by Friedhelm Weidelich
ÖBB and Siemens Mobility today presented the first new Nightjet car. This provides interesting insights into the production.

There Is No BR 01 202
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Red Hummer, Black Buffalo and BR 01 202: Infantilization and lack of expertise go hand in hand in model railroading.

Trains in the Snow
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In 1970, snow was still a regular occurrence in February, and winter was not a reason for the Deutsche Bundesbahn to stop traffic as a precaution. Some photos.

A Sunday at the Tracks
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Snow and sunshine are good reasons to spend a few hours outside and photograph trains. 61 photos give an impression of what you can discover there. A current snapshot from two main lines east of Hanover.

3-axle DB Umbauwagen 50 Years Ago
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Wunder gauge 1 models are being delivered these days. About 35 years ago, the DB cars were phased out. What did the passenger trains with conversion cars look like back then, what is also important in the models? 35 photos I took about 50 years ago, when the 3yg(e) cars were commonplace.

A Weathered Express Train Engine
by Gastautor
Hans and Walter Ziegler show how they patinated an 01 from KM1 with simple means. This gives courage to try it yourself. Some prototype photos from the end of the steam era give suggestions how far you should (not) go.
A Book about Travel Agency Trains
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A new book sheds a lot of light on the trains of Touropa, Scharnow, Hummel & Co. A must for all buyers of the Touropa cars from Wunder.

Fall traffic at DEV
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Because Covid-19 has significantly affected the whole season, the first German museum railroad is operating for the first time in autumn.

Danish DSB gets its Vectron
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Vectron from Siemens Mobility has now been approved by authority Trafik-, Bygge og Boligstyrelsen to operate for the Danish State Railways. Three locomotives of DSB's class EB are already on their way to Denmark.

The new ICE Train of Deutsche Bahn
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Yesterday, Deutsche Bahn announced an ICE order with Siemens. Because the press material said so, the journalists rushed at the radio-permeable windows and the bicycle compartments. But because an ICE 3 is not an ICE 3, hardly any media report was correct or was decorated with false pictures.

Italian Tipo F in Germany
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Italian pointed roof cars, which Dingler has announced for gauge 1 now, were part of many freight trains. A glance into my archives – and at a preserved car in South Tyrol, Italy.

The Pink Dragon
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Locomotives in this color scheme are rare. A Polish company stands out with this. Pretty in pink.

Makeshift Baggage Cars in Service on DB Tracks
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder's makeshift baggage cars have provoked more reactions than any previous meeting - consistently positive ones. Since 1967, the models of these cars have been appearing in front of my camera time and again.

Review: The pre-war locomotives of the Reichsbahn
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Many electric locomotives of the former state railways and the Deutsche Reichsbahn have fallen into oblivion because they were only built in small numbers and did not always prove themselves. The German language book by Dirk Winkler recalls them with brilliant photos once again in the memory of railway enthusiasts and engineers. The text has unfortunately turned out rather joyless due to unnecessary flaws.
Read more … Review: The pre-war locomotives of the Reichsbahn
Railway History by Webcam
by Friedhelm Weidelich
What have we done without the Internet? If you're still bored, I have something for you.
Weird Locomotive Design for Lovers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Unusual, weird designs of locomotives, cars and multiple units are popular with model railroaders. Soon there will be a new darling of the public.
Extended travel time for compact dioramas
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Gauge 1 usually suffers from too long vehicles and too short tracks. But you can, strictly following the example of the DB Regio, extend the journey time with a trick. German TV satirical program Extra3 showed the method again yesterday.

Scrap loading as a Topic for Epochs III and IV
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Until Epoch IV, the collection and transport of scrap metal was a rustic business. My photos show what it really looked like back then.

Safety Points at the Deutsche Bundesbahn
by Friedhelm Weidelich
They are extremely rare on model railways - especially not on 1-gauge. They have also been removed in many places: safety points or trap or catch points.

Catenary Details
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Catenaries are very complicated to model. However, you should pay attention to details in a gauge 1 layout with overhead contact line that only become apparent at second glance.

Tour of the French Railway Museum Cité du Train (4)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Finally 39 photos from the Cité du Train in Mulhouse, France. Here we meet two world record locomotives and many other exciting railway vehicles.
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Tour of the French Railway Museum Cité du Train (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
We encounter a salt keg, a Bugatti and two Americans on our further tour in the Cité du Train in Mulhouse, France.
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150 Years Rottweil - Tuttlingen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the summer of 1869, the Rottweil - Tuttlingen section of the Gäubahn went into operation. A nostalgic photographic supplement.

Tour of the French Railway Museum Cité du Train (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Locomotives from 1844 onwards and very old cars characterise Hall B of the Cité du Train in Mulhouse, the largest railway museum in Europe. 42 photos of models that would appeal to many collectors in scale 1:32.
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Tour of the French Railway Museum Cité du Train (1)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
One visit is by no means enough to see the many exhibits at the Cité du Train in Mulhouse, France. A tour through the first hall with 35 photos.
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Pullman Cars at Cité du Train in France
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the Cité du Trains in Mulhouse, France, several blue Pullman cars are exhibited. These cars of the 1920s offered an impressive luxury to European travellers.

