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Preview of Spur1- & Spur0-Messe Mainz 2023


The 2022 show for gauges 1 and 0, held for the first time in Mainz, was still entirely under the influence of Corona. Masks were mandatory. Nevertheless, the mood in the locomotive shed was good, many were happy about the relaxed get-together at this show, which covered the old loco shed and two adjoining rooms.

Now Klaus Wagner invites again to Mainz and could attract many old and new exhibitors.


Bees Modellbahn
Bünnig Modellbau
Büttner Ladegüter
Der Lokladen/Dingler
Division Models
Fine Models/Kiss/Spur1-Exklusiv
Heubeck Antiquariat
Hofmanns Modellbau
Hosenträger Rail Systems
H0 Fine Melinda Hellmann
Lok und Waggonbau
MAKO Modelbau
Minas Spielzeugkiste
RTS Greenkeeper Mit kleinen Vorführungen im Landschafts Bau!
Studio95 Aalen
Stiletto Antiquariat
Oppermann Modellbau
Heiko Schlag
Karl Henneböhl
Franz Gruber


Spur 0 Modellbahnfreunde Walldürn
Spur-0-Anlage Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway von Jonas Sommer.
Spur 1 Fahrdiorama Kleinbahn Haus Escherde von Frank Böttcher
Spur 1 Team Siegenburg mit neuer Anlage
Spur 1 Module von Marc Schneider
Spur 1 Anlage Das kleine Bw von Klaus Wagner
Feldbahn 1f von Thomas Zeitz
Tinplate Spur-1-Anlage von H. Heller

If everything works out, Dingler will introduce a new model. We can also expect new hand samples at Fine Models & Co.

The show will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on May 6, 2023, and from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on May 7. Adults pay €12 admission, with discounts available for families and children. Ample parking is available. Address: Alte Lokhalle, Mombacher Straße 78, 55122 Mainz, Germany.

Lok- und Waggonbau Klaus Wagner

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