Freight Cars we could use
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A whole range of freight cars are still waiting to be realized as a gauge 1 model. Special cars are particularly interesting.

Dingler's Class 87 is nearing Completion
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Work continues on the Dingler class 87 for gauge 1. The steam loco with Luttermöller axles is to be delivered this year.

Railroad Crossing with Railroad Buff
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Ambitious model railroad projects take a long time, especially in gauge 1. One reader's model of a gated railroad crossing is nearing completion and will be surprising for its unique functions.

Old Photographs of DB Class 44
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The class 44 with its three-cylinder engine was one of the most impressive standard design locomotives. 27 pictures that I took in the 1960s and 1970s.

Freight Train Baggage Car Pwgs 44 from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Boxcar “Bremen” and the Pwgs 44 are based on the same underframe. A good reason for Spur 1 Austria to also produce this freight train baggage car, which is widely used in Germany and Austria, as a gauge 1 model.
Read more … Freight Train Baggage Car Pwgs 44 from Spur 1 Austria

How Concrete Ties are made (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Which locomotives bring the prestressed concrete sleepers to the track construction site? Variety is guaranteed.

How Concrete Ties are made (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After the concrete has hardened in the mold, the prestressed concrete sleeper is not yet finished. Part 2 of an exploration.

How Concrete Ties are made
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Without concrete ties, not much can be done on the railroad. But how are they made and what do they really look like? Part 1 of an exploration.

News about Märklin's Wismar Rail Bus
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A 3D print was also shown at the Spur 1 meeting in Speyer. However, the development of the Wismar railcar from Märklin is already further advanced.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Class 218 and Eurofima Car from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder's Eurofima car had its premiere at the 1 Gauge meet in Speyer. The hand-built sample of the class 218 has also turned out well.
Read more … Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Class 218 and Eurofima Car from Wunder

DB Station Signs of Epoch III
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Station signs are a little-discussed topic. The following article, with original documents, describes how they were supposed to be since era III of the Deutsche Bundesbahn.

Reutlingen Sued Station
by Gastautor
Spur1-igartig.de has masterfully built a substantial part of the Reutlingen South Station as a Gauge 1 model. The building is intended to be the impressive centerpiece of the diorama, with a highly interesting track plan.

An Old Dortmund Brewery
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Der Würfel mit den vier beleuchteten U-Buchstaben steht noch auf dem Turm am Dortmunder Hauptbahnhof. Auch wenn DUB jetzt DAB ist, eignete sich die Brauerei als Inspiration für ein Spur-1-Diorama. Und ganz in der Nähe herrscht Wiedersehensfreude.
New Freight Cars from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke will soon be introducing new state railway freight cars.

Production Samples of the Wine Barrel Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
22 photos of the German and Swiss wine barrel cars that Fine Models will deliver for gauge 1 at the end of October.
Read more … Production Samples of the Wine Barrel Cars from Fine Models

Production Samples of the Fine Models' Freight Train Vans
by Friedhelm Weidelich
27 Fotos der Güterzug-Begleitwagen Pwgs 41 der zweiten Serie, die Fine Models Ende Oktober für die Spur 1 ausliefern wird. Mit dabei ist auch der rote Wendezug-Befehlswagen.
Read more … Production Samples of the Fine Models' Freight Train Vans

Recent 1 Gauge Cars from Fine Models and Kiss
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modern freight cars are colorful. The gray service tank cars of the DB have become yellow and red water cars. A few yellow examples for gauge 1 are still available at Kiss.

Review: Deutsche Bundesbahn in Farbe
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Color pictures of railways were rather rare in the post-war and subsequent economic "miracle period" of Germany. Heinrich Petersen searched for such pictures at the Railway Foundation and provided vivid commentaries on them.

Production Model of Wunder's DB 098 812-1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After the 9810, Wunder is now delivering the class 988 with Bavarian roots as an all-round successful gauge 1 model. 46 photos in large format.

Production Sample of DB Class 44 from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Before the production models start rolling shortly, an intensive look at the Spur 1 Austria production sample: 44 1267 from Bw Rheine with tub tender. 75 large format photos.
Read more … Production Sample of DB Class 44 from Spur 1 Austria

Preview of car models soon to be delivered by Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models GmbH is on vacation until the end of August. Spur1info already has 63 photos of production models of the freight train baggage car and the luxury horse-drawn carriage.
Read more … Preview of car models soon to be delivered by Fine Models

Märklin's Wismar Railcar will be Delivered Later
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Wismar railcars from Märklin for gauge 1 will come later.
Read more … Märklin's Wismar Railcar will be Delivered Later

Transporting Tubes and Pipes
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A couple of photos of freight trains loaded with tubes. 1971 and 2007.

DB Service Tank Car from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Kiss will soon be delivering the DB service tank car. A production model stood in front of the camera. 30 photos.

DB MOW Car from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
When enough conversion cars were available for passenger trains, the Deutsche Bahn converted many Donnerbüchsen into railroad service cars. Kiss Modellbahnen offers a maintenance car with kitchen compartment for gauge 1 for epochs IIIb to IV, as they could be found at many medium and large stations.

DB Push-Pull Command Car from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
All but a few of the Kiss Modellbahnen thunderboxes are sold out. A few DB push-pull command cars are still available: 56 inspiring images.

Preview of the Wunder DB Express Train Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder will soon be delivering the DB express train cars. A preview of the excellent, long sold-out gauge 1 models.

The History of Train Toilets at the DB Museum
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The DB Museum is venturing into one of the last hardly explored topics in railroad history. Next Friday, April 26, 2024, the Nuremberg museum will launch the special exhibition “Under Pressure. The history of the train toilet”. In eight themed areas with around 150 exhibits, documents and photos, the development of the train toilet from its beginnings in the 19th century to the present day is recounted. Exhibits include the chamber pot from Chancellor Otto von Bismarck's drawing room carriage, a model of a faeces transport carriage, toilets in original and miniature size, a pioneering bioreactor and many stories to make you smile.
Giessen: Hand Samples from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Here are a few photos of the now painted and lettered hand samples from Gauge 1 Austria, which were exhibited in Giessen.

Giessen: From Braubach to Bad Willemshoehe
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Three interconnected gauge 1 layouts from the Netherlands were the main attraction in Hall 1 at the International Gauge 0+1 Days in Giessen. Model building at the highest level has been offered here. 36 photos in large format.