French 241 A1 at Cité du Train in Mulhouse
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the Cité du Train in Mulhouse, France, you will find the 241 A1. It is the prototype of a steam locomotive series, of which Märklin chose the 241-A-65 as a reference. 21 photos of the impressive steam locomotive and little known facts.

Weiacher Hoppers and More
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler's four-axle gravel cars from Switzerland have quite modern prototypes. A series of 47 pictures gives an insight into what the cars look like in operation.

Another T 3
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the 1970s - and again today - you could experience a T 3. Irretrievable photos taken in 1972 of a locomotive with a train in proper style and a station that had long since disappeared.

Deutsche Bundesbahn 1968 in Ulm and Augsburg
by Friedhelm Weidelich
My first long journey in search of interesting locomotives led in summer 1968 to Ulm and Augsburg. 17 pictures from times long past.

Deutsche Bundesbahn in 1968
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Slowly my photographic range of action is increasing in 1968. But first we take a look at passenger trains with three-axle conversion cars and at freight traffic.
1: Once again my afternoon perspective in Aldingen, about 16 o'clock. A Rottweil P 8 brings the conversion car train to Tuttlingen. The guard wears the blue-black uniform with the high hat usual at that time. The conductor in the luggage compartment gives the departure signal.
2: The turntable in Tuttlingen is defective, so the 38 3637 with closed cab rund backwards.
3: Aldingen celebrates a festivity on the sports ground. Why the 38 2039 reverses is unknown. The locomotive crew watch the hustle and bustle as they drive past.
4: In June, another V 100 comes into play. That's what locomotive drivers looked like on the V 100! The V 100 1218, built by Henschel in 1962, already bears the new "computer number" because the two German railways are introducing electronic data processing on a larger scale.
5: Again and again a Rottweil 44 pulls the conversion cars - due to circulation or because the 38s are slowly running short.
6: At the southern end of Aldingen's station, the 38 2242 takes a bend. In the background the church on the Dreifaltigkeitsberg.
7: In Ebingen (Württ) - today Albstadt-Ebingen and reduced to two tracks - a typical passenger train with auxiliary baggage car and conversion cars is waiting for the oncoming train.
8: 44 1376 reaches the end of the incline from Rottweil to Aldingen with a typical mixed freight train. The fireman has already burned the first tonne of coal on the 11 kilometers.
9: An unfortunately rare perspective from Aldingen. The freight train with sliding wall cars and many different boxcars is waiting for the passenger train. On platform 1, women and children (in knee socks) and the handcart are waiting for the next train, luggage and express goods. In the foreground are the steel wires that control switches and form signals. They come at the kilometer marker from the signal box extension from the 1930s. Since a few years the annex has been removed.
10: A short local freight train with hopper and sliding wall cars.
11: Spaichingen's Köf II no longer has a special coupler. Because the signal box in the direction of Tuttlingen was only occupied at train crossings, the shunting locomotive always arrived on track 3 with its "handover". By order of the dispatcher she then drove past the switch in the direction of Rottweil. Then the turnout was switched by wire and the shunting locomotive driver was ordered by manual signal to move to track 1. From there, further marshalling movements on the loading tracks were organized.
12: A local freight train in Tuttlingen. At that time freight trains looked like this, four-axle freight cars were still rare. Goods were often covered with tarpaulins. - The range of freight cars for gauge 1 is unfortunately quite small.
13: A refrigerator train rolls past Bernau in Bavaria. Today, refrigerated goods travel by truck.
14: Spaichingen's Köf II has now been renumbered 323 740-1. The "Deutsche Bundesbahn" lettering has not yet been replaced by the DB logo. An E 040 with scrap and a boxcar will be brought immediately to Spaichingen.
15: Freight traffic is still strong in Trossingen City, the terminal of a private shortline electrified from the beginning in 1898. The container car must have been quite new, the container still belongs to the DB. Someone painted smilies on the buffer plates. - The 1-gauge industry still strongly neglects the topic of containers, although it can be used over the epochs III to VI. These two-axle carrying wagons are still in operation.
16: 50 2970 from Bw Radolfzell reaches the end of the gradient on 24.12.1968 with her long freight train in Aldingen. For good reason there are no new locomotive numbers on the outside. Inside the cab the number 052 970-1 should have been indicated since 1.1.1968. It is one of her last trips: One week later the steam locomotive is taken out of service, on 3.3.1969 it is decommissioned. The steam locomotive era at Deutsche Bundesbahn is coming to an unstoppable end.

Deutsche Bundesbahn in 1966
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Who remembers the Deutsche Bundesbahn about 50 years ago? I have checked my photo archive. 14 photos from times long past.

Deutsche Bundesbahn 1966/1967
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Who remembers the Deutsche Bundesbahn about 50 years ago? I have checked my photo archive. 14 photos from times long past.

Weathered Buildings
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Gebäude verwittern mit der Zeit, wenn sie nicht gepflegt werden. Und sie zeigen Spuren von Umbauten. Einige Fotos.

Luxon - A private Luxury Train with Michelin-starred Cuisine
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Travelling by train trough Europe on the panorama deck and dining with the star chef - this dream can now be fulfilled with the most luxurious parlor car in the world. I had the opportunity to experience the atmosphere in Luxon and to meet the highly decorated chef.
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