Freight Cars we could use
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A whole range of freight cars are still waiting to be realized as a gauge 1 model. Special cars are particularly interesting.
A Surprise
by Friedhelm Weidelich
While some Gauge 1 players are wasting their energy building castles in the air, other providers are quietly allowing ideas and projects to take shape. An exclusive example with never-before-seen hand samples.

Preview of the International 0+1 Gauge Days in Giessen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The International 0+1 Gauge Days in Giessen have become a mega-event for the large model railroad gauges 0 and 1. A preview of the show, which takes place in just over two weeks.
Read more … Preview of the International 0+1 Gauge Days in Giessen

Dingler's Class 87 is nearing Completion
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Work continues on the Dingler class 87 for gauge 1. The steam loco with Luttermöller axles is to be delivered this year.

SNCF Steam Engine Class 141 R from Modelbex is coming soon
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Lematec has announced that the Gauge 1 models of the SNCF 141 R will soon be available for delivery.
Read more … SNCF Steam Engine Class 141 R from Modelbex is coming soon

Steam Engine Waltz in 6/8 Time
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Used gauge 1 models of steam locomotives can be given a better sound with new functions integrated into the ESU Loksound 5 XL decoder. Ern Hettinger describes the electronic settings and shows in detail how to get closer to the sound of a real steam engine in a class 44 locomotive.

A rather Short 1 Gauge Project Table
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Many gauge 1 models have been delivered in 2024. There is a reluctance to make new announcements. The current planning for 2025 offers something for almost every customer.
And then: Let there be rock.

Railroad Crossing with Railroad Buff
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Ambitious model railroad projects take a long time, especially in gauge 1. One reader's model of a gated railroad crossing is nearing completion and will be surprising for its unique functions.

Four-legged helpers in the forest
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Tractors used to chug along here. Now four-legged helpers have taken over some of the work.

Freight Train Baggage Car Pwgs 44 from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Boxcar “Bremen” and the Pwgs 44 are based on the same underframe. A good reason for Spur 1 Austria to also produce this freight train baggage car, which is widely used in Germany and Austria, as a gauge 1 model.
Read more … Freight Train Baggage Car Pwgs 44 from Spur 1 Austria

Märklin 1 Gauge Novelties 2025
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin is targeting the collectors' market this year with its new 1-gauge products and is announcing a classic.

A few Reports
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The new year has begun and there are already a few reports on Gauge 1.

Retrospective 2024 – who delivered?
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Sluggish demand in gauge 1 has hardly slowed down production, with almost 50 model families delivered. Delivery times still vary from a few months to more than 11 years, even though fewer and fewer customers want to pre-order. The current project list provides information on fast and slow gauge 1 suppliers in 2024.

A Visit at Fine Models - Structures
by Friedhelm Weidelich
28 photos document parts of the Fine Models collection. This time a spectacular four-track bridge, some architectural models, a sign of the Reichsbahn and a Belgian Dutch gauge 1 diorama.

The works of Horst Göhr – a retrospective
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Horst Göhr was a master of model making and weathering. A pictorial retrospective.

Open Doors at the IG-DU
by Friedhelm Weidelich
IG-DU issued an invitation - and many visitors came to view the large-scale Gauge 1 layout in the making and to talk shop.

Exposition at Duisburg Inland Shipping Museum
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Museum of German Inland Shipping in Duisburg held a well-attended model railway exhibition over the weekend. The IG-DU was there again. 24 snapshots.
Unilateral Double Switch
by Gastautor
Railroad turnouts are often custom-made for a specific situation. Hartmut Schöntag had a unilateral double switch built that has a prototype.

News about Märklin's Wismar Rail Bus
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A 3D print was also shown at the Spur 1 meeting in Speyer. However, the development of the Wismar railcar from Märklin is already further advanced.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: a Nostalgic Layout
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The families with children were particularly pleased with the 1 Gauge layout, on which old Märklin models did their laps.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Fine Models and Kiss
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Prussian EG 539 was the centerpiece of the Fine Models stand at the 1:32 scale model train meet in Speyer.
Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Swiss Signals
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The SBB light signals were a chance find at the 1 Gauge meeting in Speyer.

Speyer: Kiss Modellbahn Service
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Kiss Modellbahn Service exhibited a large number of passenger and freight cars for gauge 1 in Speyer.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin presented itself at the Gauge 1 meeting in Speyer with a new operating diorama and some proven models.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the gauge 1 meeting in Speyer, Steiner Modellwerke showed two samples of the recently announced Länderbahn stake cars and freight cars, some of which are still available in small numbers.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Weinfasswagen from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models is delivering the international wine barrel cars at the trade fair in Speyer.
Read more … Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Weinfasswagen from Fine Models

Spur-1-Treffen in Speyer: early Observations
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The symbolic picture from Speyer with the ravens on the jumbo jet means nothing. But with visitor numbers falling, what is the future of the Spur 1 Meeting?

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Class 218 and Eurofima Car from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder's Eurofima car had its premiere at the 1 Gauge meet in Speyer. The hand-built sample of the class 218 has also turned out well.
Read more … Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Class 218 and Eurofima Car from Wunder
First photos from Speyer
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The preparations for the 1 gauge meeting in Speyer are still underway. However, some are already finished, a few snapshots of which are shown below.

Power Shovel from Weinert
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Weinert supplies a brass model of a hand scraper, also known as a power shovel, for gauge 1.
Preview of Spur-1-Treffen in Speyer
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The International Gauge 1 Meeting will take place at the Technik Museum in Speyer on November 16 and 17, 2024. What will be on display?

Post-war Coal Theft as a Diorama
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Fine Models collection includes an excellently made diorama with a motif from the period after the Second World War.

The new Project List of Gauge 1 Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The last project list of gauge 1 models appeared two months ago. Time for an update.
Novelties from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur 1 Austria, officially Spur 1 Modellbahnen GmbH, is exhibiting at the IMA in Friedrichshafen from November 1st to 3rd, 2024. Spur1info already knows the 2025/2026 new products program.

A large Layout at Fine Models' Headquarter
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A railway line with a station and a large depot fills a room at Fine Models. 27 photos give an impression of the layout.

Two Dioramas
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models collects dioramas. Two dioramas that create a sense of atmosphere and action in the smallest of spaces.

DB Cargo Class 151 as 1 Gauge Model from
by Friedhelm Weidelich
DB Cargo no longer has a class 151 locomotive. Märklin has issued two traffic red versions and other versions of this six-axle electric freight locomotive for Gauge 1. #151 035, item number 55256 was literally the model in the photo studio. A review with 63 photos in large format.
Photos of Pesolillo's Novelty
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Here are now professional photos of what is probably the most attractive 1-gauge novelty at Bauma.
A new Engine
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There are still many European locomotives that could make a career as gauge 1 models. Here is a high quality model of a locomotive with character from l'Italia bella. All the facts and 27 photos.
New Freight Cars from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke will soon be introducing new state railway freight cars.

Production Samples of the Wine Barrel Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
22 photos of the German and Swiss wine barrel cars that Fine Models will deliver for gauge 1 at the end of October.
Read more … Production Samples of the Wine Barrel Cars from Fine Models

Production Samples of the Fine Models' Freight Train Vans
by Friedhelm Weidelich
27 Fotos der Güterzug-Begleitwagen Pwgs 41 der zweiten Serie, die Fine Models Ende Oktober für die Spur 1 ausliefern wird. Mit dabei ist auch der rote Wendezug-Befehlswagen.
Read more … Production Samples of the Fine Models' Freight Train Vans

1 Gauge Novelty for Freight Transportation
by Friedhelm Weidelich
spur1info is able to announce new carriage models today, exclusively for subscribers. Photos, video and brochure.

Hamburg Dammtor Station as 1 Gauge Model
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A very special giant model railway station in 1:32 scale is on display at Fine Models – Hamburg Dammtor. 39 large-format photos.

Recent 1 Gauge Cars from Fine Models and Kiss
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modern freight cars are colorful. The gray service tank cars of the DB have become yellow and red water cars. A few yellow examples for gauge 1 are still available at Kiss.

Spur 1 Austria's Gravita Weathered
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Horst Göhr has brought the drive of the Gravita from Gauge 1 Austria up to date and patinated the model. 18 photos.

Production Model of Wunder's DB 098 812-1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After the 9810, Wunder is now delivering the class 988 with Bavarian roots as an all-round successful gauge 1 model. 46 photos in large format.

The grown Gauge 1 Project List
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Actually, no project list was planned for the end of August. But the numerous new product announcements from Spur 1 Austria are reason enough for an update.

Preview of car models soon to be delivered by Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models GmbH is on vacation until the end of August. Spur1info already has 63 photos of production models of the freight train baggage car and the luxury horse-drawn carriage.
Read more … Preview of car models soon to be delivered by Fine Models

Freight Car Triple from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Sometimes you wait until something comes along. But now they are here: the photos of the freight car trio from Steiner Modellwerke. With three firework stars fresh from the Steinhuder Meer!

Modelbex to produce French BB MTE
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Next year, Modelbex is planning to deliver a popular French electric locomotive for 1 Gauge that has hauled famous express trains.

Märklin's Wismar Railcar will be Delivered Later
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Wismar railcars from Märklin for gauge 1 will come later.
Read more … Märklin's Wismar Railcar will be Delivered Later

Freight Car Overload (3)
by Gastautor
The first two parts of the series on loading freight cars in accordance with the regulations focused on bulk goods and wood. The final part of the series will focus on general cargo and scrap, with the emphasis on the amount of cargo and not on cargo securing.

The 1 Gauge July Project Table
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The current project list shows some postponements and concretizations. A gauge 1 model is even due to arrive earlier than planned.

Italian Reefer from Dingler for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The white pointed roof refrigerator cars from Dingler form a contrast to ordinary freight cars for gauge 1. They were produced with and without a brakeman's cab.

Italian FS Ferryboat Refrigerator Car from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler is currently delivering the excellent refrigerator cars from the Italian FS. Only a few examples for gauge 1 are still available. They are worth every penny.
The first part describes a refrigerated car suitable for ferries with a reduced profile, plus 34 photos in large format.
Read more … Italian FS Ferryboat Refrigerator Car from Dingler

Field Railway Steam Locomotives
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steam locomotives for field railroads are quite rare to find in 1:32. Three of them run on one layout.

Layout Recycling after Many Years
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Good layouts, modules and dioramas often outlive their owners. Now a piece of Saxony's narrow-gauge railroad has returned to Horst Göhr for repair and redesign.

Container for Intermodal Transportation
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Since the 1970s, ISO containers have become increasingly popular in intermodal transport. Today, the majority of goods are transported in containers. Unfortunately, the topic was largely ignored in 1-gauge. But now there are inexpensive, modern containers and vehicles for road transportation.

Märklin to Deliver 1 Gauge Big Boy
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin is shipping the Union Pacific Big Boy #4014 this July. The gauge 1 model is large and heavy, which makes shipping somewhat more complicated.

Freight Car Overload (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The second part deals with the correct loading of a Märklin gauge 1 dump tipper with ballast or coal.

Half-year Report on Gauge 1 Projects
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the end of the first half of the year, we take a look at the updated gauge 1 project list, because a lot has changed again.