Giessen: Last Trains to Remscheid's Branch
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Frank Mäule and Alexander Lösch have created a diorama in gauge 1 to commemorate the remaining branch near Remscheid. Model building at a very high level, as was the case at the International Gauge 0+1 Days in Giessen.
Giessen: Spur 1 Austria's Henschel Wegmann Train
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Gauge 1 Austria showed the Henschel-Wegmann train in two versions in Giessen: Deutsche Reichsbahn Gesellschaft and Deutsche Bundesbahn.
Read more … Giessen: Spur 1 Austria's Henschel Wegmann Train
Giessen: Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The three hand samples of the gauge 1 DB class 151 from Märklin made a very good impression.

Photos of DB Class 212 since 1967
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The more powerful version of Deutsche Bundesbahn's V 100, the class 212 since 1968, in pictures from a bygone era. And one that looks like new.

DB Class 211 at Epoch IV
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The V 100 of the Deutsche Bundesbahn, the later classes 211 to 213, were not particularly popular because they replaced the steam locomotives. Today, every photo of this diesel locomotive is a joy to behold.

Production Model of DB Class 54 from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Delivery of the DB class 5415-17 freight locomotive, formerly the Bavarian class G 3/4, is underway. Kiss Modellbahnen has once again completed a beautiful model for gauge 1. 60 large format pictures and a review.
Read more … Production Model of DB Class 54 from Kiss Modellbahnen
Bundesbahn Version of Fine Models' Bavarian Crane
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The hand sample of the Bavarian crane from Fine Models in the Bundesbahn version is much more complex than the Länderbahn version.
Read more … Bundesbahn Version of Fine Models' Bavarian Crane

Hand Sample of Bavarian Crane Set from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Bavarian state railroad cars are ideal for gauge 1 because they are short and often have unusual shapes. Fine Models has now received the hand samples of the crane wagon and other models. I have photographed them in detail.
Read more … Hand Sample of Bavarian Crane Set from Fine Models

Telephone Stories
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Railroads fascinate most of us because of their technology. From the track system to the radio technologies for train movements and communication between train crews and operations centers and signal boxes, we find here a collection of mostly interlinked technologies that did not exist anywhere else in this form.
This is about telephones of the Deutsche Bundespost and the Deutsche Bundesbahn.

New Hand Samples from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke have received two hand samples of the Moha milk tank wagons for gauge 1.

Dingler's 1 Gauge DB Wismar Railcar
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler produced eleven variants of the Wismar rail bus. The young Deutsche Bundesbahn version was on the photo table. 33 photos with all the details.

Diorama Idea: Klusenstein
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Chance brought an old manuscript to light that contained a proposal for an H0 diorama. However, with a little more space you could also develop a varied diorama for gauge 1 that is suitable for all eras. Klusenstein is ideally suited as a layout area for short trains from 1912 to the present day.

Swing-roof self-unloading Car from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The DB self-unloading car Ktmmv 69, which Wunder presented as a hand sample, also characterized mixed freight trains from the 1960s until today. A few examples should enrich the freight
car fleet.

Hand Sample of a Belgian Hopper from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder has announced several self-discharging wagons that are already impressive as hand samples and are extremely inexpensive. Among them is an Otmm 70 in the SNCB version. 34 photos with all the details.

DB Apron Express Car from Wunder (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder again takes the detailing of the gauge 1 model to the extreme with the DB apron express train car.

New Bavarian Freight Car from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models is expanding its 1 gauge range for friends of Bavarian railroads with more freight cars. Detailed information and first photos of two hand samples.
News from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
For the current tenth anniversary of Steiner Modellwerke, there is a new freight car - and an update.

Country Station with Potential - Part III
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Our country station offers plenty of inspiration for all Gauge 1 enthusiasts who want to build their tracks as close to the prototype as possible. 71 photos with incredible details.

Country Station with Potential - Part II
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The rural station in Baden-Württemberg is structurally compact and operationally productive. Inspiring historic photos and a continuing chance find that demonstrates the potential of a gauge 1 layout.

Country Station with Potential - in Reality and in Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Sometimes it's the small stations that have a lot to offer, especially for freight traffic, and that don't require complicated track plans. If they can be used for several epochs, they are perfect for gauge 1. I found such a station in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Read more … Country Station with Potential - in Reality and in Gauge 1

First Impressions of Märklin's Class 151
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has received a running sample of the DB class 151 electric locomotive. First snapshots of the gauge 1 model assembled from the production parts.

1 Gauge Rotary Snow Plough from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
From China, Fine Models sent photos of all versions of Henschel's rotary snow plough for 1 gauge.

A Short International Train from Switzerland
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the popular epoch IV, short express trains were observed as well, for example between Zurich and Stuttgart. Pictures from my archive with interesting train consists from 1970 to today.

Spur 1 Austria to produce Rottweil's 44 460
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the current newsletter, Spur 1 Austria announces the 44 460 from Bw Rottweil, which was taken out of service in Crailsheim in 1973.

Koef II from Steiner Modellwerke on the Photo Desk
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The second batch of Köf II is delivered by Steiner Modellwerke. A few impressions of the well-done locomotive.
Read more … Koef II from Steiner Modellwerke on the Photo Desk

October 1970: two Hours at the Station
by Friedhelm Weidelich
I photographed a hard-working class 50, a 044, an 038, and more at Aldingen in October 1970. The first of the two freight trains contained a surprise.

Images of Deutsche Bundesbahn's Class 44
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Because of the almost sensational demand for gauge 1 models of the class 44 or 043 and 044, I looked into my archive. The tremendous steam development of this heavy three-cylinder freight locomotive made for spectacular pictures.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Spur 01 Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the new booth, Spur 01 Modellbahnen showed a hand sample of the DB class 66.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Hand Samples from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In addition to the SNCF steam locomotive 231.G/K, Wunder showed other hand samples of Bavarian locomotives and a four-axle conversion car in Speyer.

Scan stories: Singen in June 1975
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Scanning old negatives is time-consuming and puzzling. But a special train in Singen in 1975 could be dated. A few days later, an unusual work train passed by that could almost be recreated on 1 gauge.
DB Class 181.2 from Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There is an interesting film about the DB class 1812 in H0 at Märklin-TV.

History of Muengsten Bridge
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Müngsten Bridge, opened in 1897, is 107 meters high and crosses the Wupper near Solingen with two tracks in a spectacular way. A remarkably good film about Germany's highest railroad bridge is available at public service TV WDR.

Stuttgart Hbf around 1971
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Stuttgart's main station was a well-functioning terminus with interesting rolling stock in the 1970s. A look back to epoch IV. Later, Märklin also advertised model trains here.

The Emergency Train of Bw Rottweil
by Friedhelm Weidelich
When the Deutsche Bundesbahn was still run by experienced railroaders, every depot had an emergency train ready to provide rapid assistance in the event of a derailment. Of course, locomotives and personnel were also kept on hand for this purpose. So they were quickly on the spot.
Meet the Rottweil emergency train on standby and on the way is shown in ten pictures that I took about 50 years ago.

