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Märklineum Opening Today


As of today, the Märklineum in Göppingen is open. As the management informed the media representatives, it is a "silent" opening due to the Corona situation - without an opening event.

The main attraction will be the "160 Years of Märklin" exhibition on more than 1,000 square meters of exhibition space. Products from the entire history of the company will be presented here. Not only model trains but also very old toys for girls, ships, construction sets and cars. Interactive media technology and creative stagings make the Märklin story comprehensible. In addition, the construction of a large H0 layout can be followed. In addition, there is a store and a bistro.

Since the number of visitors has to be limited due to the corona, tickets must be purchased online in advance. (The English ticket shop is not functional yet.)


pronounced Maer-klea-nay-um

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