First photos of the assembled hand sample of Pesolillo's Ce 6/8 II
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In Giessen, I was already able to photograph parts of the "only true" SBB Crocodile Ce 6/8 II from Pesolillo. Now the gauge 1 hand-built model is assembled and impresses with an unusual wealth of details.
Read more … First photos of the assembled hand sample of Pesolillo's Ce 6/8 II
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Two events for gauge 1 enthusiasts are taking place next weekend.
Updated Märklin delivery dates
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has specified the delivery months for the next 1 gauge models.

Production Model of Wunder's DRG Class 98.10
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder is now delivering the class 9810. The production model of the Bavarian local railway locomotive in the livery of the Deutsche Reichsbahn is a joy to behold and shines with unusual details. 56 large-format photos.

New 1 Gauge Project Table (updated)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
I published the last gauge 1 project list in mid-April. Since then, some dates have been postponed and - what a surprise! - some projects have been canceled. But some things have also been delivered. Nevertheless, there is still room for clear communication with customers, as they remain cautious.

DB MOW Car from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
When enough conversion cars were available for passenger trains, the Deutsche Bahn converted many Donnerbüchsen into railroad service cars. Kiss Modellbahnen offers a maintenance car with kitchen compartment for gauge 1 for epochs IIIb to IV, as they could be found at many medium and large stations.

Stone casting models from Voth
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modellbau Voth produces models for smaller scales as well as impressive bridges for gauge 1.

Carloads for Stake Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Properly secured, realistic loads mean an effort that not every gauge 1 operator wants to make. Removable loads are a practical solution.

Subway Station for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Sometimes you can't do without stations underground. A model for gauge 1 offers completely new perspectives.

Schuco Novelties 2024
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Tractors are made by Schuco for collectors. As they are built in 1:32 scale, there is always something for model railroaders.

The new 1 Gauge Project Table
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Gauge 1 project list is growing, but deliveries are progressing rather slowly.
Successful Spur 0+1-Tage in Giessen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The International 0+1 Gauge Days in Giessen were very well attended. A few figures.
Giessen: Hand Samples from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Here are a few photos of the now painted and lettered hand samples from Gauge 1 Austria, which were exhibited in Giessen.

New Gauge 1 Supplier with a Claim: spur1infoMAX
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The international online magazine spur1info is turning twelve years old these days. Now it's time for the first gauge 1 model to be announced under the new spur1infoMAX brand. The ICE 2 is being developed in close cooperation with the market leader and is naturally setting new standards in every respect.

Giessen: Layout Snapshots
by Friedhelm Weidelich
These narrow-gauge systems are still worth seeing, even if they have been exhibited before.

Giessen: Last Trains to Remscheid's Branch
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Frank Mäule and Alexander Lösch have created a diorama in gauge 1 to commemorate the remaining branch near Remscheid. Model building at a very high level, as was the case at the International Gauge 0+1 Days in Giessen.

Giessen: Spur 01 Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur 01 Modellbahnen from Mülheim an der Ruhr surprised with parts of new locomotives and cars for the 0 and 1 gauges.

Giessen: News from Becker & Sohn
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A super-fine overhead line for the RhB locomotive from Dingler is in the works. And something neat.
Giessen: the Opportunities of the Breuer Tractor
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Trade fairs are good testing grounds for model ideas. What about the Breuer tractor?
Read more … Giessen: the Opportunities of the Breuer Tractor
Giessen: a short Summary
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The International Gauge 0+1 Days in Giessen were well attended and offered more than any other exhibition of the large gauges.
Giessen: Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The three hand samples of the gauge 1 DB class 151 from Märklin made a very good impression.
Giessen: Finemodels/Kiss
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Donnerbüchsen are on their way, but have not made it to Giessen. Interest is being tested with an interesting model.
Giessen: Märklin's Wismar Rail Bus
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin shows a hand sample of the Wismar rail bus for the first time. First pictures.

Giessen: Pesolillo A 3/5
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Some quick shots of the production model of the A 3/5 700 from the hotel room. The detailing speaks for itself.
Giessen: An iconic locomotive as a surprise
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In Giessen, Pesolillo is showing the first parts of a hand-built model of a Swiss legendary locomotive. spur1info readers will find impressions of a super model photographed on site, which will not only be enjoyed in Switzerland. Never before has such a gauge 1 model of this prototype been produced in brass construction in contemporary quality.
Giessen: new Freight Car from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke will be presenting tomorrow a new freight car as a hand sample for the first time at the International 0+1 Gauge Days in Giessen.
Read more … Giessen: new Freight Car from Steiner Modellwerke

Preview of the International 0+1 Gauge Days in Giessen, Germany
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The International Gauge 0 +1 Days will take place in Giessen on March 23 and 24, 2024. With a total of 99 exhibitors and 35 layouts, the trade fair is well on the way to becoming the central event for 1-gauge. A preview of trade fair novelties and exhibits.
Read more … Preview of the International 0+1 Gauge Days in Giessen, Germany
New Delivery Dates for Märklin Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has published new delivery dates. There are hardly any changes.

Rusty Locomotive on the Move
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Things are usually tight in a gauge 1 depot. The rusty T3 had to go. A little picture story.

Wunder's Hoppers at Work
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Along with track details, freight cars are among the least photographed objects on the railroad. I found a few that matched Wunder's hand samples in the archive. Hoppes in use during track renewal.

by Friedhelm Weidelich
Railroad jargon is complicated and you never stop learning. Reflections on a special form of screw coupler.

Hand Sample of Bavarian Crane Set from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Bavarian state railroad cars are ideal for gauge 1 because they are short and often have unusual shapes. Fine Models has now received the hand samples of the crane wagon and other models. I have photographed them in detail.
Read more … Hand Sample of Bavarian Crane Set from Fine Models

New Hand Samples from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke have received two hand samples of the Moha milk tank wagons for gauge 1.

Narrow-gauge Diorama: along the Wall (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Detailed relief buildings, vehicles and figures provide the narrow-gauge diorama with a background that holds many a small discovery in store.

The Current Gauge 1 Project List
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The gauge 1 market seems to be calming down somewhat and customer behavior is changing. The current project list shows the state of affairs.

Dingler's 1 Gauge DB Wismar Railcar
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler produced eleven variants of the Wismar rail bus. The young Deutsche Bundesbahn version was on the photo table. 33 photos with all the details.

Narrow-gauge Diorama: along the Wall
by Friedhelm Weidelich
You can shunt well on a long gauge 1 diorama, especially if you lay narrow-gauge track. 40 photos to stimulate your imagination.

Become active!
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Good 1-gauge layouts are fascinating. But such reports can only be produced if the layout owners open their doors and appreciate the positive effects of professional photos.

U-shaped 1 Gauge Layout: the Terminus (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The last report on the magnificent gauge 1 layout in U-shape is once again about the terminus station, its interior and the surrounding area. 30 images.

U-shaped 1 Gauge Layout: the Terminus
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A station with three tracks and a convenient loading track marks the end point of the fantastic U-shaped layout from the early epoch II. There is a lot going on here, but nothing seems overloaded or exaggerated. 40 inspiring photos.
A different View into the Forest
by Friedhelm Weidelich
With near-natural vegetation on the gauge 1 layout, you can play with the light - just like outside in nature.

Gauge 1 layout in U-shape: the lively curve
by Friedhelm Weidelich
You can hardly get enough of the curve on the large U-shaped gauge 1 layout, as the hilly landscape is full of action. The longer you look, the more details become visible. Have you spotted the capercaillie behind the tender and the hunter? Even the dark forest reveals perfect model-making skills. 40 pictures in large format and a description.

Märklin's Big Boy in Development
by Friedhelm Weidelich
It takes some time for a gauge 1 model to be designed and developed ready for production. It is rare to have early access to a new model. Exclusive pictures of the Big Boy when he could already walk.

Swing-roof self-unloading Car from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The DB self-unloading car Ktmmv 69, which Wunder presented as a hand sample, also characterized mixed freight trains from the 1960s until today. A few examples should enrich the freight
car fleet.

Hand Sample of a Belgian Hopper from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder has announced several self-discharging wagons that are already impressive as hand samples and are extremely inexpensive. Among them is an Otmm 70 in the SNCB version. 34 photos with all the details.
Frist 1 Gauge Stammtisch at IG-DU Duisburg
by Friedhelm Weidelich
On January 11, 2024, the first gauge 1 regulars' table will take place at the IG-DU in Duisburg.

U-shaped 1 Gauge Layout: the Middle Part
by Friedhelm Weidelich
By cleverly separating several motifs, a section has been created on the middle section of the gauge 1 dream layout where new details are constantly being discovered. 28 photos in large format show how a 3D effect was created despite the shallow depth.

U-shaped 1 Gauge Layout: the Starting Point
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Happy New Year! To get it off to a good start, we are showing the first part of a gauge 1 dream layout.
A station with six tracks and a field railroad was the starting point of the large U-shaped layout, which we present with 32 pictures. It also includes a small depot.

Review 2023 with List of 1 Gauge Projects
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A record number of projects and an astonishing number of deliveries of some long-awaited 1-gauge models made up the year 2023. Things will continue at an even faster pace in 2024.
Attilio Mari has passed away
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The brilliant Italian model maker and classic car enthusiast Attilio Mari is no longer alive.

Outstanding U-shaped Gauge 1 Layout: a Preview
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There are always perfectly designed dioramas among gauge 1 model railroaders. But designing an entire layout down to the smallest detail takes a lot of time, a keen sense of observation, craftsmanship and the best materials. Accordingly, it is rare to find such detailed gauge 1 layouts.
The fantastic U-shaped layout, which spur1info will present in several parts with around 160 photos, is a perfect symbiosis of tracks, operating possibilities and a landscape that is very rarely found in this design quality on gauge 1 layouts. The theme of the layout is the transition from the Länderbahn era to the early Reichsbahn era.

Cars in Development at Modellbau Marcus Jaegers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Marcus Jaegers is working on a couchette wagon from Swiss RAlpin AG and six-axle freight wagons. A look at the first samples.

Innovative Gauge 1 Marketing
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The gauge 1 industry is making further progress. The abuse of pre-orders is finally being thoroughly cleaned up.

Austrian Water House
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Many water reservoirs for steam locomotives were hidden in more or less inconspicuous buildings, partly because of the risk of frost. For example, the water station in Vöcklabruck, which has now been created as a 1:32 scale model.

Layouts: Reichsbahn Depot at Night
by Friedhelm Weidelich
It is easier to create realistic lighting for 1-gauge layouts and dioramas than for smaller model railroad scales. This is because there are hardly any oversized lamps here, especially as LED technology has also advanced miniaturization here.
The Reichsbahn-Bw already shown in the most beautiful light gains new perspectives at night.

Layouts: Reichsbahn Depot in Daylight
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A 1:32 scale railroad depot requires a certain amount of space, but offers the opportunity to set up many steam and diesel locomotives, run them on the turntable and simulate equipping and decommissioning. If you go into detail and have studied the prototypes, a steam locomotive depot is created in the model where you can almost smell the coal fire, coal, slag and steam.
I photographed a Reichsbahn depot from the early 1930s - a real highlight. 32 pictures show it in daylight.