Deutsche Bundesbahn 50 Years ago
by Friedhelm Weidelich
50 years ago, the steam locomotive era of the Deutsche Bundesbahn was almost over. Special trips with steam trains, circulations of the last steam locomotives and test runs with converted vehicles determined the picture. 18 photos from my archive that bring long-forgotten things back to light.

Images of Dingler's Class 87
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler has new photos of the hand sample of the class 87 announced over the weekend.
Novelty from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler will be showing a hand sample of a new locomotive in Mainz today. Here are the details.

Images of Dingler's Tadgs Hoppers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler's side unloading cars (hoppers) for gauge 1 are now available. First photos of the production models.

Internationale Spur 0+1 Tage: The little Depot
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Lok- und Waggonbau Klaus Wagner presented a diorama in Gießen that was designed down to the last detail and featured several locomotives: The small depot.
Models for neighboring Countries
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Models of certain variants of the class 44 are also offered by Spur 1 Austria in small editions for our neighboring countries.
Spur 1 Austria propose également des modèles de certaines variantes de la série 44 en petite édition pour nos pays voisins.

Kiss' new Hand Sample on the Studio Table
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The hand sample of the Kiss DB oil car makes a largely convincing impression in the photo studio. But setting the right tone is harder than you think.

DB Tank Car from Kiss - First Images
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models/Kiss Modellbahnen Germany has received a hand sample of the DB service tank car. First photos of the gauge 1 model.

A refurbished Freight Car
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Obsolete gauge 1 brass models can be brought up to a higher standard - and offer tinkering fun. Bernhard Lindlbauer has taken on an old gondola.

Gauge 1 Novelties from Weinert
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After a long break, Weinert Modellbau is again developing some fine accessories for 1 gauge.

Hand Sample of Wunder's DB 98.10 Steam Locomotive
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The hand sample of Deutsche Bundesbahn's class 9810, which Wunder will produce for Gauge 1, is likely to trigger a desire to buy among Bavaria fans. 35 photos showing all the details.
Read more … Hand Sample of Wunder's DB 98.10 Steam Locomotive

DRG Type Koef II from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A review and 46 large format photos show the strengths and small shortcomings of the Koef II, first batch, from Steiner Modellwerke. A gauge 1 model that is a joy to look at and also well suited for shunting dioramas.

Hand Sample of DB Electric Loco E 93 from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Looking at the cabs of Wunder's E 93 hand sample makes you want to climb aboard. 52 photos show the qualities of the highly detailed brass model for gauge 1, which is scheduled for delivery in 2023.
Read more … Hand Sample of DB Electric Loco E 93 from Wunder

Photos of Fine Models' Bavarian Baggage Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models has received the first photos of two production models of the short Bavarian baggage cars.

Ochsenhausen - a Masterpiece in 1:32 Scale
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Not everyone has the space to document an entire station area in 1:32 scale. In narrow gauge, the stations are naturally smaller. Therefore, a masterpiece was created with the three structures of Ochsenhausen, which spur1info has the chance to show with 44 photos.

DB Swing Roof Cars from Wunder in View of the Camera
by Friedhelm Weidelich
50 photos and a review of Wunder's distinctive Bundesbahn KKks and Tae(m)s 890 swing roof cars for Gauge 1.
Read more … DB Swing Roof Cars from Wunder in View of the Camera

Hand Sample of the Cab Car from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The command car for push-pull trains is a hand sample from Kiss Modellbahnen with an interesting interior. 28 pictures showing all the details you haven't seen before.
Read more … Hand Sample of the Cab Car from Kiss Modellbahnen

A visit to Nuremberg (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The outdoor grounds of the DB Museum in Nuremberg are home to some rarities. But the mechanical signal boxes are not to be sneezed at either.

A visit to Nuremberg
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A visit to Nuremberg is worthwhile, because the city has a lot to offer. The main attraction for railroad fans should be the DB Museum, for which you should take plenty of time.

Bavarian Signs from the Good Old Days
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke has added Bavarian whistle and bell signs to its program.

1 Gauge Fall Novelties 2022 from Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin's fall novelties for Gauge 1 are big and heavy. In addition to the green Köfferli, there is also a German electric locomotive that is still in use today.

The Engine Room of Wunder's DB Class 151
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Usually, you see very little of the interior of an electric locomotive. Wunder's 151 for gauge 1 fascinates with a detailed replica of the engine room, where the bar is set very high. Exclusive pictures that fascinate.

Dingler's G 90 Available
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler has received the G 90 freight cars and is now starting delivery.

Steam Locomotive Class 52 from MBW for 1 Gauge
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The model of the class 52 for gauge 1, which will soon be available from MBW, is something to behold. 72 first-class photos in large format and a review without whitewashing.
Steam Locomotive from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Now the details of Wunder's class 935-12 for gauge 1 have been finalized.

Photos of MBW's DB Class 52
by Friedhelm Weidelich
60 photos of the production model of the DB class 52 from MBW.

Anniversary locomotive from MBW
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Like the DB class 111, the class 1812 is a timelessly beautiful locomotive. MBW has now announced that it will deliver the multi-system locomotive for the 50th anniversary in 2024. It will be able to handle international trains.
Handmade Samples of Fine Models' Donnerbüchsen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Due to slow customs clearance, the two Donnerbüchsen hand samples from Fine Models arrived only today. 18 pictures of the attractive passenger cars for gauge 1.

Deutsche Bundesbahn Class 64/064 in Pictures
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The class 64, which is being realized by MBW as a gauge 1 model, was a beautiful tender locomotive. 30 photos from my archive, some of them more than 50 years old, recall long-gone Bundesbahn times and the uses of the compact steam locomotive.
Novelty from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder has now decided to produce DB's four-axle conversion cars.

MaK 600 D for Private Railroad Companies from Spur1-Exklusiv
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The model has already been announced, now the hand sample is available: the MaK 600 D from Spur1-Exklusiv is nearing completion.
Read more … MaK 600 D for Private Railroad Companies from Spur1-Exklusiv

New Freight Car from Dingler - first Samples
by Friedhelm Weidelich
You don't have to own the most modern locomotive to form an era-appropriate freight train with Dingler's new cars. First information and photos of the two hand samples for subscribers.

TEE Train and More
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The E 03 001 with a TEE train was announced. But it was also worthwhile to be on the road with the camera. A picture sheet with 34 current photos.

Preview of Class 64 from MBW
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MBW has initial illustrations of the class 64 and is working on a quick delivery date.

