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Power Shovel from Weinert


Weinert announced the now available kit for several model railroad gauges back in 2018. The hand scraper for gauge 1, item number 2940, is a wide shovel that was guided by hand and pulled by an electric motor via a steel cable. The German word Schrapper was probably adopted from the English “scraper”, which means a scraper, spatula or prospector.

The power shovel was used to drag coal, sand, gravel or other bulk materials stored on the ground onto a conveyor belt embedded in the ground in a labor-saving manner. Allegedly, it was also used to unload open freight cars. To do this, the motor had to be attached to the sled-like frame outside the car.

The Weinert kit consists of fine centrifugal castings, a chain and a piece of wire for the tow rope. The recommended price is €43.60.


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