Spur 1 Austria's Gravita Weathered
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Horst Göhr has brought the drive of the Gravita from Gauge 1 Austria up to date and patinated the model. 18 photos.

Weathered Wood
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Gauge 1 is ideally suited for prototypical patination, which should not stop at buildings. In addition to a keen sense of observation and a willingness to experiment, photos serve as a welcome stimulus.
Weathered G 90 from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler had the hand sample of the G 90 patinated. A few photos.

Refrigerator Car, Weathered by Horst Göhr
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Horst Göhr has weathered a refrigerator car at the end of its operational life.

Weathered Electric Locomotives
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modern and old electric locomotives bear weathering and operating traces of varying intensity. But some traces they have in common. 45 photos with which you can judge the quality of patination on gauge 1 models.

Weathered Tank Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Horst Göhr demonstrates with three 1 gauge tank cars how to weather freight cars close to the prototype and without uniform mist from the airbrush.

Weathered Stake Car
by Friedhelm Weidelich
You don't have to do much to patina Wunder's factory-painted stake cars. The Ziegler brothers show in pictures how they made a model with weathering marks and touched up areas.

A Weathered Express Train Engine
by Gastautor
Hans and Walter Ziegler show how they patinated an 01 from KM1 with simple means. This gives courage to try it yourself. Some prototype photos from the end of the steam era give suggestions how far you should (not) go.

Weathered Freight Cars the Ziegler Way (4)
by Gastautor
The fourth part deals with two self-built gauge 1 boxcars from the 1980s and other freight car models that were worn out in service.

Weathered Freight Cars the Ziegler Way (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
We continue with patinating examples of the Ziegler brothers. The pictures speak for themselves.

Weathered Freight Cars the Ziegler Way (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Hans and Walter Ziegler have taken two more freight cars for weathering.
The 1-gauge cars show the long years of service of the prototypes.

Weathered Freight Cars the Ziegler Way
by Gastautor
"Only through patination a row of cars will look like a real train," wrote Hans Ziegler and sent an article and many pictures showing how he and his brother Walter proceeded with weathering freight cars. This is because brand-new gauge 1 models appear somewhat out of place on a railway landscape that is obviously close to the original.

A Weathered SBB Eaos
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Achim Lutz has weathered a pseudo-patinated used SBB Eaos open freight car from Märklin according to a prototype photo. The effort was worth it.