Engineer Wanted
by Gastautor
Deutsche Bahn and other railroad companies are not the only ones looking for engineers. Ern Hettinger also seeks those with a clear profile: applicants should enjoy the airy, authentic railroad experience. A willingness to work in an open cab at any time of day or night, summer or winter, is a prerequisite. We run in 1:32 scale in ANY weather!

1 Gauge Hand Sample of Wunder's DB Class 93.5
by Friedhelm Weidelich
51 large-format pictures portray the hand sample of the 935 of the Deutsche Bundesbahn from Wunder, which suggests a very high-quality gauge 1 model of the Prussian steam locomotive for local lines.
Special Figurine Offer at Jaffa's Moba-Shop
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Until early 2024, Jaffa's Moba store will be offering new figures and animals in a different way.

DB Apron Express Car from Wunder (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder again takes the detailing of the gauge 1 model to the extreme with the DB apron express train car.

DRG Apron Express Train Car from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder continues its series of highly detailed gauge 1 passenger cars with the apron express train cars. 44 photos make the quality of the 3rd class Reichsbahn car visible.

Exclusive Surprise Novelty for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
spur1info is once again exclusively presenting a limited edition model for gauge 1, which should not only be of interest to collectors south of the Rhine.

New Bavarian Freight Car from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models is expanding its 1 gauge range for friends of Bavarian railroads with more freight cars. Detailed information and first photos of two hand samples.

Tar workers from Wema
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wema-Bahn has released a few original figures for gauge 1 that can be used quite universally.

Hand Sample of Kiss Modellbahnen Baden Xb
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Kiss plans to deliver the Baden tender locomotive Xb, the later DRG class 922-3, for gauge 1 in a year's time. It should be worth the wait. 50 photos show all the details of this attractive switcher.
News from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
For the current tenth anniversary of Steiner Modellwerke, there is a new freight car - and an update.

Spur-1-Treffen 2024 – Breaking tradition with purpose?
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Speyer is the new synonym for the traditional Spur 1 meeting since 2022. In 2024, there will be a new date at the end of the year with continuous significance for the gauge 1 industry. A break with tradition?
Read more … Spur-1-Treffen 2024 – Breaking tradition with purpose?
3D-Printed Accessories
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A reader drew my attention to an accessories manufacturer that provides some parts for 1 gauge.

Swiss Beer Cars from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler will soon deliver its superbly crafted Swiss beer wagons. Photos of all 23 versions.

Country Station with Potential - in Reality and in Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Sometimes it's the small stations that have a lot to offer, especially for freight traffic, and that don't require complicated track plans. If they can be used for several epochs, they are perfect for gauge 1. I found such a station in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Read more … Country Station with Potential - in Reality and in Gauge 1

The Track Dismantling Train
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The following description is composed of individual incidents that happened in reality, garnished with a little fantasy. The almost true story inspires us today as a play scenario on our gauge 1 diorama "Bw Fützen", which is the operating center of the Wutachtalbahn, also known as Sauschwaenzlebahn.

New 1 Gauge Swiss Cars from Pesolillo
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Pesolillo presents new Swiss car models on the platform of the small series in Bauma this weekend. They are available immediately.
Pesolillo presenta a Bauma nuovi modelli di carri svizzeri. Modelli disponibili da subito.
Pesolillo présente à Bauma de nouveaux modèles de wagons suisses. Ils sont disponibles immédiatement.

First Impressions of Märklin's Class 151
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has received a running sample of the DB class 151 electric locomotive. First snapshots of the gauge 1 model assembled from the production parts.

Swedish Electric Locomotive SJ Rc4 from JK-Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
With the Swedish Rc4, Johannes Kerry has fulfilled a dream. But the gauge 1 locomotive is also available for others. 54 photos showing all the details.
Read more … Swedish Electric Locomotive SJ Rc4 from JK-Models

1 Gauge Rotary Snow Plough from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
From China, Fine Models sent photos of all versions of Henschel's rotary snow plough for 1 gauge.

Gravita 10 BB from Spur 1 Austria - the Review
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The modern diesel locomotive from Voith is now available as a highly detailed 1:32 scale model from Spur 1 Austria. A feast for the eyes! 78 photos in large format show the qualities of the model, which has hardly any weaknesses.

Gravita 10 BB from Spur 1 Austria - a short Preview
by Friedhelm Weidelich
It's finally here and on the photo table: the long-awaited Gravita 10 BB from Spur 1 Austria. A preview of the production model in the Northrail version.
Read more … Gravita 10 BB from Spur 1 Austria - a short Preview

New Accessories from Jaffa's Moba-Shop
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Jaffa's Moba-Shop extends its offer with interesting accessories and new figures.

Wagon turntable by Horst Göhr
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Horst Göhr has built a gorgeous patinated train turntable with drive. Pictures and a patination tip.

Scheduled delivery dates from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler previewed upcoming delivery dates.
Current delivery dates of Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has just announced the new delivery dates.
Märklin Fall Novelties 2023
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Because of the IMA preparations, the autumn new products brochure appears a bit hidden and without reference to the press. There is also something for gauge 1.

Chassis for a Locomotive Boiler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Hans Ziegler was actually looking for a suitable load for the rail transport car. But then things turned out quite differently.

Brake Valve Reloaded
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After a few model runs on the shunting diorama, it was very disturbing that I had given the Köf II in 1:32 two brake valves and brake pedals each during its decoder tuning. Three other gauge 1 models have now also received a prototypical function assignment.

German and Dutch Days of Rail 2023
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In two weeks, the Days of Rail will be held all over Germany, where the rail industry will present itself in all its diversity. Märklin is also taking part.

Spur 1 Austria to produce Rottweil's 44 460
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the current newsletter, Spur 1 Austria announces the 44 460 from Bw Rottweil, which was taken out of service in Crailsheim in 1973.

Koef II from Steiner Modellwerke on the Photo Desk
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The second batch of Köf II is delivered by Steiner Modellwerke. A few impressions of the well-done locomotive.
Read more … Koef II from Steiner Modellwerke on the Photo Desk

MRCE Disappears from the Rails
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MRCE sells its locomotives, the brand will disappear from the tracks.
Delivery Dates at Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin's new delivery schedule lists a postponed project.

RhB Ge 2/4 from Proform Spur 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Proform has completed a small batch of Rhaetian Railway's Ge 2/4 electric locomotive. The model for gauge 1 is Swiss made and runs on meter gauge tracks.

Many Novelties from Spur 01 Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur 01 Modellbahnen kicks off with a fireworks display of announcements.

A Belgian bridge builder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There is also a small gauge 1 community in Belgium, which, due to a lack of supply from the industry, helps each other to build models. This ranges from Belgian signals to rolling stock, which often had its own design language in Belgium or consisted of imported or licensed copied locomotives and cars. A gauge 1 friend builds bridges.

Portrait of Märklin's Gauge 1 Model of Steam Engine DR 02 0314
by Friedhelm Weidelich
100 unique photos in large format document the gauge 1 production model of the 02 0314-1 of the DR from Märklin, item number 55127. The steam locomotive model has an elegance all of its own.
Read more … Portrait of Märklin's Gauge 1 Model of Steam Engine DR 02 0314

A Short Preview of Märklin's DR 02 0314-1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Märklin gauge 1 locomotive cuts a fine figure on the photo table. Here are the first pictures from a large series. Look forward to more!

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Miscellaneous
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Finally, a few photos and impressions from the Spur 1 meeting in Speyer.

Hand Sample of DB Class 043 from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In Speyer, Spur 1 Austria presented a dewy sample of the Deutsche Bundesbahn's class 043, an oil-fired locomotive of the former class 44. In the photo studio, the model showed its qualities in detail. 53 photos in large format.
Spur 01 Modellbahnen gives up (for a few hours)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur 01 Modellbahnen has taken its website and forum offline at short notice today.
Ten hours later the world has changed.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Fulgurex
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The limited-edition passenger train of the Gotthard Railway is about to be delivered. Photographic insights into the luxurious interior.

Half-year Balance of Gauge 1 Projects
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The 205-item project list did not have much to offer in terms of deliveries in the first half of the year. The delivery dates in the second half of 2023 and 2024/2025 are correspondingly numerous.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Dr. Pauli's Narrow Gauge Modules
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The modular layout of Dr. Thomas Pauli from Öhringen was exhibited for the first time and had an effect on the visitors of the Liller Halle by something that is rarely found in gauge 1: real operation. "Playing with meaning" was the name given to it once a long time ago by a railroad magazine.
Read more … Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Dr. Pauli's Narrow Gauge Modules

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Lematec and Modelbex
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Mistral is a cold wind that blows from northern parts of France to the south of France. It was once followed by a TEE with luxurious cars, which are not for everyone, as well in 1 gauge.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Spur 01 Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the new booth, Spur 01 Modellbahnen showed a hand sample of the DB class 66.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Good News from Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There were no new products at Märklin in Speyer, but there was good news and impetus.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Models from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
On the joint stand of Dingler and Lokladen were some hand samples on display. Still a handful of the beautiful Ge 6/6 I of the Rhaetian Railway are available.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Hand Samples from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In addition to the SNCF steam locomotive 231.G/K, Wunder showed other hand samples of Bavarian locomotives and a four-axle conversion car in Speyer.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Hand Sample of Class 95 and More from Fine Models/Kiss
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Premiere hatte in Speyer auf dem Stand von Fine Models ein Handmuster der Baureihe 95 und die bayerische AA1.
Read more … Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Hand Sample of Class 95 and More from Fine Models/Kiss

Speyer: Hand Sample of SNCF's 231 G/K from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
For the first time, Wunder presented the long-awaited 231 G and K of the SNCF as a hand sample in Speyer.
Read more … Speyer: Hand Sample of SNCF's 231 G/K from Wunder

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Attempt at a conclusion
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Das Bild, heute bei Wunder und Fine Models aufgenommen, symbolisiert eine Seite des Internationalen Spur-1-Treffens.
Images of Freight Car Samples from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke has provided spur1info with photos of the hand samples of the announced stock car and boxcar. The models will not be on display in Speyer.
Read more … Images of Freight Car Samples from Steiner Modellwerke

Exclusive: Hand sample of the Austrian Class 310 from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In Speyer, the hand sample of the 310 will be displayed by Spur 1 Austria for the first time. spur1info readers can see the model in advance on 64 photos, complete and with all details that are not visible to the naked eye.
Read more … Exclusive: Hand sample of the Austrian Class 310 from Spur 1 Austria

Painting Figurines
by Gastautor
Thomas Zeitz presents here for beginners his method how he paints figures for gauge 1. It should give courage to just start.

Background Reporting
by Friedhelm Weidelich
RailAdventure has commissioned the second new locomotive. Against a suitable background.

Austrian Roundhouse
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Sometimes you have to make do with what's available on the gauge 1 market - until you come across better alternatives. Now the German roundhouse has been replaced by a ring-shaped locomotive shed based on an Austrian prototype.

