Freight Cars we could use
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A whole range of freight cars are still waiting to be realized as a gauge 1 model. Special cars are particularly interesting.

Freight Train Baggage Car Pwgs 44 from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Boxcar “Bremen” and the Pwgs 44 are based on the same underframe. A good reason for Spur 1 Austria to also produce this freight train baggage car, which is widely used in Germany and Austria, as a gauge 1 model.
Read more … Freight Train Baggage Car Pwgs 44 from Spur 1 Austria

Speyer: Kiss Modellbahn Service
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Kiss Modellbahn Service exhibited a large number of passenger and freight cars for gauge 1 in Speyer.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the gauge 1 meeting in Speyer, Steiner Modellwerke showed two samples of the recently announced Länderbahn stake cars and freight cars, some of which are still available in small numbers.

Production Samples of the Wine Barrel Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
22 photos of the German and Swiss wine barrel cars that Fine Models will deliver for gauge 1 at the end of October.
Read more … Production Samples of the Wine Barrel Cars from Fine Models

Production Samples of the Fine Models' Freight Train Vans
by Friedhelm Weidelich
27 Fotos der Güterzug-Begleitwagen Pwgs 41 der zweiten Serie, die Fine Models Ende Oktober für die Spur 1 ausliefern wird. Mit dabei ist auch der rote Wendezug-Befehlswagen.
Read more … Production Samples of the Fine Models' Freight Train Vans

1 Gauge Novelty for Freight Transportation
by Friedhelm Weidelich
spur1info is able to announce new carriage models today, exclusively for subscribers. Photos, video and brochure.

Preview of car models soon to be delivered by Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models GmbH is on vacation until the end of August. Spur1info already has 63 photos of production models of the freight train baggage car and the luxury horse-drawn carriage.
Read more … Preview of car models soon to be delivered by Fine Models

Freight Car Triple from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Sometimes you wait until something comes along. But now they are here: the photos of the freight car trio from Steiner Modellwerke. With three firework stars fresh from the Steinhuder Meer!

Transporting Tubes and Pipes
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A couple of photos of freight trains loaded with tubes. 1971 and 2007.

Italian Reefer from Dingler for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The white pointed roof refrigerator cars from Dingler form a contrast to ordinary freight cars for gauge 1. They were produced with and without a brakeman's cab.

Italian FS Ferryboat Refrigerator Car from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler is currently delivering the excellent refrigerator cars from the Italian FS. Only a few examples for gauge 1 are still available. They are worth every penny.
The first part describes a refrigerated car suitable for ferries with a reduced profile, plus 34 photos in large format.
Read more … Italian FS Ferryboat Refrigerator Car from Dingler

Freight Car Overload
by Gastautor
Since absolute attention to detail is generally preached in gauge 1, but there is often a lack of implementation when it comes to loads, Hans Ziegler has calculated what load a car can carry - and on which lines.

DB Service Tank Car from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Kiss will soon be delivering the DB service tank car. A production model stood in front of the camera. 30 photos.

Giessen: Spur 01 Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur 01 Modellbahnen from Mülheim an der Ruhr surprised with parts of new locomotives and cars for the 0 and 1 gauges.
Giessen: Cars from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The new carbonic acid wagon from Steiner Modellwerke arrived directly from Asia. Pictures from the mobile photo studio.
Giessen: new Freight Car from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke will be presenting tomorrow a new freight car as a hand sample for the first time at the International 0+1 Gauge Days in Giessen.
Read more … Giessen: new Freight Car from Steiner Modellwerke

Wunder's Hoppers at Work
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Along with track details, freight cars are among the least photographed objects on the railroad. I found a few that matched Wunder's hand samples in the archive. Hoppes in use during track renewal.

Hand samples of the third Bavarian Freight Car Series from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The last two hand samples of the third series of Bavarian freight cars from Fine Models are a high-side gondola and a boxcar, both with brakeman's cab. 36 photos in large format.
Read more … Hand samples of the third Bavarian Freight Car Series from Fine Models

New Hand Samples from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke have received two hand samples of the Moha milk tank wagons for gauge 1.

Swing-roof self-unloading Car from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The DB self-unloading car Ktmmv 69, which Wunder presented as a hand sample, also characterized mixed freight trains from the 1960s until today. A few examples should enrich the freight
car fleet.

Cars in Development at Modellbau Marcus Jaegers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Marcus Jaegers is working on a couchette wagon from Swiss RAlpin AG and six-axle freight wagons. A look at the first samples.

New Bavarian Freight Car from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models is expanding its 1 gauge range for friends of Bavarian railroads with more freight cars. Detailed information and first photos of two hand samples.
News from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
For the current tenth anniversary of Steiner Modellwerke, there is a new freight car - and an update.