An old V 60 with New Qualities
by Gastautor
Turning an old V 60 from Pein into a highly detailed, contemporary gauge 1 model: It's possible, if you are capable of doing it.

Track Maintenance Worker's House by Horst Göhr
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Horst Göhr has built a DB track maintenance worker's house.

Spur1/Spur0-Messe Mainz: Hünstetten Train Station
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Together Jörn Gomann, Marc Schneider showed his Hünstetten station, which allows for varied operation with only three switches.
Read more … Spur1/Spur0-Messe Mainz: Hünstetten Train Station

Images of DB Class 485
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In 1976, I photographed some DB class 485 railcars with class 885 cab cars in southern Baden.

Preview of the T3 from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Prussian T 3 from Wunder is expected to be delivered in March 2022. An intensive photographic look at the attractive gauge 1 model with 36 large format photos.

Handmade Sample of a DB Köf II from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The handbuilt model of the post-war version of the Köf II is presented with an open cab and BSI switching coupler. The DB locomotor model was developed by Steiner Modellwerke and is scheduled to be available as a production model in the summer of 2022.
Read more … Handmade Sample of a DB Köf II from Steiner Modellwerke

DB Switcher Class 323 from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the summer of 2022, the small Köf II or class 323 locomotives are to be delivered by Steiner Modellwerke. The excellent handbuilt model of the 323 454 in detail with 32 photos.

Bavarian rest-stop Signal of the Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The upcoming Bavarian rest-stop signal for gauge 1 offered by Steiner Modellwerke has a very special appeal.
Read more … Bavarian rest-stop Signal of the Steiner Modellwerke

Baden Main Signal of Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke is working on various semaphore signals. An intensive look at the hand pattern of the Baden main signal.

MBW announces DB V 60/260 Diecast Model
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Finally there is a new product announcement again. MBW intends to deliver models of the DB class V 60 and its following versions of the classes 260 ff. in 2023.

MBW will Produce the DB Class 65 (updated)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MBW has surprisingly announced that gauge 1 models of DB's class 65 will be delivered this year.

DB Class 111 for 1 Gauge from Wunder (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Part 2 of the review of Wunder's class 111 gauge 1 models with 31 crisp large format photos.

DB Class 111 for 1 Gauge from Wunder (1)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Three gauge 1 models of the DB class 111 from Wunder are shown and reviewed. Part 1 of the review contains 58 photos in large format for connoisseurs and the undecided.
Weathered G 90 from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler had the hand sample of the G 90 patinated. A few photos.

Freight Car Novelty from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler is presenting a two-axle freight car as the first new item in 2022 for Gauge 1. Not much time will pass until delivery.

MBW Announces Gauge 1 Model of Class 44
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MBW has set out to produce class 44 steam locomotives for gauge 1. Individual details have already been determined.
Annoucement: Freight Train Conductor Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models announces several freight train conductor cars for gauge 1 for 2023.
Read more … Annoucement: Freight Train Conductor Cars from Fine Models

DB Class 80 from MBW
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Small locomotives are found far too seldom for Gauge 1. MBW will soon be delivering the DRG, DR and DB class 80 shunting locomotive. The attractive steam locomotive model is suitable for shunting in passenger and freight stations as well as in industrial operations. On a diorama, the tender locomotive could serve sidings.
A review with 48 photos.
Intermodellbau: Bavarian Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models is presenting the hand samples of the second series of Bavarian freight cars at Intermodellbau - and already a part of the third series.

A quick look at Wunder's DB Class 111
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The class 111 from Wunder is a long awaited gauge 1 model. Some photos.
MBW announce DB V 90 for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MBW announces the DB diesel locomotive of the class V 90 or 290 as an inexpensive gauge 1 model.

DB Swing roof car for Gauge 1 from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The DB KKks 89/Taes 890/Taems 890 swing roof car from Wunder Präzisionsmodelle brings a new design to the range for gauge 1 freight cars. The hand pattern suggests a versatile model for gauge 1.

New 1 Gauge Freight Cars from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modellbau Marcus Jaegers has two new flat cars based on German and French prototypes in its program.
Read more … New 1 Gauge Freight Cars from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers

Special V 65 Version from Spur 1-Exklusiv
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur 1-Exklusiv issues a V 65 diesel engine for gauge 1 that has particularly exclusive features.

Additional versions of the Köf II of Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke has decided to add two more versions of the planned small locomotive for gauge 1 to its program.
Read more … Additional versions of the Köf II of Steiner Modellwerke
And another novelty for gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Gauge 1 novelty merry-go-round continues to spin at high speed.
New 1 Gauge Freight Car from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder will shortly be introducing a new freight car for 1 gauge. It is a swing roof car.

DB E 71 13 from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
As the first version, Fine Models has just delivered the gauge 1 model of the E 71 13 of the Deutsche Bundesbahn. 57 large format photos show all the details of the Prussian electric locomotive classic. The review describes the strengths and shortcomings of Fine Models' model - and clarifies the question of whether the competitor's locomotive is better.
E 71 from Fine Models - first Photos
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models is currently delivering the E 71 13 and the blue E 71 19 of the DB. First photos.
One more Gauge 1 Novelty
by Friedhelm Weidelich
And once again there is a novelty for the gauge 1 to announce!
Gauge 1 Novelty from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder will announce a new locomotive model for gauge 1 in the next days. spur1info already has the details.

Review: Herkules, Goliath & Co – Rail cranes
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Railroad cranes may be among the least known rail vehicles. This subject, reserved for specialists, has rarely been covered in magazines and books. Udo Kandler has rolled up the history of German rail cranes in his book published by EK-Verlag and compiled spectacular pictures.

Signal Tower Falkenstein
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Self-built buildings for gauge 1 are unique models with charm. Unfortunately, the popular model of the brick and half-timbered signal box no longer exists - and it had a different name.

Hand Samples of Dingler's Prussian 2-axle Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
With nice steadiness, Dingler announces new models in June and is able to show hand samples exactly one year later - usually this weekend in Sinsheim. Because the Spur-1-Treffen had to be cancelled again due to Corona, spur1info shows the photos of the picture-perfect cars.

30 Years ICE
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Thirty years ago, on June 2, 1991, the ICE train service of the Deutsche Bundesbahn or Deutsche Bahn AG started with high-speed trains of class 401. Information and a large picture gallery with views from outside and inside.

MBW to produce Class 64
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After the announcement of the class 24 by MBW, it was obvious that the class 64 will also come as a gauge 1 model.

