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A self-built Vineyard based on Reality


Yves Rittener is currently building a vineyard at the MEP Club in Meilen in Switzerland, based on vineyards from the Lavaux area near the village of Villette in western Switzerland.

"Every month I went to take pictures to understand the vine. I decided to depict it in its state from spring to early summer," Yves wrote. With good reason: "This will prevent me from making the grapes too." Because they're even harder to represent than the vines.

Yves Rittener noted: > I searched the market for examples that were not at all convincing. I contacted Uwe Teichmann, the German specialist for extremely natural looking model trees, and we spent three hours working together. He showed me the possible manufacturing process.

First we searched with a colleague for the right topography to make them identical in styrofoam. Then I created examples to perform size tests. All the green is made with Microrama products: RTS Greenkeeper, Magigras resin and flocking. <

Yves' task was to recreate the retaining walls of quarry stone for the terraced vineyard. To do this, he took small stones and put them together in an exemplary manner.

The photos show the first steps and a section of the finished vineyard, which runs behind the railway line of the club complex.

In the next part the production of the vines is shown step by step.

En français:

Je réalise au club MEP à Meilen une partie du vignoble au 1/32. J’ai été tous les mois faire des photos afin de comprendre la vigne. Jâi décidé de réaliser pendant la période du printemps – début été. Cela m’évitera de réaliser les grappes de raisin

J’ai cherché sur le marché des exemples pas du tout convaincan. J’ai pris contact avec Uwe Teichmann (spécialite de la fabrication des arbres) et nous avons passé 3 heures ensemble. Il ma montré le procès de fabrication possible.

En premier avec un collègue nous avons cherché la topographie afin de réaliser à l’identique en styropor. Par la suite j’ai créé des exemples pour faire des test de grandeur. Toute la verdure est réalisée avec les produits de Microrama: RTS Greenkeeper, résine Magigras et flocage.

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