The current Gauge 1 Projects
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After several announcements and postponements, it's time for a current project table of the gauge 1 models, some of which were announced more than nine years ago.
The Exhibitors of the Internationale Spur-1-Treffen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The exhibitors of the Gauge 1 Meeting in Speyer are now known.
Read more … The Exhibitors of the Internationale Spur-1-Treffen

The Gravita from Spur 1 Austria in Production
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Evidence photos from the manufacturing plants in Asia are always confidence inspiring. Here are some that prove that the Gravita from Spur 1 Austria will soon be in completed production.
A little Preview on Spur-1-Treffen in Speyer
by Friedhelm Weidelich
On May 8, the registration deadline for the International Gauge 1 Meeting in Speyer ended. A list of exhibitors is not yet available. Some exhibits can be expected.
A Video of Märklin's S 2/6
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The control gear of Märklin's S 2/6 and the movement of the fireman are interesting to watch in the video.

Images of Dingler's Class 87
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler has new photos of the hand sample of the class 87 announced over the weekend.
Novelty from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler will be showing a hand sample of a new locomotive in Mainz today. Here are the details.

News about the Spur1 & Spur0 Fair Mainz 2023
by Friedhelm Weidelich
This weekend, the second Spur1 & Spur0 fair will take place in Mainz. Two hand samples will be on display for the first time, one already here at spur1info.
On Sunday the journey by car is a bit more complicated because of an event.

SNCF Boxcar from AMJL
by Friedhelm Weidelich
AMJL is delivering the second batch of French boxcars for 1 Gauge. A closer look at the Ghs with many photos.
News from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur 1 Austria lowers a price and announces a new model version.

Märklin's S 2/6 in Detail
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Bavarian-Palatinate S 2/6 from Märklin is a beautifully shaped locomotive whose prototype remained a one-off. The gauge 1 model comes up with a working fireman and a decreasing coal supply and uses the possibilities of the die-casting technique very well. A review with 82 photos.

Little Preview of Märklin's S 2/6
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The S 2/6 from Märklin is finally on the photo table. Here are the first pictures.
New delivery dates from Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin's new delivery date list brings clarity to upcoming deliveries.
It does not get any bigger
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The S 2/6 from Märklin was delivered by a freight forwarder. This has consequences.

Preview of Spur1- & Spur0-Messe Mainz 2023
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The next trade show for 1 and 0 gauge will take place at the beginning of May. A small preview of what will be on display in Mainz, Germany

Images of Dingler's Tadgs Hoppers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler's side unloading cars (hoppers) for gauge 1 are now available. First photos of the production models.
Vossloh G1700-2BB from Kiss DE
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Vossloh's G 1700-2 BB is now available as a gauge 1 model from Kiss Modellbahnen DE.

Meter Gauge Models of Rhaetian Railways from Proform
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The meter-gauge Rhaetian Railway already exists very successfully in all model railroad scales. Now Dingler and Proform are pushing ahead with the development of 1m models - a new subject with great appeal in the gauge 1 world as well. Swiss manufacturer Proform already has a range on offer that is even suitable for outdoor use.
Read more … Meter Gauge Models of Rhaetian Railways from Proform

Märklin looks to the Future
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Planning reliability is a high priority in Gauge 1 with its often long delivery times - and not just for customers. Market leader Märklin is now thinking ahead and wants to shine with innovations.

The current Project Table at the End of the Quarter
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the end of the first quarter of 2023, the project list has changed because a number of new products have been added, almost finished models are on the move, supplier parts are missing, and some manufacturers in Asia are making deadlines a gamble. One thing is clear: everything is taking longer.
Read more … The current Project Table at the End of the Quarter

Internationale Spur 0+1 Tage: Rocks and more
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Two Austrian exhibitors displayed new material for landscaping, dioramas and buildings in Gießen.

Internationale Spur 0+1 Tage: Stangel
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Stangel has some new cardboard kits that can be used to create imposing and small buildings as well.

Internationale Spur 0+1 Tage: Jaffas Moba-Shop
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Antlers belong in every home with a sense of ambition. But the accessories manufacturer Jaffa's Moba-Shop also stays technically up to date and presented a new development.

Internationale Spur 0+1 Tage: Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur 1 Austria delivers the frame cars, also the Gravita is coming soon.

Internationale Spur 0+1 Tage: Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At Märklin in Gießen presented in the showcase soon available gauge 1 models.

Internationale Spur 0+1 Tage: Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the crowded halls there was no way through until after 2 pm. At Fine Models, a novelty was hiding in the rather pale hall lighting.

First French SNCF Boxcar from AMJL
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The first Gauge 1 model of the French Gauge 0 supplier AMJL has been released. Those who had pre-ordered now own a beautiful freight car model. A review with 26 photos.

Internationale Spur 0 +1 Tage in Giessen, Germany
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Next weekend the International Gauge 0 +1 Days will take place in Giessen, near Frankfurt. Gauge 1 is well represented.
Read more … Internationale Spur 0 +1 Tage in Giessen, Germany
Surprise, surprise!
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A technically very interesting small volume model is waiting for demanding customers. Spur1info already has the facts.

New Modern Freight Cars from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modellbau Marcus Jaegers has completed two new gauge 1 freight cars for SBB Cargo.
Read more … New Modern Freight Cars from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers

Austrian Loco Shed
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A modeler has built an Austrian-style locomotive shed for a gauge 1 layout. Of course with interior equipment. 33 photos.

SNCF BB 67400 from JK-Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The French market for gauge 1 models is growing steadily. Even if large steam and electric locomotives are delivered again and again, universally applicable, compact diesel locomotives are still missing. JK-Models builds in small series the BB 67400, a diesel icon of the SNCF.
Märklin's updated Delivery Dates
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has specified its handsome delivery program for 2023. And there is good news from Dingler.

About Spur 01 Modellbahnen -updated
by Friedhelm Weidelich
If you want to have the classes 24 and 64 originally planned by MBW, you should hurry up with your order at Spur 01 Modellbahnen.

A highly detailed Klütz Loco Shed
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Horst Göhr has turned a simple locomotive shed kit into a highly detailed model for 1 scale. 56 pictures, prototype photos and a video.
Dingler Novelties for International Transport
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler brings attractive gauge 1 cars for international traffic. First photos exclusively at spur1info.
Models for neighboring Countries
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Models of certain variants of the class 44 are also offered by Spur 1 Austria in small editions for our neighboring countries.
Spur 1 Austria propose également des modèles de certaines variantes de la série 44 en petite édition pour nos pays voisins.

Kiss' new Hand Sample on the Studio Table
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The hand sample of the Kiss DB oil car makes a largely convincing impression in the photo studio. But setting the right tone is harder than you think.

DB Tank Car from Kiss - First Images
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models/Kiss Modellbahnen Germany has received a hand sample of the DB service tank car. First photos of the gauge 1 model.

A refurbished Freight Car
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Obsolete gauge 1 brass models can be brought up to a higher standard - and offer tinkering fun. Bernhard Lindlbauer has taken on an old gondola.

The Final of the MKB
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Michasdorfer Kleinbahn has been completed. The light railway layout has now been extended by a corner module, which is again characterized by the near-natural design.

The new Diesel Engine at RailAdventure
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Since February 10, RailAdventure has been operating the Siemens EuroRunner 20 diesel-electric locomotive, which has been available as a gauge 1 model before.

Swiss Beer Car illustrations by Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler builds 23 colorful and graphically varied beer cars from Switzerland for 1 gauge. Here are the illustrations.

Current delivery dates of Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has announced its delivery program for 2023.
MBW ceases operations
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MBW Spur 0 GmbH ceases operations. Spur 01 Modellbahnen continues business under a new name at the same address.

Self-made Griffin for 1 Gauge from Jacek Wysocki
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Jacek Wysocki from Poland has already built a few locomotives for 1 gauge. With the Newag Griffin he has created a new masterpiece.
Read more … Self-made Griffin for 1 Gauge from Jacek Wysocki

The most recent Table of 1 Gauge Projects
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The overview of almost 200 planned Gauge 1 projects is difficult even for insiders. Everything is in flux.
Here comes the current table and a new display that shows at a glance which models customers have to wait a very long time for being realized.

Gauge 1 Novelties from Weinert
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After a long break, Weinert Modellbau is again developing some fine accessories for 1 gauge.

Hand Sample of Wunder's DB 98.10 Steam Locomotive
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The hand sample of Deutsche Bundesbahn's class 9810, which Wunder will produce for Gauge 1, is likely to trigger a desire to buy among Bavaria fans. 35 photos showing all the details.
Read more … Hand Sample of Wunder's DB 98.10 Steam Locomotive

Bye-bye International Toy Fair!
by Friedhelm Weidelich
If it weren't for Märklin, you could forget about the International Toy Fair. For years, a visit has been less and less worthwhile because model railroading is only a marginal phenomenon there. So now what?

2023 Märklin Novelties
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin is launching a number of new items this year, some of which were already known or - like the Wismar rail bus - were deliberately scattered. But there are also older car models, albeit at steep prices.

DRG Type Koef II from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A review and 46 large format photos show the strengths and small shortcomings of the Koef II, first batch, from Steiner Modellwerke. A gauge 1 model that is a joy to look at and also well suited for shunting dioramas.

Photos of the Spantenwagen from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur 1 Austria provided some photos of the ÖBB frame cars that will be delivered soon.

Looking back on 2022 and what we may expect in 2023
by Friedhelm Weidelich
An unbelievable number of announcements, modest deliveries, and many problems in detail characterized the year 2022. Will 2023 be better for 1 Gauge? Probably not. And then there's a prize for excellence for the first time.
Read more … Looking back on 2022 and what we may expect in 2023

The New Table of 1 Gauge Projects
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The amount of new announcements and delivery postponements now overwhelms even insiders. Almost 200 Gauge 1 projects are currently waiting to be completed. And more new products are added every week. Collective insanity has taken hold in 1 Gauge.

EL 16 from Studio Chilap
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Announced in 2021 by Studio Chilap, the DR battery-powered towing vehicle is now ready for production. The handmade model for gauge 1 has special features.

Delayed Deliveries
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Unfortunately, in these challenging times, deliveries of 1-gauge models are sometimes delayed.

New 1 Gauge Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Once again, Gauge 1 suppliers empty their freshly replenished cornucopia and announce many new products. Here are the details.

Hand Sample of DB Electric Loco E 93 from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Looking at the cabs of Wunder's E 93 hand sample makes you want to climb aboard. 52 photos show the qualities of the highly detailed brass model for gauge 1, which is scheduled for delivery in 2023.
Read more … Hand Sample of DB Electric Loco E 93 from Wunder

Unimog U1600 from Schuco
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Epoch IV has been gaining importance in Gauge 1 for quite some time. Now there is one more suitable vehicle from Schuco, the Mercedes-Benz Unimog U1600.

Recension: Vollendete Baukunst from Volker Gerisch
by Friedhelm Weidelich
"Vollendete Baukunst" - Perfect Architecture is the name of the large-format book by artist and model builder Volker Gerisch. The title could not be more apt, because Gerisch leaves nothing unfinished, he miniaturizes in 1:22.5 scale and goes to the limits of what is possible - occasionally even beyond. This has also resulted in by-products such as old-fashioned telephones and lamps in 1:32 for 1 gauge.
Read more … Recension: Vollendete Baukunst from Volker Gerisch

New Figurines from Wema-Manufaktur
by Friedhelm Weidelich
During Black Week, which is still in progress, you'll be pelted everywhere with cheap mass-produced goods from China or shop-wares from dusty corners of the warehouse. Everything has to go, even if the discounts were already valid before and will be even bigger at the beginning of 2023, because potential customers have good reasons to hold back. Without compulsion to buy and discount, there is also still next week a pretty figurine set of Wema-Manufaktur, which you can (let) give.

