
The hand scraper is a long-forgotten tool for loading sand, stone and rubble.

The Weinert kit for gauge 1 is not very demanding. Hans Ziegler has made a few minor improvements to it and put it together. spur1info then went looking for it – and found it.


Work continues on the Dingler class 87 for gauge 1. The steam loco with Luttermöller axles is to be delivered this year.


Lematec has announced that the Gauge 1 models of the SNCF 141 R will soon be available for delivery.


The Fine Models collection includes an excellently made diorama with a motif from the period after the Second World War.


Spur 1 Austria, officially Spur 1 Modellbahnen GmbH, is exhibiting at the IMA in Friedrichshafen from November 1st to 3rd, 2024. Spur1info already knows the 2025/2026 new products program.


Fine Models collects dioramas. Two dioramas that create a sense of atmosphere and action in the smallest of spaces.


Here are now professional photos of what is probably the most attractive 1-gauge novelty at Bauma.

by has masterfully built a substantial part of the Reutlingen South Station as a Gauge 1 model. The building is intended to be the impressive centerpiece of the diorama, with a highly interesting track plan.


Der Würfel mit den vier beleuchteten U-Buchstaben steht noch auf dem Turm am Dortmunder Hauptbahnhof. Auch wenn DUB jetzt DAB ist, eignete sich die Brauerei als Inspiration für ein Spur-1-Diorama. Und ganz in der Nähe herrscht Wiedersehensfreude.


Steiner Modellwerke will soon be introducing new state railway freight cars.


22 photos of the German and Swiss wine barrel cars that Fine Models will deliver for gauge 1 at the end of October.


27 Fotos der Güterzug-Begleitwagen Pwgs 41 der zweiten Serie, die Fine Models Ende Oktober für die Spur 1 ausliefern wird. Mit dabei ist auch der rote Wendezug-Befehlswagen.


Modern freight cars are colorful. The gray service tank cars of the DB have become yellow and red water cars. A few yellow examples for gauge 1 are still available at Kiss.


Fine Models GmbH is on vacation until the end of August. Spur1info already has 63 photos of production models of the freight train baggage car and the luxury horse-drawn carriage.


The Wismar railcars from Märklin for gauge 1 will come later.


For epochs II to IV, a German company offers interesting tractor models with a high level of detail that are well suited to gauge 1.


Die Elektrifizierung der Höllentalbahn von Freiburg im Breisgau bis Neustadt und Seebrugg erfolgte zunächst mit einer Oberleitungsspannung von 20 Kilovolt. Ein Dokumentarfilm.


Wunder is now delivering the class 9810. The production model of the Bavarian local railway locomotive in the livery of the Deutsche Reichsbahn is a joy to behold and shines with unusual details. 56 large-format photos.


Properly secured, realistic loads mean an effort that not every gauge 1 operator wants to make. Removable loads are a practical solution.


Proform is working on new gauge 1 models for narrow-gauge tracks.


Gauge 1 Austria showed the Henschel-Wegmann train in two versions in Giessen: Deutsche Reichsbahn Gesellschaft and Deutsche Bundesbahn.


If you want to recreate the Länderbahnen or the Deutsche Reichsbahn in gauge 1 scale, you will occasionally find suitable accessories - even with steam propulsion. Some examples.


Things are usually tight in a gauge 1 depot. The rusty T3 had to go. A little picture story.


Railroad jargon is complicated and you never stop learning. Reflections on a special form of screw coupler.


The last two hand samples of the third series of Bavarian freight cars from Fine Models are a high-side gondola and a boxcar, both with brakeman's cab. 36 photos in large format.


Bavarian state railroad cars are ideal for gauge 1 because they are short and often have unusual shapes. Fine Models has now received the hand samples of the crane wagon and other models. I have photographed them in detail.


Detailed relief buildings, vehicles and figures provide the narrow-gauge diorama with a background that holds many a small discovery in store.


You can shunt well on a long gauge 1 diorama, especially if you lay narrow-gauge track. 40 photos to stimulate your imagination.


Chance brought an old manuscript to light that contained a proposal for an H0 diorama. However, with a little more space you could also develop a varied diorama for gauge 1 that is suitable for all eras. Klusenstein is ideally suited as a layout area for short trains from 1912 to the present day.


The last report on the magnificent gauge 1 layout in U-shape is once again about the terminus station, its interior and the surrounding area. 30 images.


A station with three tracks and a convenient loading track marks the end point of the fantastic U-shaped layout from the early epoch II. There is a lot going on here, but nothing seems overloaded or exaggerated. 40 inspiring photos.