Starting up Fine Models' Bavarian Cogwheel Locomotive
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Only a small double-digit number of customers receive the small series model of the Bavarian cogwheel locomotive PtzL 3/4 or the later class 971 from Fine Models these days. The highly complex handbuilt model is even more enjoyable if you take your time during commissioning. A comprehensive article about the first-class model with practical tips for running in.
Read more … Starting up Fine Models' Bavarian Cogwheel Locomotive

MBW's 56.20 Reviewed
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The compact Prussian locomotive as a gauge 1 model from MBW is a joy to look at. A review of the late DB version from Bw Hannover-Linden with 82 photos showing every detail.

DB 232 001 from Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The epoch IV version of the 232 001 from Märklin differs from the V 320 001 of epoch III. Some photos.
Additional Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models expands the Bavarian freight car program presented a few days ago with two models for early epoch III.

DB Cogwheel Steam Locomotive 97 101 from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Die 97 101 der DB im Zustand von 1962 von Fine Models ist die zweite Variante, die hier in 36 Fotos vorgestellt wird. Sie unterscheidet sich in vielen Punkten von dem zuvor gezeigten Länderbahn-Modell.
Read more … DB Cogwheel Steam Locomotive 97 101 from Fine Models

Review of DB's E 71 from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
It took Spur 1 Austria almost exactly one year from the (second) announcement of the E 71 to delivery. The compact electric locomotive is presentable and inventive. 80 large format photos show all facets and the qualities of this Prussian locomotive model, whose prototype was last in service with the Deutsche Bundesbahn in South Baden.

Preview of E 71 from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The E 71 from Spur 1 Austria is well done. A little preview.
More Bavarian Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models is preparing a second Bavarian car series. The first model is already fixed.

There Is No BR 01 202
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Red Hummer, Black Buffalo and BR 01 202: Infantilization and lack of expertise go hand in hand in model railroading.

Trains in the Snow
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In 1970, snow was still a regular occurrence in February, and winter was not a reason for the Deutsche Bundesbahn to stop traffic as a precaution. Some photos.
Fine Models announces the steam snow blower from Henschel
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models will announce several versions of Henschel's six-axle snow blower soon.
Read more … Fine Models announces the steam snow blower from Henschel
MBW's 03.10 to come for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MBW offers the 0310 also for gauge 1 after the gauge zero model.

A Refined DB Class 50 from Fine Art Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Older gauge 1 models did not always have such a high level of detail as today. That can be altered: Bernhard Lindlbauer describes how to breathe a little more life into a 25-year-old model from Fine Art Models.

Trailer Car for Wunder's ET 85
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The class ET 85 electric railcar from Wunder for gauge 1 is still to come. However, the EB 85 sidecar to reinforce the train consisting of powered rail car and cab control car is already available.

Two Handmade Samples of Wunder's Prussian T 3
by Friedhelm Weidelich
spur1info shows 59 photos of the two handbuilt samples of the Prussian T 3 in Prussian state railroad version and as a Bundesbahn locomotive, which might make you go weak. Because the three-axle cult tender locomotive is just too sweet! A detailed report describes the equipment of the gauge 1 model.

DB Conversion Cars 1. and 2. Class from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
All aboard please! Here come another 32 photos with deep looks into the extraordinarily well done gauge 1 passenger cars AB3yge and B3yge by Wunder.

Deutsche Bundesbahn's BD3yge from Wunder for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
From 1955 to 1958, three DB repair shops built a total of 653 three-axle conversion cars with baggage and service compartments. Wunder has meticulously reproduced the prototypes. The gauge 1 models are unsurpassable. 42 photos in large format show the wealth of details.
Read more … Deutsche Bundesbahn's BD3yge from Wunder for Gauge 1

The Best Couplers for Wunder's Conversion Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The three-axle conversion cars of the Deutsche Bundesbahn were coupled in pairs. If you want to couple the new gauge 1 models of the 3yge cars from Wunder close to prototype, you have to plan a little and procure suitable couplers. There are several solutions, which are presented here.

3-axle DB Umbauwagen 50 Years Ago
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Wunder gauge 1 models are being delivered these days. About 35 years ago, the DB cars were phased out. What did the passenger trains with conversion cars look like back then, what is also important in the models? 35 photos I took about 50 years ago, when the 3yg(e) cars were commonplace.
News from MBW
by Friedhelm Weidelich
I received the following message from MBW, which contains more details about the price and delivery schedule of the announced models.
A Book about Travel Agency Trains
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A new book sheds a lot of light on the trains of Touropa, Scharnow, Hummel & Co. A must for all buyers of the Touropa cars from Wunder.

Wunder's 3-axle Umbauwagen to be delivered soon
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After eleven days in customs, the Gauge 1 production models of the 3yg conversion cars of the Deutsche Bundesbahn have finally arrived at Wunder.

Märklin's old G 10 with Crafting Fun
by Friedhelm Weidelich
With original accessories, old car models can be remarketed. Märklin took this approach with the G 10 and upgraded it to a car for livestock transport. The gauge 1 model 58945 brings a few hours of handicraft fun into the house and stimulates the imagination.

Hand Sample of Wunder's Touropa Couchette Car
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Travel agency special trains shaped the tourism industry in the 1950s, when the own car was still an exception in Germany. Touropa was one of the most important providers of vacation trips to European destinations of longing. The hand sample of the gauge 1 model of a Touropa couchette car spreads pure nostalgia. 35 photos show all details and the surprising quality of the interior design.

Hand Sample of Wunder's DB D-Zug Car B4ümg 54 (updated)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
One year after the announcement of the novelty, Wunder has received the first hand sample of the classic express train car of the Deutsche Bundesbahn. The gauge 1 model offers superlative equipment, but will not fit on every layout.
Read more … Hand Sample of Wunder's DB D-Zug Car B4ümg 54 (updated)

Repacking Märklin's V 320
by Friedhelm Weidelich
You don't want to repack such a heavy gauge 1 model like the V 320 from Märklin. If you need to do so, I have a suggestion on how to do it without helpers.

All the pictures of Wunder's sample of DB class 485/885 from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
It was a pleasure to photograph the two hand samples of the ET and ES 85, in epoch IV the Deutsche Bundesbahn class 485 and 885. The models are produced for Wunder only in double-digit numbers and are not suitable for every layout. Here are the details and 53 photos that show where the journey is heading.
Read more … All the pictures of Wunder's sample of DB class 485/885 from Wunder

Wunder's Sample of DB Railcar 485 - first Photos
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder systematically works off its backlogs. Exactly five years have passed since the announcement of the ET and ES 85/485 and 885. But now Wunder has received the hand samples. And they are already in the photo studio at spur1info.
Here are photos that whet your appetite for the attractive Gauge 1 models of the vintage railcar from the Reichsbahn era.
Read more … Wunder's Sample of DB Railcar 485 - first Photos
How Märklin's V 320 Roars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A model of a diesel locomotive must offer convincing engine noise. Here's a sample of what the V 320 from Märklin sounds like.

