
Weinert's kits for 1 gauge are generally well designed and do not place too great demands on the skills of the modeller. Hans Ziegler has combined a kit with his own parts and refined the street lamp. A suggestion that also helps to save money.


Gauge 1 locomotives became more detailed and got new features almost every year. Hans and Walter Ziegler have equipped some older models with lubrication pumps that appear to be powered.


Painting figures for 1 gauge is not so difficult with good tools. Fine brushes and pens facilitate the work.


Figures have been a trend item in 1 gauge since 3D printing has reached a quality where the fine layers are hardly or not at all visible. This type of production allows all the freedom in the poses, since there is no need to pay attention to undercuts and the position in steel molds. Large series are no longer to be expected in this size anyway.

But 3D-printed figures are generally offered unpainted. If you want to paint them yourself, you have to overcome a few hurdles and, above all, you need the right tools for the precision work on the mini-humans. Part 1 of a series on painting gauge 1 figures.


With original accessories, old car models can be remarketed. Märklin took this approach with the G 10 and upgraded it to a car for livestock transport. The gauge 1 model 58945 brings a few hours of handicraft fun into the house and stimulates the imagination.


Car kits for gauge 1 are rare and overstrain many model railroaders. Inspired by the requests of live steam railroaders from Switzerland, Dingler dared the experiment and published two kits of Baden cars. The baggage car offers hardly any major hurdles even for beginners - if they know a few tricks and tools. It is not a quick kit for three afterwork hours. But with a little patience and my detailed assembly instructions with 60 pictures you will successfully reach your goal.


It couldn't be better: Yves Rittener shows how he built the vines for a 1-gauge club layout. The result is high-end model making.

On ne peut pas faire mieux: Yves Rittener montre comment il a construit les vignes pour un aménagement de club de voie 1. Le résultat est un modélisme de première classe.