
The International 0+1 Gauge Days in Giessen have become a mega-event for the large model railroad gauges 0 and 1. A preview of the show, which takes place in just over two weeks.


The new year has begun and there are already a few reports on Gauge 1.


IG-DU issued an invitation - and many visitors came to view the large-scale Gauge 1 layout in the making and to talk shop.


The Museum of German Inland Shipping in Duisburg held a well-attended model railway exhibition over the weekend. The IG-DU was there again. 24 snapshots.


The families with children were particularly pleased with the 1 Gauge layout, on which old Märklin models did their laps.


The Prussian EG 539 was the centerpiece of the Fine Models stand at the 1:32 scale model train meet in Speyer.


Märklin presented itself at the Gauge 1 meeting in Speyer with a new operating diorama and some proven models.


At the gauge 1 meeting in Speyer, Steiner Modellwerke showed two samples of the recently announced Länderbahn stake cars and freight cars, some of which are still available in small numbers.


The hand sample of the Prussian T 141 from Wunder creates anticipation for an attractive model.


Fine Models is delivering the international wine barrel cars at the trade fair in Speyer.


The symbolic picture from Speyer with the ravens on the jumbo jet means nothing. But with visitor numbers falling, what is the future of the Spur 1 Meeting?


Wunder's Eurofima car had its premiere at the 1 Gauge meet in Speyer. The hand-built sample of the class 218 has also turned out well.


The preparations for the 1 gauge meeting in Speyer are still underway. However, some are already finished, a few snapshots of which are shown below.


The International Gauge 1 Meeting will take place at the Technik Museum in Speyer on November 16 and 17, 2024. What will be on display?


The DB Museum is venturing into one of the last hardly explored topics in railroad history. Next Friday, April 26, 2024, the Nuremberg museum will launch the special exhibition “Under Pressure. The history of the train toilet”. In eight themed areas with around 150 exhibits, documents and photos, the development of the train toilet from its beginnings in the 19th century to the present day is recounted. Exhibits include the chamber pot from Chancellor Otto von Bismarck's drawing room carriage, a model of a faeces transport carriage, toilets in original and miniature size, a pioneering bioreactor and many stories to make you smile.


The International 0+1 Gauge Days in Giessen were very well attended. A few figures.


Here are a few photos of the now painted and lettered hand samples from Gauge 1 Austria, which were exhibited in Giessen.


Two years ago, this large French O gauge layout was exhibited in Giessen at the International 0+1 Gauge Days. This time, a few new details caught the eye.


Dirk Becker exhibited his steam dairy in Giessen for the second time. The small 1:32 scale field railway system is well worth seeing.


At the International Gauge 0+1 Days in Giessen, a gem was almost a little hidden in Hall 1: the RhB station (Davos) Wiesen, a 1:45 scale operating diorama at the very highest level of model railroading. 36 photos in large format.


The extremely creative Michasdorfer Kleinbahn in 1:32 is constantly expanding its fields of business. Now it also runs at a paper factory. 34 photos with many details worth seeing.


Three interconnected gauge 1 layouts from the Netherlands were the main attraction in Hall 1 at the International Gauge 0+1 Days in Giessen. Model building at the highest level has been offered here. 36 photos in large format.


These narrow-gauge systems are still worth seeing, even if they have been exhibited before.


Frank Mäule and Alexander Lösch have created a diorama in gauge 1 to commemorate the remaining branch near Remscheid. Model building at a very high level, as was the case at the International Gauge 0+1 Days in Giessen.


Spur 01 Modellbahnen from Mülheim an der Ruhr surprised with parts of new locomotives and cars for the 0 and 1 gauges.


Gauge 1 Austria showed the Henschel-Wegmann train in two versions in Giessen: Deutsche Reichsbahn Gesellschaft and Deutsche Bundesbahn.


A super-fine overhead line for the RhB locomotive from Dingler is in the works. And something neat.


The new carbonic acid wagon from Steiner Modellwerke arrived directly from Asia. Pictures from the mobile photo studio.


AMJL has brought along three hand samples. The SNCF UIC cars are very detailed. 44 photos.


Trade fairs are good testing grounds for model ideas. What about the Breuer tractor?


The International Gauge 0+1 Days in Giessen were well attended and offered more than any other exhibition of the large gauges.


The three hand samples of the gauge 1 DB class 151 from Märklin made a very good impression.


The Donnerbüchsen are on their way, but have not made it to Giessen. Interest is being tested with an interesting model.


Märklin shows a hand sample of the Wismar rail bus for the first time. First pictures.


