May 1 at Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verein (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There are no lakes on the Heiligenberg - Asendorf heritage railway line. But the heavy rainfall in April created an unusual foreground. 39 photos.

May 1 at Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verein
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Yesterday was the start of the season at Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verein, Germany's oldest museum railway. Two steam locomotives hauled a variety of passenger trains on the meter gauge line from Bruchhausen-Vilsen to Asendorf. 45 photos with some unusual motives.

DEV Trains (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
During the Days of the Railway Friend at the German Railway Association (DEV) between Bruchhausen-Vilsen and Asendorf, freight trains ran on meter gauge. The oldest load on a 125-year-old flat car was a 99-year-old tractor.

DEV Trains
by Friedhelm Weidelich
As usual, during the Days of the Railroad Friend(s) at the Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verein, there is more operation between Bruchhausen-Vilsen and Asendorf on meter gauge than on the other operating days. But on the standard gauge line the "Kaffkieker" shuttled.

Tage des Eisenbahnfreundes at DEV near Bremen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Today and tomorrow the Days of the Railroad Friend take place around Bruchhausen-Vilsen. There will be traffic on the meter gauge railroad, a standard gauge railcar and shunting demonstrations showing the loading of standard gauge wagons onto roller trucks and corresponding freight trains to Heiligenberg and Asendorf.

Fall traffic at DEV
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Because Covid-19 has significantly affected the whole season, the first German museum railroad is operating for the first time in autumn.