
In January 2010, it snowed in Düsseldorf. The inexperienced street cleaning service struggled with the small amount of snow with little success. But the Rheinbahn had an old snow plow. Pictures of the operation.


There are three somewhat hidden collections and museums in the Hanover area that technology enthusiasts and engineers should not miss out on. Children and grandchildren can be there and will be amazed, because many things can be touched.


Not only in the United States, but also in Germany, trams fell victim to motorization and short-sighted traffic experts. This also applies to the Reutlingen tram on a meter gauge, which was discontinued in 1974 and even operated freight traffic until 1962. Eleven historical pictures from 1972 with a flair that has long gone.


MiniArt is constantly expanding its range of kits in 1:35 scale with civilian motifs.

Many of them can also be used together with 1:32 scale.