You can hardly get enough of the curve on the large U-shaped gauge 1 layout, as the hilly landscape is full of action. The longer you look, the more details become visible. Have you spotted the capercaillie behind the tender and the hunter? Even the dark forest reveals perfect model-making skills. 40 pictures in large format and a description.


By cleverly separating several motifs, a section has been created on the middle section of the gauge 1 dream layout where new details are constantly being discovered. 28 photos in large format show how a 3D effect was created despite the shallow depth.


Happy New Year! To get it off to a good start, we are showing the first part of a gauge 1 dream layout.

A station with six tracks and a field railroad was the starting point of the large U-shaped layout, which we present with 32 pictures. It also includes a small depot.


There are always perfectly designed dioramas among gauge 1 model railroaders. But designing an entire layout down to the smallest detail takes a lot of time, a keen sense of observation, craftsmanship and the best materials. Accordingly, it is rare to find such detailed gauge 1 layouts.

The fantastic U-shaped layout, which spur1info will present in several parts with around 160 photos, is a perfect symbiosis of tracks, operating possibilities and a landscape that is very rarely found in this design quality on gauge 1 layouts. The theme of the layout is the transition from the Länderbahn era to the early Reichsbahn era.


It is easier to create realistic lighting for 1-gauge layouts and dioramas than for smaller model railroad scales. This is because there are hardly any oversized lamps here, especially as LED technology has also advanced miniaturization here.
The Reichsbahn-Bw already shown in the most beautiful light gains new perspectives at night.


A 1:32 scale railroad depot requires a certain amount of space, but offers the opportunity to set up many steam and diesel locomotives, run them on the turntable and simulate equipping and decommissioning. If you go into detail and have studied the prototypes, a steam locomotive depot is created in the model where you can almost smell the coal fire, coal, slag and steam.

I photographed a Reichsbahn depot from the early 1930s - a real highlight. 32 pictures show it in daylight.


I'm working on a portrait of a very detailed layout playing in epoch I and II. You will appreciate the photos soon.


Wunder continues its series of highly detailed gauge 1 passenger cars with the apron express train cars. 44 photos make the quality of the 3rd class Reichsbahn car visible.


Fine Models is expanding its 1 gauge range for friends of Bavarian railroads with more freight cars. Detailed information and first photos of two hand samples.


The rural station in Baden-Württemberg is structurally compact and operationally productive. Inspiring historic photos and a continuing chance find that demonstrates the potential of a gauge 1 layout.


Dingler will soon deliver its superbly crafted Swiss beer wagons. Photos of all 23 versions.


Sometimes it's the small stations that have a lot to offer, especially for freight traffic, and that don't require complicated track plans. If they can be used for several epochs, they are perfect for gauge 1. I found such a station in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.


From China, Fine Models sent photos of all versions of Henschel's rotary snow plough for 1 gauge.


At the open-air museum in Neuhausen ob Eck, model builders who value detail and village interiors will find inspiration to recreate.


Dingler has had its hand sample of the class 87 reworked. Here are new pictures of the model, which will be exhibited this weekend in Speyer at International Gauge 1 Meeting.


Dingler has new photos of the hand sample of the class 87 announced over the weekend.


Dingler will be showing a hand sample of a new locomotive in Mainz today. Here are the details.


In addition to the well-known suppliers, there are also original figures at companies that are little known in our country. With them, for example, there are two Bugattis.


Lok- und Waggonbau Klaus Wagner presented a diorama in Gießen that was designed down to the last detail and featured several locomotives: The small depot.


Dingler is currently delivering the Ge 6/6 I electric locomotive for the Rhaetian Railway of Switzerland. Only a few copies of the small series are still available.


A modeler has built an Austrian-style locomotive shed for a gauge 1 layout. Of course with interior equipment. 33 photos.


If you want to have the classes 24 and 64 originally planned by MBW, you should hurry up with your order at Spur 01 Modellbahnen.


Dingler brings attractive gauge 1 cars for international traffic. First photos exclusively at spur1info.


Models of certain variants of the class 44 are also offered by Spur 1 Austria in small editions for our neighboring countries.

Spur 1 Austria propose également des modèles de certaines variantes de la série 44 en petite édition pour nos pays voisins.


Lack of space is one of the biggest challenges in 1 scale. Here is a rural gas station for which there is room everywhere and which can be easily replicated.


Dingler builds 23 colorful and graphically varied beer cars from Switzerland for 1 gauge. Here are the illustrations.


After a long break, Weinert Modellbau is again developing some fine accessories for 1 gauge.


The hand sample of Deutsche Bundesbahn's class 9810, which Wunder will produce for Gauge 1, is likely to trigger a desire to buy among Bavaria fans. 35 photos showing all the details.


