Internationale Spur 0+1 Tage: Sucrerie de Toury
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Toury sugar factory in France, founded in 1875, once had an extensive narrow-gauge network for beet transport and factory traffic. Uwe Haas has set up a monument to it.

Hand Sample of the Wismar Rail Bus from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The handbuilt sample of Dingler's Wismar rail bus is not yet complete, but demonstrates the quality and finish to be expected. 32 photos with interesting details.
Novelty Announcement: E 95 from MBW
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MBW plans to deliver an DRG/DB E 95 in 2021.

Industrial Railway by Helmut Walter in 0e
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the NuSSA in Stadtoldendorf a narrow-gauge industrial railway was exhibited, on which a varied operation was carried out. The railway with 900 mm gauge was built in scale 1:45. A good example? 46 photos show the possibilities and how to create a credible atmosphere in a small area.
New Passenger Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Many passenger coaches of the Deutsche Reichsbahn are still waiting for a realisation in 1:32 scale. A new announcement with details for spur1info subscribers.

A Closer Look at the Handmade Sample of the Bavarian Cogwheel Locomotive by Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Read more … A Closer Look at the Handmade Sample of the Bavarian Cogwheel Locomotive by Fine Models

Three High Quality 1-Gauge Layouts
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the third Sauerland gauge 0 and gauge 1 meeting, three gauge 1 layouts and dioramas were shown, which demonstrated craftmanship at the highest level. My colleague Stefan Karzaunikat from Spur-Null-Magazin provided us with photos which offer many suggestions for a realistic design of layouts and dioramas in 1:32 scale.
Op de derde Sauerländer Spur 0 und Spur 1 Großbahntreffen wurden drie systemen en diorama's getoond, die de modelbouw op het hoogste niveau demonstreerden. Mijn collega Stefan Karzaunikat van Spur-Null-Magazin heeft ons foto's geleverd die ons veel suggesties bieden voor een realistisch ontwerp van faciliteiten en diorama's in schaal 1:32.

A short Visit to Seebrugg in the Black Forest
by Friedhelm Weidelich
On the way to Mulhouse in Alsace I tried to photograph some vehicles of the Dreiseebahn in Seebrugg. The collection is interesting.
At the station you will also find relics of past times.
45 photos.

Omm 55 & Co. from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
What does the new 1-gauge freight car from Wunder have that others don't? spur1info shows it vividly.

Intermodellbau 2019: Umbauwagen from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder's three-axle DB conversion cars are represented by a handbuilt sample of the "Deutsche Weinstraße" buffet car in Dortmund. The level of detail is enormous. 30 photos.