Subscription & Registration

Welcome to spur1info, the online magazine for Gauge 1.

spur1info provides only little information for free, because quality does not come for free. There are detailed articles for subscribers in German and English with up to 80 photos: exclusive news, current trade fair reports, model reviews, project and delivery trables, layout presentations, information about small series manufacturers and much more. As a subscriber, you may also read older  articles in the archive.

If you would like access to paid content, you need to register briefly and select your access data. You do not enter into a contract with the registration yet.

Your subscription will be activated manually by the Editor and starts as soon as your transfer is credited. If no payment is received within 8 days, your data will be deleted.

The subscription begins with receipt of payment and ends automatically, if you do not extend it by a transfer. The expiration date will be displayed after each login.

If you wish to cancel your subscription early, you can cancel it at after three months time. For the remaining full months, the subscription price will be refunded.

Subscription Rate

One year: €96.00 (Euro, EUR)

If spur1info is more valuable to you and you would like to promote manufacturer-independent and up-to-date reporting, it may also be a little more. A big thank you in advance!

Payment Methods

You may pay with Paypal and bank transfer. The data will be displayed after registration.


For access to paid content, spur1info only needs a small quantity of data. Please choose a user name (no complicated e-mail addresses please!) and enter a password (at least eight digits, preferably letters and numbers) twice. Please make a note of your access data or save it in your Internet browser under "Settings". The system blocks access for three minutes if you enter the data incorrectly three times.

Please add 9 and 1.

By clicking on "Register" you agree to the storage and processing of your data. (Our Terms and Conditions)

After receipt of payment your account will be manually activated and you will receive a notification.
This usually only takes a few minutes, in exceptional cases a few hours when I am not in the office. If you are a new subscriber, I will notify you by e-mail.

Subscription Renewal

To renew your subscription please this way.