Ochsenhausen - a Masterpiece in 1:32 Scale
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Not everyone has the space to document an entire station area in 1:32 scale. In narrow gauge, the stations are naturally smaller. Therefore, a masterpiece was created with the three structures of Ochsenhausen, which spur1info has the chance to show with 44 photos.

DB Swing Roof Cars from Wunder in View of the Camera
by Friedhelm Weidelich
50 photos and a review of Wunder's distinctive Bundesbahn KKks and Tae(m)s 890 swing roof cars for Gauge 1.
Read more … DB Swing Roof Cars from Wunder in View of the Camera

Hand Sample of the Donnerbüchse Di-27 from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Hand samples are the first attempt to put a model on wheels and are necessary to avoid errors in batch production. The Di-27 from Kiss Modellbahnen points in a good direction for the upcoming 2023 gauge 1 models.
Read more … Hand Sample of the Donnerbüchse Di-27 from Kiss Modellbahnen

News from the Michasdorfer Kleinbahn
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The "Sour Cucumber" has grown. The Michasdorfer Kleinbahn, a somewhat obscure field railroad on 1f gauge, has been expanded by a module. 35 photos bring out the qualities of the layout construction.

Rural Station by Horst Göhr (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Horst Göhr's rural station is nearing completion. Here are some snapshots of the building.

Preview of a new field railway module
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Yesterday, I was able to photograph a new field railway module of the "Saure Gurke" in 1f scale. Here is a little appetizer for some unusual photos that stand out from the photographic monotony in magazines and forums. Because it all depends on the lighting.
Early Pictures of the Wismar Railcar from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The hand sample of Dingler's Wismar rail bus has arrived and was photographed right away. Here are the first photos of the impressive model.
Read more … Early Pictures of the Wismar Railcar from Dingler

Rural Station by Horst Göhr
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Brick and half-timbering, a small footprint and a touch of romance: Horst Göhr builds a small train station in the Altmark region of northern Saxony-Anhalt that unfortunately lost its function 21 years ago.

Handmade Sample of Spur 1 Austria's Gravita
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Angular modern locomotives have their own appeal. The hand sample of the Gravita 10 BB from Spur 1 Austria could reinforce the trend towards 1/32 scale models of currently operating locomotives. 50 photos showing all the details.
Spur-1-Treffen 2023 in Speyer
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The date for the 2023 Spur 1 meeting in Speyer is now fixed.

Bockholt has Discontinued Production
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Gauge 1 pioneer Bockholt has ceased production at the end of March 2022. That's what it says on the homepage since a few days.

Austrian 52.3316 from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Austrian class 52 steam locomotive from Spur 1 Austria is distinguished by its rich detail and excellent sound. A detailed review and 74 large-format photos show the qualities of the Gauge 1 model.

This is how the Coal Pile changes on Märklin's S 2/6
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin's gauge 1 locomotives of the class S 2/6 or class 15 have a coal load in the tender that appears to be decreasing. What is the technology behind this?
Read more … This is how the Coal Pile changes on Märklin's S 2/6

1 Gauge Fall Novelties 2022 from Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin's fall novelties for Gauge 1 are big and heavy. In addition to the green Köfferli, there is also a German electric locomotive that is still in use today.

Handmade Sample of Märklin's Bavarian S 2/6
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Exclusively, spur1info is showing 44 large-format photos of a release sample of Märklin's S 2/6 for Gauge 1. Except for tiny details that still need to be corrected, the sample shows the Gauge 1 model as it will be delivered in December 2022.

The Engine Room of Wunder's DB Class 151
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Usually, you see very little of the interior of an electric locomotive. Wunder's 151 for gauge 1 fascinates with a detailed replica of the engine room, where the bar is set very high. Exclusive pictures that fascinate.
Delivery Dates from Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has updated the delivery dates for gauge 1 models.

Track Yokes as Load for Stake Cars from Wunder
by Gastautor
The Wunder stake cars for Gauge 1 that came onto the market in 2011 are still without equal today. Completely made of metal, with fold-down end walls. Gauge 1 friend, what more could you want?
Without loading, the Rlmms 56 looks cool despite the great attributes and doesn't really want to fit in with the other, partially aged cars. Therefore, the stake car received an adequate loading with fine track yokes.

ELNA 6 Versions from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Here are the factory images of all other versions of the ELNA 6 from Kiss Modellbahnen for gauge 1. The variety of versions of this compact tender locomotive is impressive. The French 040TX is also included.
Voici les photos d'usine de toutes les autres versions de l'ELNA 6 de Kiss Modellbahnen pour l'échelle 1. La diversité des variantes de cette locomotive tender compacte est impressionnante. La 040TX française est également présente.

1 Gauge Production Model of ELNA 6 by Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The gauge 1 models of the ELNA 6 from Kiss Modellbahnen are about to be delivered. I was able to take a close look at the version of the Eschweiler Bergwerks-Verein. A review with 59 photos in large format showing all the details.
Read more … 1 Gauge Production Model of ELNA 6 by Kiss Modellbahnen

Hand Sample of the Wine Barrel Car from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
On the photo table was a hand sample of a wine barrel car of the "Deutsche Weinkesselwagon Gesellschaft m.b.H. Kitzingen". A gauge 1 model from Fine Models, this version fits very well with the other Bavarian freight cars.
Read more … Hand Sample of the Wine Barrel Car from Fine Models

Wismar Railcar Preview
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler hat eine Animation des kommenden Wismarer Triebwagens produzieren lassen. Einblicke in das kommende Spur-1-Modell.

Dingler's G 90 Available
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler has received the G 90 freight cars and is now starting delivery.

Remote-Controlled Tractors for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
For the operators of gauge 1 railroads of the newer eras, there are inexpensive remote-controlled vehicles that bring movement to roads and freight yards.

Steam Locomotive Class 52 from MBW for 1 Gauge
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The model of the class 52 for gauge 1, which will soon be available from MBW, is something to behold. 72 first-class photos in large format and a review without whitewashing.
Steam Locomotive from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Now the details of Wunder's class 935-12 for gauge 1 have been finalized.

Photos of MBW's DB Class 52
by Friedhelm Weidelich
60 photos of the production model of the DB class 52 from MBW.
What will happen to "Speyer"?
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The International Gauge 1 Meeting in Speyer was a success. How does it move on?
Handmade Samples of Fine Models' Donnerbüchsen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Due to slow customs clearance, the two Donnerbüchsen hand samples from Fine Models arrived only today. 18 pictures of the attractive passenger cars for gauge 1.
Photo Preview Spur-1-Treffen in Speyer
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A photographic foretaste of some gauge 1 exhibits in Speyer and unusual insights into Märklin's 02 0314.
Preview of Spur-1-Treffen in Speyer
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The International Gauge 1 Meeting will take place next weekend in Speyer. The number of exhibitors at the new location has shrunk. But there are some new hand samples and novelty presentations.

Field Railway System at the Highest Level (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the third and last part of the report about Michasdorfer Kleinbahn, the viewer is offered many perfect details and an amazing track plan.

Field Railway System at the Highest Level (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Part 2 of the Michasdorfer Kleinbahn leads through a forest in which some things are quite scary. 31 atmospheric photos in large format.

Field Railway System at the Highest Level
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In Giessen, the field railway module boxes of the Michasdorfer Kleinbahn were constantly surrounded. I have photographed the layout in 1:32 scale at Micha Schmidt elaborately and captured many details that you can only perceive with the camera. 30 photos in large format.
Gauge 1 Steam Locomotives from Märklin partially sold out
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin announced today in a dealer newsletter that some gauge 1 steam locomotives are already sold out ex works.
Read more … Gauge 1 Steam Locomotives from Märklin partially sold out

A little Kit discovered at the Fair in Giessen
by Gastautor
At the International 0 + 1 Gauge Days in Giessen, Andreas Schuster from Atelier AnSchu had his latest creation on offer. This is a stock winch in gauge 1, applicable in workshop and for mounting on locomotives. A kit made of nickel silver, very detailed and - above all - immediately available.

Reports from Gießen: Miscellaneous
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Finally, a few snapshots and information from the International Gauge 0+1 Days in Giessen.

Reports from Gießen: A Couple of Layouts
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Those who wanted to explore all the layouts needed a lot of time and were able to gain interesting impressions. The creativity of many layout builders was convincing. A picture gallery.

DR Class 65.10 from Proform Spur 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Proform Spur 1 from Switzerland has completed the first model of the class 6510 of the Deutsche Reichsbahn. First pictures.
Report from Giessen: 0+1 or 0-1?
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The International Gauge 0+1 Days in Giessen were well attended. Do both Gauges fit together?

Field Railway and sour Cucumbers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The three module boxes with a 1:32 scale light railroad, designed down to the last detail, were constantly besieged. It revolves around a sour cucumber manufactory in the style of the 1950s. The modules rightly received the attention, because the modeler works on a very high level.
Reports from Giessen: AMJL
by Friedhelm Weidelich
AMJL had decided at short notice to exhibit in Giessen. And brought an interesting experience with them.
Report from Giessen: Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There was a lot on display at the large Spur 1 Austria booth.

Reports from Giessen: Fine Models and Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Push-pull command cars dominated the scene at the Fine Models and Wunder booth at the International Gauge 0+1 Days in Giessen, Germany.
Reports from Giessen: Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin's S 2/6 for gauge 1 presented itself in Gießen unpainted with the molded parts ready for production.
Photos from Giessen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Snapshots from the International Gauge 0 +1 Days in Giessen.

Preview Internationale Spur 0 +1 Tage Juni 2022 in Giessen, Germany
by Friedhelm Weidelich
This coming weekend, the International Gauge 0 +1 Days June 2022 will take place in Giessen, north of Frankfurt. The focus is clearly on gauge 0. For the first time, gauge 1 is coming along quasi piggyback and on a trial basis in order to gather experience in the flood of trade fairs and exhibitions as to which might be worthwhile in 2023 - and which might not.
Read more … Preview Internationale Spur 0 +1 Tage Juni 2022 in Giessen, Germany
New Gauge 1 Models for Epoch VI
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A few interesting versions for gauge 1 enrich the growing market of current rail vehicles.

A Segment Turntable in a Module
by Friedhelm Weidelich
With the prototype of a Lasersachen segment turntable, Horst Göhr has built a nice module as the end of a branch line.

A Gauge 1 Room Layout with Bavarian Theme, Era 1b (2)
by Gastautor
In part 2, Axel Kreidel describes the operating locations and self-built buildings of his gauge 1 layout.
Read more … A Gauge 1 Room Layout with Bavarian Theme, Era 1b (2)

MaK 600 D for Private Railroad Companies from Spur1-Exklusiv
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The model has already been announced, now the hand sample is available: the MaK 600 D from Spur1-Exklusiv is nearing completion.
Read more … MaK 600 D for Private Railroad Companies from Spur1-Exklusiv

A Gauge 1 Room Layout with Bavarian Theme, Era 1b (1)
by Gastautor
With gauge 1, space is always at a premium if you want to do some operating. Axel Kreidel has equipped a room with a small layout that allows varied running and switching.
Part 1 describes the conception of his layout based on Bavarian motifs.
Read more … A Gauge 1 Room Layout with Bavarian Theme, Era 1b (1)
New Freight Car from Dingler - the Price
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Now the price for the new Dingler hopper has been set.