Märklin's V 320 001 Reviewed
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin's V 320 001 of the DB is a massive diesel locomotive. Spur1info was able to examine it as a pre-production sample. A gauge 1 locomotive with which market leader Märklin shows which impressive and enormously attractive models can be produced with zinc die casting. A few innovations are also included in the package.
A report with 84 photos showing every detail.

A first look at Märklin's DB Diesel V 320
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has provided spur1info with a pre-production model of the V 320 001 of the Deutsche Bundesbahn. The gigantic gauge 1 model is impressive not only because of its weight, but also because of the wealth of details - outside and inside.
Part 1 with 39 photos in unique quality.

Figures and Vehicles for Epochs I - III
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A few months ago I introduced new figures for the early railway epochs, which were a bit cumbersome to acquire.
Now there is a much broader offer of the figure designer and a website about it.

How to assemble the Baden baggage car from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Car kits for gauge 1 are rare and overstrain many model railroaders. Inspired by the requests of live steam railroaders from Switzerland, Dingler dared the experiment and published two kits of Baden cars. The baggage car offers hardly any major hurdles even for beginners - if they know a few tricks and tools. It is not a quick kit for three afterwork hours. But with a little patience and my detailed assembly instructions with 60 pictures you will successfully reach your goal.
Read more … How to assemble the Baden baggage car from Dingler
Novelty from Beesmodellbahn
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Specialist dealer Beesmodellbahn has decided to develop and exclusively offer a railroad service vehicle.
Exclusive Novelty Announcement
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur1info subscribers often have an information advantage when it comes to announcements of new products. You will be thrilled immediately.

New Photos of Fine Models' DB E 71
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models hat neue Fotos vom Handmuster der E 71 in der Bundesbahn-Version. Das Spur-1-Modell wird Holzböden in den Führerständen erhalten.
Special Offer from Spur1-Exklusiv
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur1-Exklusiv has decided to make a special offer.
Novelty announcement
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland, a brand of Fine Models, announces a new model that hardly anyone would have expected.

Review: Die SWDE
by Friedhelm Weidelich
For five years a hardly known railroad company existed in the French occupation zone in southwest Germany: SWDE.
The current EK-Special 138 describes the complicated railroad history after the end of World War II.

Preview of Baden kit cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At Dingler, the kits of the Baden cars are currently being assembled on a trial basis. Here are the first pictures.

Heitkamp's DB Diesels in the Desert
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Many locomotives of the Deutsche Bundesbahn were used elsewhere at the end of their service at the state railway. A few V 200's came into the desert - and not each one survived. Klaus Wagner built models of these.

Weathered Freight Cars the Ziegler Way (4)
by Gastautor
The fourth part deals with two self-built gauge 1 boxcars from the 1980s and other freight car models that were worn out in service.
More Details about Dingler's Prussian Coaches
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler has now described the details of his 14 variants of the two-axle Prussian passenger cars and the mail/luggage cars in greater detail. And an addendum about the Wismar railbus.
Novelty Announcement: E 95 from MBW
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MBW plans to deliver an DRG/DB E 95 in 2021.

Weathered Freight Cars the Ziegler Way (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
We continue with patinating examples of the Ziegler brothers. The pictures speak for themselves.

Acid Pot Cars for Gauge 1 from Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has now delivered the second pot car with item number 58725. If you can get the gauge 1 model out of the packaging without a crash, you can look forward to a little handicraft fun.
Photos of the Sample of DB's 97 101 by Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models has finished the last unpainted shown hand sample of the 97 101. Four photos of the gauge 1 rack locomotive, which will be available in autumn 2020.
Read more … Photos of the Sample of DB's 97 101 by Fine Models

Gauge 1 DB Class 81 by Steiner Modellwerke under Scrutiny
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Like the announcement, the production model of DB's class 81 has its premiere at spur1info. The first gauge 1 locomotive from Steiner Modellwerke is now available. The price-performance ratio is right. But what is particularly well done and what can be criticised? A review with 88 large format photos.
Read more … Gauge 1 DB Class 81 by Steiner Modellwerke under Scrutiny

The First Photos of the DB Class 81 of Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Ten professional photos of the production model of DB's 81 001, era IIIb, by Steiner Modellwerke for gauge 1. For subscribers only.
Read more … The First Photos of the DB Class 81 of Steiner Modellwerke

Class 81 by Steiner Modellwerke Has Arrived
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Freshly unpacked is the DB tender locomotive of class 81, which has just arrived from Steiner Modellwerke.

Weathered Freight Cars the Ziegler Way (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Hans and Walter Ziegler have taken two more freight cars for weathering.
The 1-gauge cars show the long years of service of the prototypes.

Weathered Freight Cars the Ziegler Way
by Gastautor
"Only through patination a row of cars will look like a real train," wrote Hans Ziegler and sent an article and many pictures showing how he and his brother Walter proceeded with weathering freight cars. This is because brand-new gauge 1 models appear somewhat out of place on a railway landscape that is obviously close to the original.

Novelty: DB Cab/Baggage Car BD4yge(f) by Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder Präzisionsmodelle will produce a rather exotic cab control and baggage car for gauge 1, which had its origin in Bavaria in epoch III.

Photos of the Completed Sample of E 71 from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The hand sample of Fine Models' E 71 has been painted and lettered. Photos that make you want to own this Prussian vintage locomotive for gauge 1.
Read more … Photos of the Completed Sample of E 71 from Fine Models

Makeshift Baggage Cars in Service on DB Tracks
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder's makeshift baggage cars have provoked more reactions than any previous meeting - consistently positive ones. Since 1967, the models of these cars have been appearing in front of my camera time and again.

DB's Makeshift Baggage Car MDyg 986 by Wunder for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
From 1957 the Deutsche Bundesbahn built a makeshift baggage car from two 3rd class makeshift passenger cars. Like all transitional solutions in Germany, these cars were in use for decades.
Wunder Präzisionsmodelle now delivered the long baggage cars, which were used in all types of DB trains. The gauge 1 models are well made, but need matching radii. 49 photos of all details.
Read more … DB's Makeshift Baggage Car MDyg 986 by Wunder for Gauge 1

Review: The pre-war locomotives of the Reichsbahn
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Many electric locomotives of the former state railways and the Deutsche Reichsbahn have fallen into oblivion because they were only built in small numbers and did not always prove themselves. The German language book by Dirk Winkler recalls them with brilliant photos once again in the memory of railway enthusiasts and engineers. The text has unfortunately turned out rather joyless due to unnecessary flaws.
Read more … Review: The pre-war locomotives of the Reichsbahn

Novelty: E 71 by Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After Spur 1 Austria, Fine Models also announces an E 71. It is already almost finished. There are understandable reasons for the double development.