Swiss Beer Cars from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler will soon deliver its superbly crafted Swiss beer wagons. Photos of all 23 versions.

New 1 Gauge Swiss Cars from Pesolillo
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Pesolillo presents new Swiss car models on the platform of the small series in Bauma this weekend. They are available immediately.
Pesolillo presenta a Bauma nuovi modelli di carri svizzeri. Modelli disponibili da subito.
Pesolillo présente à Bauma de nouveaux modèles de wagons suisses. Ils sont disponibles immédiatement.
Images of Freight Car Samples from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke has provided spur1info with photos of the hand samples of the announced stock car and boxcar. The models will not be on display in Speyer.
Read more … Images of Freight Car Samples from Steiner Modellwerke

SNCF Boxcar from AMJL
by Friedhelm Weidelich
AMJL is delivering the second batch of French boxcars for 1 Gauge. A closer look at the Ghs with many photos.

Images of Dingler's Tadgs Hoppers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler's side unloading cars (hoppers) for gauge 1 are now available. First photos of the production models.

First French SNCF Boxcar from AMJL
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The first Gauge 1 model of the French Gauge 0 supplier AMJL has been released. Those who had pre-ordered now own a beautiful freight car model. A review with 26 photos.

New Modern Freight Cars from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modellbau Marcus Jaegers has completed two new gauge 1 freight cars for SBB Cargo.
Read more … New Modern Freight Cars from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers
Dingler Novelties for International Transport
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler brings attractive gauge 1 cars for international traffic. First photos exclusively at spur1info.

Kiss' new Hand Sample on the Studio Table
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The hand sample of the Kiss DB oil car makes a largely convincing impression in the photo studio. But setting the right tone is harder than you think.

New Samples from Fine Models for 1 Gauge
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fresh on the photo table from Asia came two hand samples of the freight train accompanying cars from Fine Models.

DB Tank Car from Kiss - First Images
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models/Kiss Modellbahnen Germany has received a hand sample of the DB service tank car. First photos of the gauge 1 model.

A refurbished Freight Car
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Obsolete gauge 1 brass models can be brought up to a higher standard - and offer tinkering fun. Bernhard Lindlbauer has taken on an old gondola.

Swiss Beer Car illustrations by Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler builds 23 colorful and graphically varied beer cars from Switzerland for 1 gauge. Here are the illustrations.

Worn Wheels
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steel wheels on steel rails are subject to wear. But where are the limits?

Current freight traffic on DB tracks, part 2
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In part 2 of the current freight rail photos, we encounter a 145 with train destination display and colorfully decorated electric locomotives from Europe.

Current freight traffic on DB tracks, part 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A look at the law makes it easier to find the law, was a standard saying of professors in law seminars. Three hours on the railroad line make it easier to get an overview of the ever-changing locomotives, railroad companies and freight cars. The current railroad is more colorful and diverse than ever before. A nice contrast to the brown and gray freight trains of yesteryear.

DB Swing Roof Cars from Wunder in View of the Camera
by Friedhelm Weidelich
50 photos and a review of Wunder's distinctive Bundesbahn KKks and Tae(m)s 890 swing roof cars for Gauge 1.
Read more … DB Swing Roof Cars from Wunder in View of the Camera

Swiss Beer Reefers from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Here come now the first hand sample photos of the Swiss beer cars from Dingler.

InnoTrans 2022 (3) - Freight Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Flexible freight cars in all colors, new types of containers and lightweight construction, prototypes and new couplers: At InnoTrans in Berlin, you can experience the rail trends of the next decade. 58 pictures show where the journey is headed.

Hand Sample of the Wine Barrel Car from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
On the photo table was a hand sample of a wine barrel car of the "Deutsche Weinkesselwagon Gesellschaft m.b.H. Kitzingen". A gauge 1 model from Fine Models, this version fits very well with the other Bavarian freight cars.
Read more … Hand Sample of the Wine Barrel Car from Fine Models

Dingler's G 90 Available
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler has received the G 90 freight cars and is now starting delivery.
Reports from Giessen: AMJL
by Friedhelm Weidelich
AMJL had decided at short notice to exhibit in Giessen. And brought an interesting experience with them.
New Freight Car from Dingler - the Price
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Now the price for the new Dingler hopper has been set.

New Freight Car from Dingler - first Samples
by Friedhelm Weidelich
You don't have to own the most modern locomotive to form an era-appropriate freight train with Dingler's new cars. First information and photos of the two hand samples for subscribers.

Hand Samples of French Boxcars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
From France we received photos of the SNCF covered freight cars for gauge 1.
Weathered G 90 from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler had the hand sample of the G 90 patinated. A few photos.