Some quick shots of the production model of the A 3/5 700 from the hotel room. The detailing speaks for itself.


In Giessen, Pesolillo is showing the first parts of a hand-built model of a Swiss legendary locomotive. spur1info readers will find impressions of a super model photographed on site, which will not only be enjoyed in Switzerland. Never before has such a gauge 1 model of this prototype been produced in brass construction in contemporary quality.


The International Gauge 0 +1 Days will take place in Giessen on March 23 and 24, 2024. With a total of 99 exhibitors and 35 layouts, the trade fair is well on the way to becoming the central event for 1-gauge. A preview of trade fair novelties and exhibits.


The International Toy Fair starts tomorrow in Nuremberg. Model railroads have almost disappeared.


Speyer is the new synonym for the traditional Spur 1 meeting since 2022. In 2024, there will be a new date at the end of the year with continuous significance for the gauge 1 industry. A break with tradition?


Finally, a few photos and impressions from the Spur 1 meeting in Speyer.


In Speyer, JoWi showed the day-and-night effect in wallpapers for layouts and dioramas. You can even take a look at the moon.


The modular layout of Dr. Thomas Pauli from Öhringen was exhibited for the first time and had an effect on the visitors of the Liller Halle by something that is rarely found in gauge 1: real operation. "Playing with meaning" was the name given to it once a long time ago by a railroad magazine.


The Mistral is a cold wind that blows from northern parts of France to the south of France. It was once followed by a TEE with luxurious cars, which are not for everyone, as well in 1 gauge.


At the new booth, Spur 01 Modellbahnen showed a hand sample of the DB class 66.


There were no new products at Märklin in Speyer, but there was good news and impetus.


On the joint stand of Dingler and Lokladen were some hand samples on display. Still a handful of the beautiful Ge 6/6 I of the Rhaetian Railway are available.


In addition to the SNCF steam locomotive 231.G/K, Wunder showed other hand samples of Bavarian locomotives and a four-axle conversion car in Speyer.


Premiere hatte in Speyer auf dem Stand von Fine Models ein Handmuster der Baureihe 95 und die bayerische AA1.


Das Bild, heute bei Wunder und Fine Models aufgenommen, symbolisiert eine Seite des Internationalen Spur-1-Treffens.


Among others, the DB class 043 and the still unpainted samples of the Austrian baggage car and the "Bremen" are on display at Spur 1 Austria. First photos.


The exhibitors of the Gauge 1 Meeting in Speyer are now known.


On May 8, the registration deadline for the International Gauge 1 Meeting in Speyer ended. A list of exhibitors is not yet available. Some exhibits can be expected.


This weekend, the second Spur1 & Spur0 fair will take place in Mainz. Two hand samples will be on display for the first time, one already here at spur1info.

On Sunday the journey by car is a bit more complicated because of an event.


The next trade show for 1 and 0 gauge will take place at the beginning of May. A small preview of what will be on display in Mainz, Germany


The Toury sugar factory in France, founded in 1875, once had an extensive narrow-gauge network for beet transport and factory traffic. Uwe Haas has set up a monument to it.


Lok- und Waggonbau Klaus Wagner presented a diorama in Gießen that was designed down to the last detail and featured several locomotives: The small depot.


The West Saxon 0e-friends offered 0e-fun in Gießen with a large module layout.


Two Austrian exhibitors displayed new material for landscaping, dioramas and buildings in Gießen.


Stangel has some new cardboard kits that can be used to create imposing and small buildings as well.


Spur 1 Austria delivers the frame cars, also the Gravita is coming soon.


In the crowded halls there was no way through until after 2 pm. At Fine Models, a novelty was hiding in the rather pale hall lighting.


Next weekend the International Gauge 0 +1 Days will take place in Giessen, near Frankfurt. Gauge 1 is well represented.


If it weren't for Märklin, you could forget about the International Toy Fair. For years, a visit has been less and less worthwhile because model railroading is only a marginal phenomenon there. So now what?


The date for the 2023 Spur 1 meeting in Speyer is now fixed.


Culemeyer road rollers brought freight cars and heavy loads to places where there were no tracks. RailAdventure has developed auxiliary bogies for transferring rail vehicles that work on rail and now also on road.


Flexible freight cars in all colors, new types of containers and lightweight construction, prototypes and new couplers: At InnoTrans in Berlin, you can experience the rail trends of the next decade. 58 pictures show where the journey is headed.


Locomotives made up only a small part of the exhibits at InnoTrans 2022. But there were spectacular engines among them that would also be eye-catchers in Gauge 1 scale.