News from Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Austrian class 93 of gauge 1 Austria is nearing completion - and the Easter Bunny brings a rustic electric locomotive.

Bavarian Station Monheim
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Monheim was the terminus of the Bavarian local railway Fünfstetten - Monheim. Now there are the station building and the coaling station as gauge 1 models.

Photos of Dingler's DB Ktmm
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler customers will not have to wait much longer for the bulk freight wagons Ktmm 65 and Ktmmv/Ud-73 of Deutsche Bundesbahn. We take a look at the hand samples. 31 photos and an animation.

A Small Loco Shed Diorama (6)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Not a grass mat next to the gravel, but a varied vegetation makes the locomotive shed diorama for gauge 1 worth seeing. Grass and plants have "grown" quite fast. But before that I had another idea.

A Small Loco Shed Diorama (5)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the fifth part of the building report the plumbing work on the roof of the small locomotive shed will be completed. In addition, two realistic-looking puddles are created with the simplest of means.

A Small Loco Shed Diorama (4)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Even an engine shed covered with tar paper in 1:32 scale should have gutters. Another challenge for the occasional handyman...

A Small Loco Shed Diorama (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A diesel locomotive needs fuel from time to time. So a small filling station is integrated into the gauge 1 diorama. This also increases the play value.

A Small Loco Shed Diorama (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After the positioning test and three glued-on walls, literally basic work is carried out in the engine shed. Parts of the interior fittings are also made. Inspired by imagination, a useful workshop utensil is created, which I have never seen in any model before.

A Small Loco Shed Diorama (1)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A small chipboard, a started and a finished kit and a piece of track. This gave rise to the idea of developing a diorama that provides plenty of activity and fun even during the building stage. While doing handicrafts, it quickly became clear that once you started, the ideas develop by themselves. Perhaps also with you, dear readers.

One, Two, Three - Insanity
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The battle for market share is gradually taking on grotesque features. Now, MBW as third player announces three-axle conversion cars.

Bavarian Cogwheel Locomotive by Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models has today received two hand samples of the Bavarian cogwheel steam locomotive PtzL 3/4, which are only produced in an exclusive edition of 40 pieces. Here are the first photos.

Deutsche Bundesbahn's Records
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Did you know that the Deutsche Bundesbahn also released records? A look back into epoch III.

Overhead crane from the Harz Mountains
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Until the 1970s, there were manually operated gantry cranes in German railway stations for reloading heavy goods from open freight cars to carriages and trucks - and vice versa. For those who don't necessarily need real action on a Gauge 1 diorama or at the loading track, Jürgen Hans offers an attractive alternative to functional models.

Lokladen's Exklusive Model of DB's ETA 178
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Lokladen, Bingen, Germany, offers an exclusive gauge 1 model produced by Dingler: ETA 178 001 of the Deutsche Bundesbahn.

Prussian battery railcar from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler has provided us with photos of the Wittfeld battery-powered railcar 1-gauge model .

New: Bavarian PtzL 3/4 from Fine Models (updated)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Christmas presents are never ending: Fine Models announces tomorrow the Bavarian rack locomotive PtzL 3/4. Here already are the details and photos of the handmade samples.
Read more … New: Bavarian PtzL 3/4 from Fine Models (updated)

Scrap loading as a Topic for Epochs III and IV
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Until Epoch IV, the collection and transport of scrap metal was a rustic business. My photos show what it really looked like back then.

Safety Points at the Deutsche Bundesbahn
by Friedhelm Weidelich
They are extremely rare on model railways - especially not on 1-gauge. They have also been removed in many places: safety points or trap or catch points.
Exciting News from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder will announce 23 new car models for gauge 1 over the next few days. Spur1info already has the details.

DB Class 078 from Kiss Reviewed
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modelle von Lokomotiven, die man selbst erlebt und fotografiert hat, sind relativ selten. Umso erfreulicher ist es, wenn von Kiss Modellbahnen eines der letzten Exemplare der Baureihe 78 als Spur-1-Modell angeboten wird. Die 078 192-2 war zuletzt im Bw Rottweil eingesetzt und fuhr von Rottweil aus Personenzüge nach Tuttlingen, Villingen und Horb – und auch den letzten nach Balingen.
Wie gut ist das Modell gelungen und stimmt es auch mit dem Vorbild überein? Fünf Vorbildfotos und über 70 Bilder des Modells erleichtern die Beurteilung.

1-gauge Model DB 78 440 by Maerklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin's 1-gauge model of the DB class 78 entered the market at the end of December 2018 and was very successful. In a few days I will introduce the 78 from Kiss, which is now being delivered.
The review of the Märklin model is still available in the archive. To compare and because the reproduction of the 73 photos in the new system is better, I present the article about Märklin's 78 440, article number 55077, here once again.

Three High Quality 1-Gauge Layouts
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the third Sauerland gauge 0 and gauge 1 meeting, three gauge 1 layouts and dioramas were shown, which demonstrated craftmanship at the highest level. My colleague Stefan Karzaunikat from Spur-Null-Magazin provided us with photos which offer many suggestions for a realistic design of layouts and dioramas in 1:32 scale.
Op de derde Sauerländer Spur 0 und Spur 1 Großbahntreffen wurden drie systemen en diorama's getoond, die de modelbouw op het hoogste niveau demonstreerden. Mijn collega Stefan Karzaunikat van Spur-Null-Magazin heeft ons foto's geleverd die ons veel suggesties bieden voor een realistisch ontwerp van faciliteiten en diorama's in schaal 1:32.

Catenary Details
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Catenaries are very complicated to model. However, you should pay attention to details in a gauge 1 layout with overhead contact line that only become apparent at second glance.

A short Visit to Seebrugg in the Black Forest
by Friedhelm Weidelich
On the way to Mulhouse in Alsace I tried to photograph some vehicles of the Dreiseebahn in Seebrugg. The collection is interesting.
At the station you will also find relics of past times.
45 photos.

Sommerfeldt's Catenary for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The new Sommerfeldt overhead contact line for gauge 1 should be somewhat simplified and inexpensive. How good are the components and how do you differ from the Wunder product range?