There is exciting news.


Hand samples are the first attempt to put a model on wheels and are necessary to avoid errors in batch production. The Di-27 from Kiss Modellbahnen points in a good direction for the upcoming 2023 gauge 1 models.


The outdoor grounds of the DB Museum in Nuremberg are home to some rarities. But the mechanical signal boxes are not to be sneezed at either.


A visit to Nuremberg is worthwhile, because the city has a lot to offer. The main attraction for railroad fans should be the DB Museum, for which you should take plenty of time.


The hand sample of Dingler's Wismar rail bus has arrived and was photographed right away. Here are the first photos of the impressive model.


Here come now the first hand sample photos of the Swiss beer cars from Dingler.


Steiner Modellwerke has added Bavarian whistle and bell signs to its program.


On the photo table was a hand sample of a wine barrel car of the "Deutsche Weinkesselwagon Gesellschaft m.b.H. Kitzingen". A gauge 1 model from Fine Models, this version fits very well with the other Bavarian freight cars.


Dingler hat eine Animation des kommenden Wismarer Triebwagens produzieren lassen. Einblicke in das kommende Spur-1-Modell.


Dingler has received the G 90 freight cars and is now starting delivery.


Now the details of Wunder's class 935-12 for gauge 1 have been finalized.


Due to slow customs clearance, the two Donnerbüchsen hand samples from Fine Models arrived only today. 18 pictures of the attractive passenger cars for gauge 1.


Märklin's S 2/6 for gauge 1 presented itself in Gießen unpainted with the molded parts ready for production.


News for subscribers.


In the summer of 2022, the small Köf II or class 323 locomotives are to be delivered by Steiner Modellwerke. The excellent handbuilt model of the 323 454 in detail with 32 photos.


The upcoming Bavarian rest-stop signal for gauge 1 offered by Steiner Modellwerke has a very special appeal.


Steiner Modellwerke is working on various semaphore signals. An intensive look at the hand pattern of the Baden main signal.


Weinert's offering for 1 gauge is modest this year.


Dingler had the hand sample of the G 90 patinated. A few photos.


The S 2/6 just announced by Märklin has features that were not available in 1 gauge.


For the canceled Toy Fair, Märklin announces models of the elegant Bavarian S 2/6 steam locomotive for 1 gauge.


Dingler is presenting a two-axle freight car as the first new item in 2022 for Gauge 1. Not much time will pass until delivery.


MBW has set out to produce class 44 steam locomotives for gauge 1. Individual details have already been determined.


High quality 3D printed figures cover many eras and situations. Belgian 3D has again expanded its large program.


Fine Models announces several freight train conductor cars for gauge 1 for 2023.


MiniArt will soon launch a kit of the Tempo E 400 high loader flatbed.


Fine Models is presenting the hand samples of the second series of Bavarian freight cars at Intermodellbau - and already a part of the third series.


In many respects, Märklin's SNCF 241-A-58 (55085) is similar to the 241-A-65 preserved in Switzerland, but there are differences. Probably undeniable is that the gauge 1 model in green looks best and will boost the French market. 51 photos in large format.


First pictures of the Gauge 1 hand samples from France.


The Gauge 1 novelty merry-go-round continues to spin at high speed.


The Saxon Narrow Gauge Railway Museum in Breitenbrunn-Rittersgrün in the Ore Mountains, Germany, is well worth a visit.


Wunder will announce a new locomotive model for gauge 1 in the next days. spur1info already has the details.


There is no better prototype than the prototype. And suddenly chance helps to make an idea come true in 1:32 scale. A series of worker's houses, supported by an automobile manufacturer, was converted into models down to the last detail.


Modelbex announced today on its website a new steam locomotive for gauge 1.


A bundle of novelties for the gauge 1 market in Austria and other European countries has been announced by Spur 1 Austria today. Among them are three electric locomotives and two steam locomotives that already existed as gauge 1 models. You can see the prototypes in numerous photos and operations.


They are needed as decoration for fields along the railroad embankment, but also as cargo in the early railroad eras. Now they are coming soon as a kit: sheep.


Self-built buildings for gauge 1 are unique models with charm. Unfortunately, the popular model of the brick and half-timbered signal box no longer exists - and it had a different name.


With nice steadiness, Dingler announces new models in June and is able to show hand samples exactly one year later - usually this weekend in Sinsheim. Because the Spur-1-Treffen had to be cancelled again due to Corona, spur1info shows the photos of the picture-perfect cars.


Blunderbusses characterized commuter trains in Germany until the end of the 1950s. Kiss Modellbahnen is now issuing them as brass models for gauge 1 - and some more.