More than ever, the future of passenger rail transport consists of multiple units. InnoTrans 2022 made that clear. But the drives are becoming more environmentally friendly.


The International Toy Fair has ideas for the general public, who previously had to sneak in with dealer tickets.


The International Gauge 1 Meeting in Speyer was a success. How does it move on?


A photographic foretaste of some gauge 1 exhibits in Speyer and unusual insights into Märklin's 02 0314.


The International Gauge 1 Meeting will take place next weekend in Speyer. The number of exhibitors at the new location has shrunk. But there are some new hand samples and novelty presentations.


Finally, a few snapshots and information from the International Gauge 0+1 Days in Giessen.


Among the many layouts, some already known, the O gauge layout Chemin de fer de la chapelle with a northern French SNCF motif stood out. 20 photos in large format.


The International Gauge 0+1 Days in Giessen were well attended. Do both Gauges fit together?


There was a lot on display at the large Spur 1 Austria booth.


Snapshots from the International Gauge 0  +1 Days in Giessen.


This coming weekend, the International Gauge 0 +1 Days June 2022 will take place in Giessen, north of Frankfurt. The focus is clearly on gauge 0. For the first time, gauge 1 is coming along quasi piggyback and on a trial basis in order to gather experience in the flood of trade fairs and exhibitions as to which might be worthwhile in 2023 - and which might not.


At the end of May, the long announced will take place in Birmensdorf near Zurich. In addition to the focus on 0 gauge, 1 gauge will also be represented.


After a forced break due to Corona, the International Gauge 1 Meeting will take place again this year. However, not in Sinsheim as before, but in the Technik-Museum in Speyer, the headquarters of the Speyerer Veranstaltungs- und Messe GmbH. The date has also been changed.


After the success of the well-attended fair at the beginning of April 2022, the date for the Spur1/Spur0 fair 2023 has now been set: it will take place on May 6 and 7, 2023 in the Alte Lokhalle in Mainz.


There is a lot going on at Klaus Wagner's gauge 1 layout, which was presented at the Spur1/Spur0 fair in Mainz.

28 photos give an insight into the operation.


A beautiful old, contemporary modernized locomotive shed, many exhibitors and visitors. The first fair in Mainz for gauge 1 was a complete success already on the first day.


The weekend after next, the Spur 1 Spur 0 fair will open its doors in the former locomotive shed in Mainz, Germany.


An information.


It was already foreseeable weeks ago that the Spielwarenmesse 2022 would hardly be attended and Omicron would continue to spread. Now the organizer has canceled the fair.


While the Spielwarenmesse press office was still looking forward to personal contacts at the end of January 2022 yesterday, Märklin, the largest model train exhibitor, is canceling now its participation.


As I have already reported, the Gauge 1 meeting 2022 will not take place in Sinsheim. Here is now the announcement of the organizer.


There is news from the Gauge 1 world.


One floor of the Märklineum in Göppingen is devoted entirely to Märklin model trains. A portrait with 52 photos.


Märklin began producing toys in Göppingen in 1859. The Märklineum, which was actually to be ceremoniously opened in a larger circle in mid-December, sets up a monument to the company's hardly manageable history and testifies to the ingenuity and adaptability of the model railroad market leader. The Märklineum can be visited under the usual Corona restrictions.


Finally, a few snapshots from the Intermodellbau.


Over 30 model railroad layouts were exhibited at Intermodellbau 2021. Most were of high quality craftsmanship and with original ideas or completely based on the prototype. Often it is model builders from abroad who implement a theme in great detail.


Intermodellbau is the Mecca of model railroad layout builders. Gauge 1 is also represented.


Tomorrow the Intermodellbau starts in Dortmund. Gauge 1 is only represented on a small scale, but will present new hand samples.


On November 27 and 28, a Model Railroad Day will be held at the Museum of German Inland Navigation in Duisburg. Gauge 1 modules with Ruhr area flair will also have their premiere at this event.


I received photos of the 01Treff from Maarn, Netherlands.


Now that the Corona pandemic seems to have been contained to some extent, model railroad and model making fairs are taking place again. But what about next year?


Now it's off to Schlettau and Klütz on the modular gauge 1 layout in Annaberg-Buchholz.


In the second part about the gauge 1 operating days in Annaberg-Buchholz, we go to a railroad depot and a large diesel filling station.


The Ore Mountains (Erzgebirge) in Saxony, Germany, offer a lot of variety in terms of railroad technology in a very small area. Ore Mountains stations and lines were the theme on the approximately 120 modules of the fourth Annaberg-Buchholz Gauge 1 operating days initiated by jübe-modelle. The self-builts, together with the DR vehicles, looked authentic and the operation remained relaxed. Part 1 with 51 photos in large format.