Updated Table of 1 Gauge Projects
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Some novelties for gauge 1 and postponed delivery dates characterize the current project list. Much remains unpredictable.

New Freight Car from Dingler - first Samples
by Friedhelm Weidelich
You don't have to own the most modern locomotive to form an era-appropriate freight train with Dingler's new cars. First information and photos of the two hand samples for subscribers.

TrainExpo in Switzerland
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the end of May, the long announced TrainExpo.ch will take place in Birmensdorf near Zurich. In addition to the focus on 0 gauge, 1 gauge will also be represented.

Preview of Class 64 from MBW
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MBW has initial illustrations of the class 64 and is working on a quick delivery date.

Images of ÖBB Rh 52 from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Photos come in from Austria of models of the ÖBB class 52 from Spur 1 Austria, which have arrived at a customer.

A Look Back: spur1info 2017
by Friedhelm Weidelich
2017 was a richly varied year for buyers of Gauge 1 models. A look back.

Gauge 1 Meeting in the Garden
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Klaus Wagner regularly invites to his Gauge 1 meeting in the garden. Snapshots from the weekend.

A Look Back: spur1info 2016
by Friedhelm Weidelich
2016 was a year with an unusually diverse range of models for Gauge 1.

Polish Scale Models in Mainz
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Two Polish modelers were running PKP diesel and steam locomotives they had built themselves on a large gauge 1 oval. And Stangel had brought along new kits.
New Date for Spur1/Spur0-Messe 2023 in Mainz
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After the success of the well-attended fair at the beginning of April 2022, the date for the Spur1/Spur0 fair 2023 has now been set: it will take place on May 6 and 7, 2023 in the Alte Lokhalle in Mainz.

Spur1/Spur0-Messe Mainz: Hünstetten Train Station
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Together Jörn Gomann, Marc Schneider showed his Hünstetten station, which allows for varied operation with only three switches.
Read more … Spur1/Spur0-Messe Mainz: Hünstetten Train Station

Spur1/Spur0-Messe Mainz: Klaus Wagner's 1 Gauge Layout
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There is a lot going on at Klaus Wagner's gauge 1 layout, which was presented at the Spur1/Spur0 fair in Mainz.
28 photos give an insight into the operation.
Read more … Spur1/Spur0-Messe Mainz: Klaus Wagner's 1 Gauge Layout

Field Railway by Thomas Zeitz (updated)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Thomas Zeitz presented his versatile 1/32nd scale field railway at the Spur1/Spur0 Messe in Mainz.
News from Mainz
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In Mainz, there was an interesting model that is built to order.

Rigibahn and More from Kiss Modellbahnen Schweiz
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the Spur1/Spur0 fair in Mainz, the small Rigibahn locomotive on the rack fascinated.
Read more … Rigibahn and More from Kiss Modellbahnen Schweiz

10 Years spur1info!
by Friedhelm Weidelich
spur1info has now been online for ten years.
An attempt that has succeeded.

Exclusive: Fresh Marketing Ideas for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Due to age, the network of gauge 1 dealers is shrinking, but online retail with its tiny photos can only inadequately convey the fascination of gauge 1. That's why the leading gauge 1 suppliers have developed a new concept that brings their products closer to typical target groups.

A Look Back: spur1info 2015
by Friedhelm Weidelich
2015 was a year of new Märklin products for Gauge 1, but other suppliers also came onto the booming market with attractive handbuilt samples and models.

A Look Back: spur1info 2014
by Friedhelm Weidelich
2014 was a eventful year for Gauge 1 and the reporting of spur1info.

Preview of the Spur 1 Spur 0 Messe in Mainz
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The weekend after next, the Spur 1 Spur 0 fair will open its doors in the former locomotive shed in Mainz, Germany.

The Rhaetian Crocodile from Dingler will come
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler has specified the model versions at the Rhaetian Crocodile. The meter gauge model for 1 Gauge is coming.

A Look Back: spur1info 2013
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A steaming Märklin novelty marked the dawn of Gauge 1 in Göppingen in 2013, live steam models rolled between high-quality brass models.

A Look Back: spur1info 2012
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the beginning of April, spur1info will be ten years old.
A good occasion to look back on how Gauge 1 and spur1info have developed.

Bye-bye, Sächsische Schmalspurbahn Hamburg
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The large module layout "Saxon Narrow Gauge Railroad Hamburg" was disbanded. 26 pictures for the farewell.

Bavarian D XI for 1 Gauge from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The friends of Bavarian gauge 1 models have no need to complain about a lack of offers. The tender locomotive of the class D XI, the later class 984-5, should fulfill some wishes as a Kiss model these days. A report with 47 photos in large format.
Read more … Bavarian D XI for 1 Gauge from Kiss Modellbahnen

The February Table of 1 Gauge Projects
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The fifth gauge 1 locomotive of 2022 will be delivered in the next few days. At least! Otherwise there are announcements and delays. The project table for your planning.

Swiss semaphore signals of Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke has provided a hand sample of the Swiss semaphore signal for photographing.
The model for gauge 1 impresses with its details.

Preview of the T3 from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Prussian T 3 from Wunder is expected to be delivered in March 2022. An intensive photographic look at the attractive gauge 1 model with 36 large format photos.

Handmade Sample of a DB Köf II from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The handbuilt model of the post-war version of the Köf II is presented with an open cab and BSI switching coupler. The DB locomotor model was developed by Steiner Modellwerke and is scheduled to be available as a production model in the summer of 2022.
Read more … Handmade Sample of a DB Köf II from Steiner Modellwerke

DB Switcher Class 323 from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the summer of 2022, the small Köf II or class 323 locomotives are to be delivered by Steiner Modellwerke. The excellent handbuilt model of the 323 454 in detail with 32 photos.

Bavarian rest-stop Signal of the Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The upcoming Bavarian rest-stop signal for gauge 1 offered by Steiner Modellwerke has a very special appeal.
Read more … Bavarian rest-stop Signal of the Steiner Modellwerke

Baden Main Signal of Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke is working on various semaphore signals. An intensive look at the hand pattern of the Baden main signal.

How to Make the Märklin Class 91 a Better Steamer
by Gastautor
More than ten years ago, Hans and Walter Ziegler already refined their two class 91 models and published this rejuvenation in a print medium. Now the old Märklin models received a matching steam generator for realistic steam clouds.
Read more … How to Make the Märklin Class 91 a Better Steamer

MBW announces DB V 60/260 Diecast Model
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Finally there is a new product announcement again. MBW intends to deliver models of the DB class V 60 and its following versions of the classes 260 ff. in 2023.

MBW will Produce the DB Class 65 (updated)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MBW has surprisingly announced that gauge 1 models of DB's class 65 will be delivered this year.

DB Class 111 for 1 Gauge from Wunder (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Part 2 of the review of Wunder's class 111 gauge 1 models with 31 crisp large format photos.

DB Class 111 for 1 Gauge from Wunder (1)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Three gauge 1 models of the DB class 111 from Wunder are shown and reviewed. Part 1 of the review contains 58 photos in large format for connoisseurs and the undecided.

Preview of Wunder's DB Class 111
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A little preview of the well done class 111 for 1 gauge from Wunder.
1 Gauge Projects 2022 - 2024
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Most suppliers have commented on new releases and delivery dates for their Gauge 1 models since the end of December. The current table for your planning.

The 1 Gauge Vectron from Kiss Modellbahnen (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Part 2 of the description of the Vectron model from Kiss for gauge 1 is devoted primarily to the fascinating wealth of detail under the locomotive frame. 39 large-format photos provide unusual insights.

The 1 Gauge Vectron from Kiss Modellbahnen (1)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Kiss Modellbahnen is just delivering the gauge 1 model of the Vectron from Siemens Mobility. The multi-purpose locomotive, which has already been sold over 1,200 times, is also very well done as a model. A short presentation of this European electric locomotive and the first part of a review with many informative photos showing all the details.
Vectron Preview
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The photos of the Vectron from Kiss are almost ready. A small preview of the excellent gauge 1 model.

Saxon Narrow Gauge in Hamburg (5)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the fifth and final part of the report on the Saxon Narrow Gauge Railroad Hamburg we look at the three stations of Wilkaustein, where standard gauge and narrow gauge were cleverly combined. 40 photos.

Innovative Features of the New 1 Gauge S 2/6 from Märklin (updated)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The S 2/6 just announced by Märklin has features that were not available in 1 gauge.
Read more … Innovative Features of the New 1 Gauge S 2/6 from Märklin (updated)

1 Gauge Novelties from Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
For the canceled Toy Fair, Märklin announces models of the elegant Bavarian S 2/6 steam locomotive for 1 gauge.

News from Swiss Proform Spur 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Markus Probst of the Swiss Proform Spur 1 locomotive manufacture has built a 44 of the Deutsche Reichsbahn with pulverized coal firing and is currently working on the 65 1052 of the DR. He also announces a Swiss steam locomotive.

Saxon Narrow Gauge in Hamburg (4)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Part 4 on the Saxon Narrow Gauge Railway Hamburg deals with an industrial siding, the interlockings on the standard gauge line with three-rail track and a light railroad. A gauge 1 layout can be that diverse. 43 photos.

Saxon Narrow Gauge in Hamburg (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The stations Vierenstraße and Venusberg of the large Saxon narrow gauge railroad Hamburg are presented with 34 photos. There are many possibilities for shunting operations here and a locomotive shed in each location. The buildings were self-built after Saxon prototypes.

Saxon Narrow Gauge in Hamburg (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The second part describes the development of the module layout of the friends of Saxon narrow gauge railroads in Hamburg. The large 1e narrow gauge layout has ten stations. Three of them are presented in part 2 with 35 atmospheric photos in large format.

Saxon Narrow Gauge in Hamburg (1)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A large narrow gauge layout based on Saxon models has to be dismantled. For the time being, we take a last look at the gauge 1 module layout, which reproduces the flair of the Saxon narrow gauge railroads of the Deutsche Reichsbahn in the 1970s to 1980s like hardly any other.
Part 1 with 38 photos in large format.

French Townhouses de luxe
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A new subscriber from South America builds French 1/32 scale townhouses at the highest level, inspired by Emmanuel Nouaillier. Miniature art at its best.

MBW Announces Gauge 1 Model of Class 44
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MBW has set out to produce class 44 steam locomotives for gauge 1. Individual details have already been determined.

Refrigerator Car, Weathered by Horst Göhr
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Horst Göhr has weathered a refrigerator car at the end of its operational life.

Gauge 1 in 2021
by Friedhelm Weidelich
As far as Gauge 1 is concerned, the year is over, though surprises can never be completely ruled out. Since this year 2021, it has been normal to be surprised again and again about the winding paths of the industry. A look back and forward.
Several Märklin Novelties Canceled
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin will not realize some gauge 1 novelties due to lack of advance orders.
Spur-1-Treffen 2022
by Friedhelm Weidelich
As I have already reported, the Gauge 1 meeting 2022 will not take place in Sinsheim. Here is now the announcement of the organizer.

