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Spur-1-Treffen Sinsheim 2020 Cancelled


Press release of the Museum:

We very much regret this decision, but we had no other choice now. Apart from the requirements of the state government of Baden-Württemberg, it would also have made no economic sense for everyone involved, i.e. ourselves, clubs, manufacturers and dealers. We also ask for your understanding that we cannot offer an alternative date later in the year - this is due to the fact that the main hall is already reserved for other events and/or for personnel reasons it would not be possible to hold the event on certain weekends. The earliest possible catch-up date would have been so close to 2021 that this would not have made sense.

The next Spur 1 Treffen will take place in Sinsheim on 19 and 20 June 2021.

It's a pity that the traditionally unfavorable summer date has not been set a little earlier...


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