Photos from the US and Berlin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
An exhibition worth seeing with staged photos from the USA and an interesting newspaper article with documenting photos show many railway motifs from the 20th century.

Affordable Locomotive Cradle
by Friedhelm Weidelich
If 1-gauge models are to be oiled, repaired or for other reasons not to stand on their wheels, you will need a foam locomotive cradle. It shouldn't be expensive.
Done: Photos are visible
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dear readers,
Good news: The photos are now visible and are displayed in greater brilliance and sharpness.
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Coupling 1-gauge Passenger Cars from earlier Epochs Easier
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A cohesive train appearance as with the prototype is a matter of nerves of steel with four-axle passenger cars on gauge 1. Even the fine motor skills of a surgeon won't get you far. But there are now practicable tools to solve these problems cleverly and to ensure an automatic connection of the cars.
Read more … Coupling 1-gauge Passenger Cars from earlier Epochs Easier