The hand sample of the ELNA steam locomotive from Kiss Modellbahnen Germany is ready. First photos of an attractive model.


After the announcement of the class 24 by MBW, it was obvious that the class 64 will also come as a gauge 1 model.


Fine Models is expanding its series of Bavarian freight cars with new models for 1 scale. Here are the facts.


The rustic original for a bridge diorama or module in 1:32 scale still needs to be supplemented with suitable rolling stock. Here are 49 year old photos and some new ones for inspiration. They show an amazing range of locomotives, railcars and passenger cars.


There are settings that you can't invent. Eventually you will find a believable accumulation of details that inspire a modeler to a diorama. Here comes a bridge scene for gauge 1 that has it all and could be realized on a compact footprint for epochs I to VI.


The Hungarian subsidiary of Märklin has developed a gauge 1 model that makes the long waits for production models obsolete. Individual initiative is called for.


MBW announced this morning the class 24 for gauge 1. It is to have the equipment of MBW's class 56.


Fine Models is preparing a second Bavarian car series. The first model is already fixed.


The asymmetrical brakeman's cab makes this O-car of Bavarian provenance stand out. An interesting gauge 1 model from Fine Models for the early days of the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG).


MBW offers the 0310 also for gauge 1 after the gauge zero model.


I received the following message from MBW, which contains more details about the price and delivery schedule of the announced models.


Next week Jaffa's Moba-Shop will introduce new figures.

Here is a preview of the vibrant figures of people and animals from the 3D printer.


A few months ago I introduced new figures for the early railway epochs, which were a bit cumbersome to acquire.

Now there is a much broader offer of the figure designer and a website about it.


I received photos from Switzerland of a long train with the cars from Dingler's kits, which are still being pulled by a Bavarian locomotive for the time being.


Spur1info subscribers often have an information advantage when it comes to announcements of new products. You will be thrilled immediately.


Hardly had MiniArt released a kit of musical instruments than the Ukrainian manufacturers added two pianos. More kits are flooding the market.


Spur1-Exklusiv has decided to make a special offer.


Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland, a brand of Fine Models, announces a new model that hardly anyone would have expected.


For five years a hardly known railroad company existed in the French occupation zone in southwest Germany: SWDE.

The current EK-Special 138 describes the complicated railroad history after the end of World War II.


In 1927, the Swiss Federal Railways SBB purchased two baggage cars from BLS for use in the "Gotthard Pullman Express". 36 photos of the gauge 1 model of Wunder with fantastic views of the rich interior.


From 1926, the CIWL's "Golden Arrow" connected Paris and London.

Wunder has created a 1:32 scale model of the luxurious train.


Two CIWL Pullman cars and a baggage car from the luxury trains "Edelweiss" and "Gotthard Pullman Express" are presenting themselves before the camera. The first one is spectacular on the outside, less so inside. But in any case a gem for gauge 1 collectors with lots of space. Have a look and enjoy!


Shop showcases of scale 1:32 buildings are often decorated with photos because the decoration is laborious or corresponding goods are not available. A kit with musical instruments for a stylish music shop of epochs I to IV will be available soon.


A reader gave us an address for high-quality models of metalworking machines. They are delivered ready to use and are highly detailed.


In May I presented figures for epoch I here. You can also use them in epoch II, if they are painted appropriately.


Dingler has now described the details of his 14 variants of the two-axle Prussian passenger cars and the mail/luggage cars in greater detail. And an addendum about the Wismar railbus.


With a focus on Germany, Dingler announces two novelty packages for gauge 1. Both projects close a gap just in time and will open new perspectives.


The Bavarian low side cars from Fine Models are approaching production maturity. 14 new photos, which should please gauge 1 friends of epochs I and II.


As a dental laboratory technician, Joachim Lutz is very familiar with moulds. He has built a bridge for the gauge 1 club layout with team colleagues that is quite impressive.


If you get desperate when coupling 1e narrow gauge vehicles, the model coupling is to blame. Now there is a solution that gives pleasure.


From 1957 the Deutsche Bundesbahn built a makeshift baggage car from two 3rd class makeshift passenger cars. Like all transitional solutions in Germany, these cars were in use for decades.

Wunder Präzisionsmodelle now delivered the long baggage cars, which were used in all types of DB trains. The gauge 1 models are well made, but need matching radii. 49 photos of all details.


Many electric locomotives of the former state railways and the Deutsche Reichsbahn have fallen into oblivion because they were only built in small numbers and did not always prove themselves. The German language book by Dirk Winkler recalls them with brilliant photos once again in the memory of railway enthusiasts and engineers. The text has unfortunately turned out rather joyless due to unnecessary flaws.