Coupling 1-gauge Passenger Cars from earlier Epochs Easier
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A cohesive train appearance as with the prototype is a matter of nerves of steel with four-axle passenger cars on gauge 1. Even the fine motor skills of a surgeon won't get you far. But there are now practicable tools to solve these problems cleverly and to ensure an automatic connection of the cars.
Read more … Coupling 1-gauge Passenger Cars from earlier Epochs Easier

Samples of the Bavarian Local Train Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Bavarian two-axle car models by Fine Models, shown in raw condition in Sinsheim, are now painted and lettered.
Read more … Samples of the Bavarian Local Train Cars from Fine Models

150 Years Rottweil - Tuttlingen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the summer of 1869, the Rottweil - Tuttlingen section of the Gäubahn went into operation. A nostalgic photographic supplement.

Omm 55 & Co. from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
What does the new 1-gauge freight car from Wunder have that others don't? spur1info shows it vividly.

MBW's First Brass Model, DB Class 66
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Deutsche Bundesbahn had only two class 66 locomotives built, a beautifully proportioned steam locomotive. The first brass model from MBW for gauge 1 brought DB's 66 001 and 66 002 convincingly to 45 mm tracks. 67 large-format photos showing the qualities of this scale model and not so well-done details.

Deutsche Bundesbahn 1968 in Ulm and Augsburg
by Friedhelm Weidelich
My first long journey in search of interesting locomotives led in summer 1968 to Ulm and Augsburg. 17 pictures from times long past.

Deutsche Bundesbahn in 1968
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Slowly my photographic range of action is increasing in 1968. But first we take a look at passenger trains with three-axle conversion cars and at freight traffic.
1: Once again my afternoon perspective in Aldingen, about 16 o'clock. A Rottweil P 8 brings the conversion car train to Tuttlingen. The guard wears the blue-black uniform with the high hat usual at that time. The conductor in the luggage compartment gives the departure signal.
2: The turntable in Tuttlingen is defective, so the 38 3637 with closed cab rund backwards.
3: Aldingen celebrates a festivity on the sports ground. Why the 38 2039 reverses is unknown. The locomotive crew watch the hustle and bustle as they drive past.
4: In June, another V 100 comes into play. That's what locomotive drivers looked like on the V 100! The V 100 1218, built by Henschel in 1962, already bears the new "computer number" because the two German railways are introducing electronic data processing on a larger scale.
5: Again and again a Rottweil 44 pulls the conversion cars - due to circulation or because the 38s are slowly running short.
6: At the southern end of Aldingen's station, the 38 2242 takes a bend. In the background the church on the Dreifaltigkeitsberg.
7: In Ebingen (Württ) - today Albstadt-Ebingen and reduced to two tracks - a typical passenger train with auxiliary baggage car and conversion cars is waiting for the oncoming train.
8: 44 1376 reaches the end of the incline from Rottweil to Aldingen with a typical mixed freight train. The fireman has already burned the first tonne of coal on the 11 kilometers.
9: An unfortunately rare perspective from Aldingen. The freight train with sliding wall cars and many different boxcars is waiting for the passenger train. On platform 1, women and children (in knee socks) and the handcart are waiting for the next train, luggage and express goods. In the foreground are the steel wires that control switches and form signals. They come at the kilometer marker from the signal box extension from the 1930s. Since a few years the annex has been removed.
10: A short local freight train with hopper and sliding wall cars.
11: Spaichingen's Köf II no longer has a special coupler. Because the signal box in the direction of Tuttlingen was only occupied at train crossings, the shunting locomotive always arrived on track 3 with its "handover". By order of the dispatcher she then drove past the switch in the direction of Rottweil. Then the turnout was switched by wire and the shunting locomotive driver was ordered by manual signal to move to track 1. From there, further marshalling movements on the loading tracks were organized.
12: A local freight train in Tuttlingen. At that time freight trains looked like this, four-axle freight cars were still rare. Goods were often covered with tarpaulins. - The range of freight cars for gauge 1 is unfortunately quite small.
13: A refrigerator train rolls past Bernau in Bavaria. Today, refrigerated goods travel by truck.
14: Spaichingen's Köf II has now been renumbered 323 740-1. The "Deutsche Bundesbahn" lettering has not yet been replaced by the DB logo. An E 040 with scrap and a boxcar will be brought immediately to Spaichingen.
15: Freight traffic is still strong in Trossingen City, the terminal of a private shortline electrified from the beginning in 1898. The container car must have been quite new, the container still belongs to the DB. Someone painted smilies on the buffer plates. - The 1-gauge industry still strongly neglects the topic of containers, although it can be used over the epochs III to VI. These two-axle carrying wagons are still in operation.
16: 50 2970 from Bw Radolfzell reaches the end of the gradient on 24.12.1968 with her long freight train in Aldingen. For good reason there are no new locomotive numbers on the outside. Inside the cab the number 052 970-1 should have been indicated since 1.1.1968. It is one of her last trips: One week later the steam locomotive is taken out of service, on 3.3.1969 it is decommissioned. The steam locomotive era at Deutsche Bundesbahn is coming to an unstoppable end.

Deutsche Bundesbahn in 1966
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Who remembers the Deutsche Bundesbahn about 50 years ago? I have checked my photo archive. 14 photos from times long past.

Deutsche Bundesbahn 1966/1967
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Who remembers the Deutsche Bundesbahn about 50 years ago? I have checked my photo archive. 14 photos from times long past.

DB Stock Car V 23 from Märklin for 1 Gauge
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has reissued an old Hübner model of the Deutsche Bundesbahn V 23 stock car. The 1-gauge model is essential for epoch III.

Intermodellbau 2019: MBW
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At Intermodellbau 2019, MBW Spur 0 had only one gauge 1 model on display, the class 66. There's still a little delay in delivery.

Intermodellbau 2019: Fine Models and Spur1-Exklusiv
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A long series of Fine Models' Bavarian beer cars for gauge 1 attracted the attention of visitors at the Fine Models and Spur1-Exklusiv exhibition stand - and two steam locomotive versions of the Palatine and Bavarian railways as well.
Read more … Intermodellbau 2019: Fine Models and Spur1-Exklusiv
Exklusive: New Model from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
It doesn't always have to be a steam locomotive, because there are more than enough of them for gauge 1. Dingler Präzisionsmodelle has decided on a model that actually ran on electric power. 6 photos of the handmade sample.

Intermodellbau 2019: Umbauwagen from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder's three-axle DB conversion cars are represented by a handbuilt sample of the "Deutsche Weinstraße" buffet car in Dortmund. The level of detail is enormous. 30 photos.

Intermodellbau 2019: Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fresh from Asia came two unpainted hand samples of the Deutsche Bundesbahn's makeshift baggage cars. The gauge 1 cars are very detailed.