Freight Car Novelty from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler is presenting a two-axle freight car as the first new item in 2022 for Gauge 1. Not much time will pass until delivery.

Refrigerator Car, Weathered by Horst Göhr
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Horst Göhr has weathered a refrigerator car at the end of its operational life.
Several Märklin Novelties Canceled
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin will not realize some gauge 1 novelties due to lack of advance orders.
Annoucement: Freight Train Conductor Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models announces several freight train conductor cars for gauge 1 for 2023.
Read more … Annoucement: Freight Train Conductor Cars from Fine Models

Weathered Tank Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Horst Göhr demonstrates with three 1 gauge tank cars how to weather freight cars close to the prototype and without uniform mist from the airbrush.

DB Swing roof car for Gauge 1 from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The DB KKks 89/Taes 890/Taems 890 swing roof car from Wunder Präzisionsmodelle brings a new design to the range for gauge 1 freight cars. The hand pattern suggests a versatile model for gauge 1.

New 1 Gauge Freight Cars from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modellbau Marcus Jaegers has two new flat cars based on German and French prototypes in its program.
Read more … New 1 Gauge Freight Cars from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers

The Fichtelbergbahn - part 2
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the second part we look again at the station Cranzahl, other small stations at the narrow gauge railway and accompany trains with the camera.
New 1 Gauge Freight Car from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder will shortly be introducing a new freight car for 1 gauge. It is a swing roof car.

Rail Cargo Austria's Eanos from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Current freight cars are painted colorful and make the modern railroad colorful and attractive. Modellbau Marcus Jaegers has produced a modern white-red painted Eanos of Rail Cargo Austria.
Read more … Rail Cargo Austria's Eanos from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers
One more Gauge 1 Novelty
by Friedhelm Weidelich
And once again there is a novelty for the gauge 1 to announce!

The finished Tank Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
To build seven tank cars, you need time and patience. Now they are ready to roll on 45 mm track.
Aby zbudować siedem wagonów cystern, potrzeba czasu i cierpliwości. Teraz są one gotowe do jazdy po torach 45 mm.

Home-made Tank Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Jacek Wysocki from Poland is currently building a tank car train. Here are some snapshots.

French SNCF Reefer from Twerenbold
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Twerenbold Modellbau is delivering the French refrigerator cars for 1 scale announced in spring 2019. Pictures of all versions.
Twerenbold Modellbau livre les voitures frigorifiques françaises à l'échelle 1 annoncées au printemps 2019. Photos de toutes les versions.

Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland to announce Donnerbüchsen and more
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Blunderbusses characterized commuter trains in Germany until the end of the 1950s. Kiss Modellbahnen is now issuing them as brass models for gauge 1 - and some more.
Read more … Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland to announce Donnerbüchsen and more

Märklin's Summer Novelties 2021 for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
It had to come in 1:32 scale at some point: the 08 1001 of the Deutsche Reichsbahn. The French-based coal dust test locomotive will not be long in coming to Märklin.
Additional Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models expands the Bavarian freight car program presented a few days ago with two models for early epoch III.

Some more Bavarian freight cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models is expanding its series of Bavarian freight cars with new models for 1 scale. Here are the facts.
Read more … Some more Bavarian freight cars from Fine Models
Time to Preorder SNCF Boxcar
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In order for the project to be realized and result in more models, I would like to remind you of an interesting freight car that will be built for 1 gauge.

A Märklin Novelty 2022 Uncovered
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Hungarian subsidiary of Märklin has developed a gauge 1 model that makes the long waits for production models obsolete. Individual initiative is called for.

Weathered Stake Car
by Friedhelm Weidelich
You don't have to do much to patina Wunder's factory-painted stake cars. The Ziegler brothers show in pictures how they made a model with weathering marks and touched up areas.

Private Res from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modellbau Marcus Jaegers has developed a modern type Res freight car, the prototype of which belongs to the German Wiebe track maintenance company.

DRG Open Freight Car „Würzburg“ from Fine Models for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The asymmetrical brakeman's cab makes this O-car of Bavarian provenance stand out. An interesting gauge 1 model from Fine Models for the early days of the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG).
Read more … DRG Open Freight Car „Würzburg“ from Fine Models for Gauge 1

Bavarian Open Freight Car from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models is just delivering the Bavarian open freight cars. 21 photos and a review of the E-car of the Royal Bavarian State Railways.

Italian Tipo F & Co from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler is delivering the Italian pointed roof wagons these days. With them, Italian farmers delivered fruit and vegetables to many European countries until about 1985. The well-done freight wagon models belong in every freight train on gauge 1. A description of the two wagon types with 54 photos for connoisseurs.
French Freight Car
by Friedhelm Weidelich
An established manufacturer enters the production of French freight cars.