After Spur 1 Austria, Fine Models also announces an E 71. It is already almost finished. There are understandable reasons for the double development.


The Austrian class 93 of gauge 1 Austria is nearing completion - and the Easter Bunny brings a rustic electric locomotive.


Monheim was the terminus of the Bavarian local railway Fünfstetten - Monheim. Now there are the station building and the coaling station as gauge 1 models.


Little is known so far about the class 51 of the Deutsche Reichsbahn, which will soon be announced for gauge 1 as well. Here are the details.


Horst Göhr has built a signal box for a customer, which is to be installed on a gauge 1 layout.


It is much work to cover a roof with model tiles. But the effort is worth it if you strive for the highest model-making quality.


In the obscure world of military model making there are sometimes useful accessories for civilian purposes. Besides the traditional 1:35 scale, there are also models in 1:32 scale, matching the 1-gauge.


MiniArt is constantly expanding its range of kits in 1:35 scale with civilian motifs.

Many of them can also be used together with 1:32 scale.


Fine Models has received three samples of the Bavarian low side cars of the Oq and O types. In Bavaria they were indispensable in epochs I and II. They should become attractive gauge 1 models. 37 photos in large format demonstrate what you can expect.


Until the 1970s, there were manually operated gantry cranes in German railway stations for reloading heavy goods from open freight cars to carriages and trucks - and vice versa. For those who don't necessarily need real action on a Gauge 1 diorama or at the loading track, Jürgen Hans offers an attractive alternative to functional models.


Dingler has provided us with photos of the Wittfeld battery-powered railcar 1-gauge model .


Spur1-igARTig has again completed 1/32 scale models of two structures that once stood on the Kocher Valley Railway Waldenburg - Forchtenberg and which were moved to the Hohenlohe Open Air Museum in Schwäbisch-Hall, Germany.


Together with Exclusive Models in the Netherlands, Accucraft is re-launching the CIWL Pullman sleeping cars.


Dingler had some of his models of the Ae 4/7 of the SBB photographed.


The Christmas presents are never ending: Fine Models announces tomorrow the Bavarian rack locomotive PtzL 3/4. Here already are the details and photos of the handmade samples.


Schuco has released the Deutz F3 M 417 universal tractor, built between 1942 and 1952, as a 1:32 scale die-cast model. This interesting tractor model is suitable for 1-gauge dioramas and layouts of epochs II to IV. A presentation with 27 images.


Fine Models has now defined details for the Bavarian low side cars. Details for spur1info subscribers.


Märklin offers the high-heeled S 3/6 in H0 scale, Wyko-Echtdampf now has 1-gauge livesteam model. And also a somewhat special model is present.


The Sommerfeldt overhead contact line for gauge 1 has gone into mass production and is available. But before we get to grips with the model, I would like to convey some facts about the original and outline the limits in the model.


A cohesive train appearance as with the prototype is a matter of nerves of steel with four-axle passenger cars on gauge 1. Even the fine motor skills of a surgeon won't get you far. But there are now practicable tools to solve these problems cleverly and to ensure an automatic connection of the cars.


MiniArt has released a new car kit that fits well to epoch III. And quite by chance we learn why a related Mercedes-Benz looked very similar to a Volkswagen Beetle - or was it the other way round?


The Bavarian two-axle car models by Fine Models, shown in raw condition in Sinsheim, are now painted and lettered.


We encounter a salt keg, a Bugatti and two Americans on our further tour in the Cité du Train in Mulhouse, France.


In the Cité du Trains in Mulhouse, France, several blue Pullman cars are exhibited. These cars of the 1920s offered an impressive luxury to European travellers.


>A kit with German filling pumps for the period from 1927 to about 1948 is now available.


One year ago the Tipo FF with long wheelbase from Lucchini Rail Models was announced here. The Italian freight car will be available in Sinsheim.


MBW wants to supply a German steam locomotive, which never has been built, as a 1 gauge model in 2020.


With part 2 of the report, the corner house "Dorfstraße 9" by Stangel will be completed. Prerequisites for the successful completion of the semi relief structure for gauge 1 are patience, improvisation and new roof tiles.


A long series of Fine Models' Bavarian beer cars for gauge 1 attracted the attention of visitors at the Fine Models and Spur1-Exklusiv exhibition stand - and two steam locomotive versions of the Palatine and Bavarian railways as well.


It doesn't always have to be a steam locomotive, because there are more than enough of them for gauge 1. Dingler Präzisionsmodelle has decided on a model that actually ran on electric power. 6 photos of the handmade sample.