Did she really exist?
by Gastautor
For some railroad models, the question arises for a variety of reasons whether there was a prototype. Bruno Waldmeier has given some thought to this.

New 1 Gauge Figures from Belgium
by Friedhelm Weidelich
High quality 3D printed figures cover many eras and situations. Belgian 3D studio.be has again expanded its large program.
Annoucement: Freight Train Conductor Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models announces several freight train conductor cars for gauge 1 for 2023.
Read more … Annoucement: Freight Train Conductor Cars from Fine Models

DB Class 80 from MBW
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Small locomotives are found far too seldom for Gauge 1. MBW will soon be delivering the DRG, DR and DB class 80 shunting locomotive. The attractive steam locomotive model is suitable for shunting in passenger and freight stations as well as in industrial operations. On a diorama, the tender locomotive could serve sidings.
A review with 48 photos.
French SNCF Locomotive Staff
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There is an alternative to the figures that come with the SNCF 241-A-58 from Märklin.
The November List of 1 Gauge Projects
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Corona, missing decoders and the high transport rates continue to influence the Gauge 1 market and are delaying deliveries. But there is also news in the current list of Gauge 1 projects.

A Discovery Trip through the Märklineum (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
One floor of the Märklineum in Göppingen is devoted entirely to Märklin model trains. A portrait with 52 photos.

A Layout in Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the summer of 2017, I portrayed an exceptional gauge 1 layout in Austria. Now a photographically very talented student provides us with atmospheric photos of the further built layout.

Intermodellbau: Gauge 1 Layouts
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Intermodellbau is the Mecca of model railroad layout builders. Gauge 1 is also represented.

Intermodellbau: More Models from Fine Models and Kiss
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At Intermodellbau, Fine Models/Kiss showed more hand samples - and already a production model.
Read more … Intermodellbau: More Models from Fine Models and Kiss
Intermodellbau: Bavarian Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models is presenting the hand samples of the second series of Bavarian freight cars at Intermodellbau - and already a part of the third series.

New Hand Samples at Intermodellbau
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At Intermodellbau, Fine Models and Wunder showed new hand samples.

Intermodellbau Preview
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Tomorrow the Intermodellbau starts in Dortmund. Gauge 1 is only represented on a small scale, but will present new hand samples.

Weathered Electric Locomotives
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modern and old electric locomotives bear weathering and operating traces of varying intensity. But some traces they have in common. 45 photos with which you can judge the quality of patination on gauge 1 models.

A quick look at Wunder's DB Class 111
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The class 111 from Wunder is a long awaited gauge 1 model. Some photos.

A Gauge 1 Autumn Bridge Module
by Friedhelm Weidelich
With a little modeling experience, building a scale 1 modular layout is not that difficult. Choosing the right season, the result is a jewel that displaces the dark season.
Tag der Modelleisenbahn in Duisburg
by Friedhelm Weidelich
On November 27 and 28, a Model Railroad Day will be held at the Museum of German Inland Navigation in Duisburg. Gauge 1 modules with Ruhr area flair will also have their premiere at this event.

Hand samples of the new Bavarian Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
From Korea the first photos of the second series of Bavarian freight cars have arrived, which Fine Models has announced for gauge 1. Bavaria fans will be pleased.
Read more … Hand samples of the new Bavarian Cars from Fine Models

SNCF 241-A-58 from Märklin for gauge 1 in the photo studio
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In many respects, Märklin's SNCF 241-A-58 (55085) is similar to the 241-A-65 preserved in Switzerland, but there are differences. Probably undeniable is that the gauge 1 model in green looks best and will boost the French market. 51 photos in large format.
Read more … SNCF 241-A-58 from Märklin for gauge 1 in the photo studio
MBW announce DB V 90 for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MBW announces the DB diesel locomotive of the class V 90 or 290 as an inexpensive gauge 1 model.

DB Swing roof car for Gauge 1 from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The DB KKks 89/Taes 890/Taems 890 swing roof car from Wunder Präzisionsmodelle brings a new design to the range for gauge 1 freight cars. The hand pattern suggests a versatile model for gauge 1.
The Updated 1 Gauge Project List
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The final spurt in the delivery of the announced gauge 1 models is open. Despite the difficult situation due to the dependence on China, there are individual rays of hope. And something is also happening at the trade shows.

Pilot Sample of Wunder's Bavarian MCCi for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder produces a very small number of the Bavarian MCCi steam railcar for Gauge 1, which on the prototype formed the basis for the ET 85. We present the pilot sample of the Oktoberfest version with 51 photos.
Read more … Pilot Sample of Wunder's Bavarian MCCi for Gauge 1

Gotthardbahn A 3/5 from Wyko Echtdampf
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Swiss live steam operators regularly fulfill their wishes for robust steam locomotives. Now Wyko has delivered a series of the Gotthard Railway Company's A 3/5 in the appropriate place.
Preorder modern Märklin Gauge1 Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
As Märklin confirmed upon request, the Gauge 1 models of the modern Bombardier Traxx 3 electric locomotives and the new container cars will only be realized if there are enough advance orders.
Friends of modern railroad models should therefore pre-order the locomotives and cars from dealers by October 31, 2021.
Hand Samples from AM Productions
by Friedhelm Weidelich
First pictures of the Gauge 1 hand samples from France.

Special V 65 Version from Spur 1-Exklusiv
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur 1-Exklusiv issues a V 65 diesel engine for gauge 1 that has particularly exclusive features.

Additional versions of the Köf II of Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke has decided to add two more versions of the planned small locomotive for gauge 1 to its program.
Read more … Additional versions of the Köf II of Steiner Modellwerke

Welcome to the Fascinating World of 1 Gauge!
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dear international readers,
Welcome to spur1info, the world's only online magazine for the friends of Gauge 1. Gauge 1, that means museum-quality 1:32 scale models, mostly made of brass or die-cast, operating on 45 mm gauge tracks. Like the well-known garden railroads, but much more detailed, handcrafted in small series and true mechanical masterpieces.

A Shelter for the DB Class 85
by Gastautor
In the 1970s, DB locomotive 85 007 stood in the parking lot in front of the engineering college in Constance. As a museum piece, it came to Freiburg under a shelter. Hans and Walter Ziegler have rebuilt it in 1:32 scale. A building instruction for patient model builders.

Their First 1 Gauge Model
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Surprise, surprise! An experienced small series manufacturer enters the gauge 1 market. spur1info knows the facts and exclusively presents three complete models with 84 photos.

Catalogue from Jaffas Moba-Shop
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Jaffa's Moba-Shop has provided spur1info with the new catalog in advance, which contains new figures and accessories for gauge 1.

The Fall List of Gauge 1 Projects
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Some Gauge 1 projects will not be available in 2021 despite long-standing announcements. Instead, other models are coming unexpectedly - and a flood of new announcements. "It is dangerous to lean out" takes on a whole new meaning here. The current project list has 195 items.

New 1 Gauge Figures from Wema Bahnatelier
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wema Bahnatelier has added to its assortment a craftsman and two figures handling the wheelbarrow that was already delivered.

Review of Swiss Ce 6/8 I from Märklin for 1 Gauge
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Heavy and very powerful is the new Ce 6/8 I from SBB Historic that Märklin is offering as a gauge 1 model. A review of the Swiss electric locomotive with 76 expressive photos in large format.
Read more … Review of Swiss Ce 6/8 I from Märklin for 1 Gauge

The Gauge 1 Fall Novelties from Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Usually, Märklin's fall novelties for Gauge 1 are not particularly plentiful. But this year everything is different. The extensive new product program offers a few surprises and a bang for the buck. A detailed report.

A short Preview of Märklin's Swiss Koefferli
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A little foretaste of the photos I'm currently taking of the Märklin model of SBB Historic's Ce 6/8 I 14201. The gauge 1 model impresses with many details.
And another novelty for gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Gauge 1 novelty merry-go-round continues to spin at high speed.
New 1 Gauge Freight Car from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder will shortly be introducing a new freight car for 1 gauge. It is a swing roof car.

DB E 71 13 from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
As the first version, Fine Models has just delivered the gauge 1 model of the E 71 13 of the Deutsche Bundesbahn. 57 large format photos show all the details of the Prussian electric locomotive classic. The review describes the strengths and shortcomings of Fine Models' model - and clarifies the question of whether the competitor's locomotive is better.

Pictures from Annaberg-Buchholz (4)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Some nice details were found on the modules in Annaberg-Buchholz. 22 photos in the fifth part of the report.
E 71 from Fine Models - first Photos
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models is currently delivering the E 71 13 and the blue E 71 19 of the DB. First photos.

Photos from Annaberg-Buchholz (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Oschersleben depot and some DR locomotives are the subject of the 38 photos from the gauge 1 days in Annaberg-Buchholz.

Photos from Annaberg-Buchholz (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Now it's off to Schlettau and Klütz on the modular gauge 1 layout in Annaberg-Buchholz.
One more Gauge 1 Novelty
by Friedhelm Weidelich
And once again there is a novelty for the gauge 1 to announce!
Gauge 1 Novelty from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder will announce a new locomotive model for gauge 1 in the next days. spur1info already has the details.

Universal Mini-Engine
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After numerous heavyweights, there is finally a compact vehicle on the market for Gauge 1 that is suitable for shunting in tight spaces.

From Walthersdorf to Crottendorf
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Ore Mountains (Erzgebirge) in Saxony, Germany, offer a lot of variety in terms of railroad technology in a very small area. Ore Mountains stations and lines were the theme on the approximately 120 modules of the fourth Annaberg-Buchholz Gauge 1 operating days initiated by jübe-modelle. The self-builts, together with the DR vehicles, looked authentic and the operation remained relaxed. Part 1 with 51 photos in large format.

The finished Tank Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
To build seven tank cars, you need time and patience. Now they are ready to roll on 45 mm track.
Aby zbudować siedem wagonów cystern, potrzeba czasu i cierpliwości. Teraz są one gotowe do jazdy po torach 45 mm.
4. Annaberg-Buchholz Gauge 1 Railroading
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the end of July, model railroaders who have chosen the GDR Reichsbahn as their model will meet for operating days in Annaberg-Buchholz (Saxony).

A bookshelf Layout from Belgium
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Again and again, the Gauge 1 Friends from Leuven in Belgium develop interesting layouts and dioramas for gauge 1, which feature a wealth of details.
The latest driving diorama basically fits on a bookshelf. 50 photos show details and international train operations.
Modelbex: Announcement of an SNCF steam locomotive
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modelbex announced today on its website a new steam locomotive for gauge 1.
Read more … Modelbex: Announcement of an SNCF steam locomotive

The June List of Gauge 1 Projects
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The first half of 2021 has ended, a few 1 gauge projects have been delivered and many new projects were announced. Not all delivery promises could be kept. Corona and the dependence on production in China continue to leave their mark.

Home-made Tank Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Jacek Wysocki from Poland is currently building a tank car train. Here are some snapshots.