Märklin's old G 10 with Crafting Fun
by Friedhelm Weidelich
With original accessories, old car models can be remarketed. Märklin took this approach with the G 10 and upgraded it to a car for livestock transport. The gauge 1 model 58945 brings a few hours of handicraft fun into the house and stimulates the imagination.

A Luxembourg Fads from Modellbau Jaegers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modellbau Marcus Jaegers has built a Luxembourg Fads in 1/32nd scale for a customer.

VTG tank cars by Jacek Wysocki
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After his excellent Polish Dragon, Jacek Wysocki built five tank cars. His gauge 1 models are still getting even better.

Wooden Floor for a Flat Car
by Gastautor
There is nothing to replace wood in the model. Hans and Walter Ziegler have revised a flat car from KM1, which improves the appearance with a real wooden floor.

Italian Tipo F in Germany
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Italian pointed roof cars, which Dingler has announced for gauge 1 now, were part of many freight trains. A glance into my archives – and at a preserved car in South Tyrol, Italy.

Dingler's Novelties 2020/2021 (updated)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The International Spur 1 meeting in Sinsheim, traditionally held this weekend, had to be cancelled due to Covid-19. But you can find out here what Dingler would have presented there. The novelties are tempting and cover a lot of the scope of our hobby.

First Pictures of the Painted Bavarian Low Side Cars of Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Bavarian low side cars from Fine Models are approaching production maturity. 14 new photos, which should please gauge 1 friends of epochs I and II.
Read more … First Pictures of the Painted Bavarian Low Side Cars of Fine Models

Weathered Freight Cars the Ziegler Way (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
We continue with patinating examples of the Ziegler brothers. The pictures speak for themselves.

Acid Pot Cars for Gauge 1 from Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has now delivered the second pot car with item number 58725. If you can get the gauge 1 model out of the packaging without a crash, you can look forward to a little handicraft fun.

Weathered Freight Cars the Ziegler Way (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Hans and Walter Ziegler have taken two more freight cars for weathering.
The 1-gauge cars show the long years of service of the prototypes.

A Weathered SBB Eaos
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Achim Lutz has weathered a pseudo-patinated used SBB Eaos open freight car from Märklin according to a prototype photo. The effort was worth it.

Photos of Dingler's DB Ktmm
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler customers will not have to wait much longer for the bulk freight wagons Ktmm 65 and Ktmmv/Ud-73 of Deutsche Bundesbahn. We take a look at the hand samples. 31 photos and an animation.

Bavarian Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Recently, the Bavarian milk wagon and a hand sample of the CL passenger car from Fine Models also appeared in front of the camera. 28 photos that make you look forward to the gauge 1 models.

MO-Miniatur announces RORO Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MO-Miniatur is expanding its small assortment for rail-bound vehicles and announces Roll on/Roll off Cars. There is also a novelty for the depot.

Samples of the Bavarian Low Side Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models has received three samples of the Bavarian low side cars of the Oq and O types. In Bavaria they were indispensable in epochs I and II. They should become attractive gauge 1 models. 37 photos in large format demonstrate what you can expect.
Read more … Samples of the Bavarian Low Side Cars from Fine Models

Details of the Bavarian Low Side Cars by Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models has now defined details for the Bavarian low side cars. Details for spur1info subscribers.
Read more … Details of the Bavarian Low Side Cars by Fine Models

New Freight Car Samples from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modern locomotives need modern freight cars. MBJ Modellbau Jaegers has new colorful models under construction. Especially impressive is the detailed, 810 mm long carrier for 80 ft containers.
Read more … New Freight Car Samples from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers

Weiacher Hoppers and More
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler's four-axle gravel cars from Switzerland have quite modern prototypes. A series of 47 pictures gives an insight into what the cars look like in operation.

Omm 55 & Co. from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
What does the new 1-gauge freight car from Wunder have that others don't? spur1info shows it vividly.

Private Swiss Faccs from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
As a surprise and without announcement Dingler has produced another 1-gauge model of a modern hopper. spur1info had the car in the photo studio and exclusively presents 32 photos of the attractive model, which is internationally in use.

Swiss Falls Type Hoppers Falls from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler is currently delivering the new four-axle hoppers of the Falls type. Beside the famous "Weiacher" there are also other colorful models. I had the blue HASTAG car on my photo studio desk. 39 photos of the very attractive modern freight car.

Tipo FF from Lucchini Rail Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
One year ago the Tipo FF with long wheelbase from Lucchini Rail Models was announced here. The Italian freight car will be available in Sinsheim.

DB Stock Car V 23 from Märklin for 1 Gauge
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has reissued an old Hübner model of the Deutsche Bundesbahn V 23 stock car. The 1-gauge model is essential for epoch III.