Rigibahn and More from Kiss Modellbahnen Schweiz
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the Spur1/Spur0 fair in Mainz, the small Rigibahn locomotive on the rack fascinated.
Read more … Rigibahn and More from Kiss Modellbahnen Schweiz

Starting up Fine Models' Bavarian Cogwheel Locomotive
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Only a small double-digit number of customers receive the small series model of the Bavarian cogwheel locomotive PtzL 3/4 or the later class 971 from Fine Models these days. The highly complex handbuilt model is even more enjoyable if you take your time during commissioning. A comprehensive article about the first-class model with practical tips for running in.
Read more … Starting up Fine Models' Bavarian Cogwheel Locomotive

DB Cogwheel Steam Locomotive 97 101 from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Die 97 101 der DB im Zustand von 1962 von Fine Models ist die zweite Variante, die hier in 36 Fotos vorgestellt wird. Sie unterscheidet sich in vielen Punkten von dem zuvor gezeigten Länderbahn-Modell.
Read more … DB Cogwheel Steam Locomotive 97 101 from Fine Models

Bavarian Cogwheel PtzL from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Only forty models of the exclusive Bavarian cogwheel locomotive PtzL 3/4 and the DRG and DB versions are offered by Fine Models. 29 photos show the details of the Epoch I version.

A Closer Look at the Handmade Sample of the Bavarian Cogwheel Locomotive by Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Read more … A Closer Look at the Handmade Sample of the Bavarian Cogwheel Locomotive by Fine Models

Bavarian Cogwheel Locomotive by Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models has today received two hand samples of the Bavarian cogwheel steam locomotive PtzL 3/4, which are only produced in an exclusive edition of 40 pieces. Here are the first photos.

New: Bavarian PtzL 3/4 from Fine Models (updated)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Christmas presents are never ending: Fine Models announces tomorrow the Bavarian rack locomotive PtzL 3/4. Here already are the details and photos of the handmade samples.
Read more … New: Bavarian PtzL 3/4 from Fine Models (updated)