Recension: Vollendete Baukunst from Volker Gerisch
by Friedhelm Weidelich
"Vollendete Baukunst" - Perfect Architecture is the name of the large-format book by artist and model builder Volker Gerisch. The title could not be more apt, because Gerisch leaves nothing unfinished, he miniaturizes in 1:22.5 scale and goes to the limits of what is possible - occasionally even beyond. This has also resulted in by-products such as old-fashioned telephones and lamps in 1:32 for 1 gauge.
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Review: Die Baureihe 18.1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The "Schöne Württembergerin", the class C of the K.W.St.E. and later class 181, is comprehensively described in a new book.

Review: Eisenbahngeschichte Elsass-Lothringen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
For the first time a German book describes in detail the eventful history of the railroads in Alsace and Lorraine, France. It is worth reading.

Review: Herkules, Goliath & Co – Rail cranes
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Railroad cranes may be among the least known rail vehicles. This subject, reserved for specialists, has rarely been covered in magazines and books. Udo Kandler has rolled up the history of German rail cranes in his book published by EK-Verlag and compiled spectacular pictures.

Recension: Eisenbahnreisen - Fernweh auf Schienen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
„Eisenbahnreisen - Fernweh auf Schienen“ is the title of a new illustrated book, which has been published as a licensed edition from Transpress of the English book "Railway Journeys" by David Ross (Amber Books). Arranged according to continents, you will find here in the large format 290 mm x 213 mm about 210 photos from all over the world, knowledgeably annotated to 2020.
Read more … Recension: Eisenbahnreisen - Fernweh auf Schienen

French Steam Engine 241-A-65 by Märklin Reviewed
by Friedhelm Weidelich
SNCF's 241-A-65 is a Swiss-based heritage locomotive that leaves no one cold. As a Märklin model for gauge 1 it was worth 98 photos in large format. The pictures of this impressive French locomotive show its strengths and few weaknesses, the review is in progress.
Read more … French Steam Engine 241-A-65 by Märklin Reviewed

Review: The pre-war locomotives of the Reichsbahn
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Many electric locomotives of the former state railways and the Deutsche Reichsbahn have fallen into oblivion because they were only built in small numbers and did not always prove themselves. The German language book by Dirk Winkler recalls them with brilliant photos once again in the memory of railway enthusiasts and engineers. The text has unfortunately turned out rather joyless due to unnecessary flaws.
Read more … Review: The pre-war locomotives of the Reichsbahn

DB Class 078 from Kiss Reviewed
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modelle von Lokomotiven, die man selbst erlebt und fotografiert hat, sind relativ selten. Umso erfreulicher ist es, wenn von Kiss Modellbahnen eines der letzten Exemplare der Baureihe 78 als Spur-1-Modell angeboten wird. Die 078 192-2 war zuletzt im Bw Rottweil eingesetzt und fuhr von Rottweil aus Personenzüge nach Tuttlingen, Villingen und Horb – und auch den letzten nach Balingen.
Wie gut ist das Modell gelungen und stimmt es auch mit dem Vorbild überein? Fünf Vorbildfotos und über 70 Bilder des Modells erleichtern die Beurteilung.