At the end of July, model railroaders who have chosen the GDR Reichsbahn as their model will meet for operating days in Annaberg-Buchholz (Saxony).


The International Spur-1-Treffen 2021 in Sinsheim has been cancelled due to Corona.


IMA 2021 has been cancelled.


As the trade fair company has now announced, the Intermodellbau trade fair will be postponed due to the current development of the Covid 19 pandemic and the associated official measures. The next edition of the world's largest trade fair for model making and model sports will take place from Wednesday, 17 to Saturday, 20 November 2021.


"Due to the current Covid 19 infection, Faszination Modellbahn Mannheim 2021 unfortunately has to be cancelled," Messe Sinsheim GmbH has just announced. The fair was scheduled to take place in mid-March.


As the fair company has just announced, the 2021 Toy Fair, due to Covid-19, will not take place in the usual period from the end of January.


Messe Sinsheim GmbH just published the decision to cancel this year's 37. Int. Modellbahn-Ausstellung, 19. Faszination Modellbau and 12. Echtdampf-Hallentreffen. The events have been planned for October 30 to November 1, 2020 in Friedrichshafen.


On April 24 and 25, 2021, a new model railway platform of Gauge 0 and 1 is planned in Birmensdorf/ZH with the title Club layouts and models of all kinds in gauges 0, 0e, 0m, On3, 1 and 1m will be shown in operation, products for layout and vehicle model making will be on sale.


The Gauge 1 Meeting in Sinsheim cannot take place because of the Corona crisis and has been cancelled today.


In the Corona crisis many have time to think. And then they start cleaning up.


Due to the development of the corona pandemic, Messe Sinsheim GmbH has decided not to hold this year's Fascination Modellbahn Mannheim, which traditionally takes place in spring, any more. A postponement to the late year 2020 is not promising, also in consideration of the current sensitivities of our exhibitors, the trade fair company has announced.


As expected, Messe Dortmund has now postponed Intermodellbau from April to mid August.


For gauge 1, narrow-gauge railways are still a niche product. In search of inspiration we visited the NuSSA - the zero and narrow gauge exhibition in Stadtoldendorf, Germany. It was worth it, because high quality model making was exhibited there.

We start with a field railway in 1:32. 46 photos of a compact, versatile layout.


The corona virus has current effects: The Faszination Modellbahn 2020 will not take place, as planned, from 13 to 15 March 2020. "Due to the daily changing conditions and the sense of responsibility of the organiser Messe Sinsheim GmbH, the date will be postponed to a later date", the organiser has just announced.


From 13th through 15th March 2020, "Fascination Model Railway" will once again take place at the Maimarkthalle in Mannheim. Here, model railway enthusiasts will be able to view models and hand samples that they know from reports on the International Toy Fair.

The fair organizer is in contact with the authorities because of the corona virus. As things stand today, the fair will take place.


The newly announced figures from Noch for gauge 1 are worth a closer look.


For the 300th birthday of Baron von Münchhausen Preiser is bringing an Elastolin figure. It matches the conversations in the model railway hall at the International Toy Fair.


Beli-Beco presented its extensive range of lamps and illumination for model railway scales in Nuremberg. A novelty for gauge 1 was included.


In the obscure world of military model making there are sometimes useful accessories for civilian purposes. Besides the traditional 1:35 scale, there are also models in 1:32 scale, matching the 1-gauge.


MiniArt is constantly expanding its range of kits in 1:35 scale with civilian motifs.

Many of them can also be used together with 1:32 scale.


Not everyone at Märklin expected such a success of the new Gauge 1 products. The market is heading in a new direction, which Märklin is pursuing with new self-confidence. Customers will also benefit from this.


The 320 001 of the track construction company Wiebe hummed quietly on the Märklin gauge 1 roller bench.


The Toy Fair in Nuremberg has been steadily losing importance for gauge 1, but Märklin makes it worth a visit.


There's something going on at the model railroad shows.


Steiner Modellwerke had their first trade fair appearance at Intermodellbau 2019. In addition to the hand sample of the class 81 already presented here in detail, two samples of the glass box without blind shaft were presented - but for gauge O.


This year the summer novelties were not announced on the Intermodellbau. In May Märklin will try out a new format and present the new products online.


Fresh from Asia came two unpainted hand samples of the Deutsche Bundesbahn's makeshift baggage cars. The gauge 1 cars are very detailed.