Novelties from Spur 1 Austria: Taurus & more
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A bundle of novelties for the gauge 1 market in Austria and other European countries has been announced by Spur 1 Austria today. Among them are three electric locomotives and two steam locomotives that already existed as gauge 1 models. You can see the prototypes in numerous photos and operations.
Novelty Announcement from AM Productions
by Friedhelm Weidelich
AM Productions from France enriches the growing French gauge 1 market with a first wagon model.

Hand Samples of Dingler's Prussian 2-axle Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
With nice steadiness, Dingler announces new models in June and is able to show hand samples exactly one year later - usually this weekend in Sinsheim. Because the Spur-1-Treffen had to be cancelled again due to Corona, spur1info shows the photos of the picture-perfect cars.

Preview of Märklin's DR 08 1001
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The photos of the 08 1001 of the DR from Märklin are for the most part already done. A foretaste of the impressive exotic steam locomotive that you might want to have in your gauge 1 collection after seeing these pictures.

French SNCF Reefer from Twerenbold
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Twerenbold Modellbau is delivering the French refrigerator cars for 1 scale announced in spring 2019. Pictures of all versions.
Twerenbold Modellbau livre les voitures frigorifiques françaises à l'échelle 1 annoncées au printemps 2019. Photos de toutes les versions.

Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland to announce Donnerbüchsen and more
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Blunderbusses characterized commuter trains in Germany until the end of the 1950s. Kiss Modellbahnen is now issuing them as brass models for gauge 1 - and some more.
Read more … Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland to announce Donnerbüchsen and more

First Photos of ELNA from Kiss Modellbahnen Germany
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The hand sample of the ELNA steam locomotive from Kiss Modellbahnen Germany is ready. First photos of an attractive model.
Read more … First Photos of ELNA from Kiss Modellbahnen Germany

SNCF 160A1 as Gauge 1 Model from Proform
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After a black and green version, Proform has now completed a black version of the heavy six-axle French 160A1 steam locomotive with red trim and silver boiler rings.

Starting up Fine Models' Bavarian Cogwheel Locomotive
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Only a small double-digit number of customers receive the small series model of the Bavarian cogwheel locomotive PtzL 3/4 or the later class 971 from Fine Models these days. The highly complex handbuilt model is even more enjoyable if you take your time during commissioning. A comprehensive article about the first-class model with practical tips for running in.
Read more … Starting up Fine Models' Bavarian Cogwheel Locomotive

Dingler to deliver BLS Passenger Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler will begin delivering BLS, SOB and SBB passenger cars tomorrow.

Photos of Spur 1 Austria's Sample of DR 52.80
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur 1 Austria has received a hand sample of the DR 5280 and had photos taken. Seven large format images.
News from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur 1 Austria emailed me a slightly mysterious photo.
News about the status of the Gauge 1 projects
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Delivery problems delay the delivery of announced gauge 1 models.

Generation change at Simba Dickie
by Friedhelm Weidelich
It was founded in 1982 as "Simba Toys" with five employees. The Simba Dickie Group, with 2,950 employees and sales of €715 million, also includes Märklin. On May 1, 2021, Michael Sieber (65) will hand over the management of the joint family business to his son Florian (34), the third generation.

DB 232 001 from Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The epoch IV version of the 232 001 from Märklin differs from the V 320 001 of epoch III. Some photos.
Additional Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models expands the Bavarian freight car program presented a few days ago with two models for early epoch III.
Summer Bahndammfest postponed
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Unfortunately, the traditional Bahndammfest at EiWi (Railway Witterswil near Basel), Switzerland, has to be postponed again this year due to corona. The new date is the weekend of 11 and 12 September 2021.

Some more Bavarian freight cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models is expanding its series of Bavarian freight cars with new models for 1 scale. Here are the facts.
Read more … Some more Bavarian freight cars from Fine Models
Time to Preorder SNCF Boxcar
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In order for the project to be realized and result in more models, I would like to remind you of an interesting freight car that will be built for 1 gauge.

Removable Roofs on Gauge 1 Locomotives (2)
by Gastautor
After the steam locomotives and their cabs in the first part, the second part is about Dingler's V 36 and what can be found and further refined under the hood and roof.

Removable Roofs on Gauge 1 Locomotives
by Gastautor
Removable roofs on the cabs of gauge 1 locomotives allow the interiors to be upgraded and equipped with simple means. Just like movable flaps and doors on engine compartments and front ends, they provide deep insights for the discerning eye of the technically interested locomotive collector. Individualizing and adding to the models are part of our hobby. For Ern Hettinger it is a very essential part.

A little Bridge might be an Idea for a Diorama
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There are settings that you can't invent. Eventually you will find a believable accumulation of details that inspire a modeler to a diorama. Here comes a bridge scene for gauge 1 that has it all and could be realized on a compact footprint for epochs I to VI.

DB Cogwheel Steam Locomotive 97 101 from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Die 97 101 der DB im Zustand von 1962 von Fine Models ist die zweite Variante, die hier in 36 Fotos vorgestellt wird. Sie unterscheidet sich in vielen Punkten von dem zuvor gezeigten Länderbahn-Modell.
Read more … DB Cogwheel Steam Locomotive 97 101 from Fine Models

Bavarian Cogwheel PtzL from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Only forty models of the exclusive Bavarian cogwheel locomotive PtzL 3/4 and the DRG and DB versions are offered by Fine Models. 29 photos show the details of the Epoch I version.

Review of DB's E 71 from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
It took Spur 1 Austria almost exactly one year from the (second) announcement of the E 71 to delivery. The compact electric locomotive is presentable and inventive. 80 large format photos show all facets and the qualities of this Prussian locomotive model, whose prototype was last in service with the Deutsche Bundesbahn in South Baden.

Addio Attilio Mari
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In 2016, the fantastic model maker Attilio Mari had recorded his life's work. Now he is retiring through age.
More Bavarian Cars from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models is preparing a second Bavarian car series. The first model is already fixed.

Gauge 1 Project List Update
by Friedhelm Weidelich
New projects and postponed deadlines: The current project list gives hope - and will disappoint numerous customers.

Private Res from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modellbau Marcus Jaegers has developed a modern type Res freight car, the prototype of which belongs to the German Wiebe track maintenance company.
News from Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Some information from the world of gauge 1 for spur1info subscribers.

There Is No BR 01 202
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Red Hummer, Black Buffalo and BR 01 202: Infantilization and lack of expertise go hand in hand in model railroading.

A home-made 1Gauge Model Railway from 1948
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Shortly after the Second World War, people in Germany had other things to worry about than building model trains. With the Flying Hamburger on a self-built track system, there is a history that should not be completely lost. Especially since there were already functions built in that do not exist in gauge 1 to this day.

Prussian G 8.2 from MBW
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MBW has the first pictures of the production version of the Prussian G 82. The models are scheduled for delivery in March 2021. The photos are promising.

Preview of Dingler's Passenger Cars of BLS/SOB/SBB
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler received production samples of the passenger cars from BLS, SOB and SBB - and photographed them right away.
Read more … Preview of Dingler's Passenger Cars of BLS/SOB/SBB
Fine Models announces the steam snow blower from Henschel
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models will announce several versions of Henschel's six-axle snow blower soon.
Read more … Fine Models announces the steam snow blower from Henschel

The Gauge 1 Project List: What to Expect in 2021
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Gauge 1 project list from the end of January 2021 gives a preview of freshly announced new products, some of which are seven years old and are about to be delivered at last. The number is frighteningly high, but completely unrealistic.
A journey into the land of fantasy and adventure that only Gauge 1 can offer.
Read more … The Gauge 1 Project List: What to Expect in 2021

DRG Open Freight Car „Würzburg“ from Fine Models for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The asymmetrical brakeman's cab makes this O-car of Bavarian provenance stand out. An interesting gauge 1 model from Fine Models for the early days of the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft (DRG).
Read more … DRG Open Freight Car „Würzburg“ from Fine Models for Gauge 1

Bavarian Open Freight Car from Fine Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models is just delivering the Bavarian open freight cars. 21 photos and a review of the E-car of the Royal Bavarian State Railways.

MTH's Last Big Boy
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MTH Trains will close in 2021 after 40 years. Before that, however, there are still three locomotive types in 1:32. One locomotive is expressly also suitable for Märklin tracks.

Italian Tipo F & Co from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler is delivering the Italian pointed roof wagons these days. With them, Italian farmers delivered fruit and vegetables to many European countries until about 1985. The well-done freight wagon models belong in every freight train on gauge 1. A description of the two wagon types with 54 photos for connoisseurs.

Märklin's Gauge 1 Novelties 2021
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Gauge 1 users and collectors in Switzerland are likely to rejoice over the striking Ce 6/8 I from SBB Historic. For all other gauge 1 customers, Märklin unfortunately has little to offer in 2021.

A Refined DB Class 50 from Fine Art Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Older gauge 1 models did not always have such a high level of detail as today. That can be altered: Bernhard Lindlbauer describes how to breathe a little more life into a 25-year-old model from Fine Art Models.

Trailer Car for Wunder's ET 85
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The class ET 85 electric railcar from Wunder for gauge 1 is still to come. However, the EB 85 sidecar to reinforce the train consisting of powered rail car and cab control car is already available.
One more Köf II from Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke is putting out another variant of the Köf II.

Two Handmade Samples of Wunder's Prussian T 3
by Friedhelm Weidelich
spur1info shows 59 photos of the two handbuilt samples of the Prussian T 3 in Prussian state railroad version and as a Bundesbahn locomotive, which might make you go weak. Because the three-axle cult tender locomotive is just too sweet! A detailed report describes the equipment of the gauge 1 model.

Small Animals
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Birds and cats roam everywhere, but are hardly available in 1:32 scale. Klingenhöfer now closes this supply gap. Other animals for dioramas and layouts are also included in the program.
French Freight Car
by Friedhelm Weidelich
An established manufacturer enters the production of French freight cars.

DB Conversion Cars 1. and 2. Class from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
All aboard please! Here come another 32 photos with deep looks into the extraordinarily well done gauge 1 passenger cars AB3yge and B3yge by Wunder.

The Best Couplers for Wunder's Conversion Cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The three-axle conversion cars of the Deutsche Bundesbahn were coupled in pairs. If you want to couple the new gauge 1 models of the 3yge cars from Wunder close to prototype, you have to plan a little and procure suitable couplers. There are several solutions, which are presented here.

Looking Back on Gauge 1 in 2020
by Friedhelm Weidelich
How was the year 2020, which gauge 1 models were delivered and who had only big plans and vaporware? At the end of the year it is worth taking a critical look at the gauge 1 market. An insolvency, corona, cancelled shows as well as actual and invented delivery problems have hardly affected the hobby. But the ability to deliver is strikingly unevenly distributed. Newcomers to gauge 1 should study the project list in detail.
News from MBW
by Friedhelm Weidelich
I received the following message from MBW, which contains more details about the price and delivery schedule of the announced models.

A Weathered Express Train Engine
by Gastautor
Hans and Walter Ziegler show how they patinated an 01 from KM1 with simple means. This gives courage to try it yourself. Some prototype photos from the end of the steam era give suggestions how far you should (not) go.
Kiss Germany and Switzerland go Separate Ways
by Friedhelm Weidelich
From 2021, the two successors founded after the insolvency of Kiss Modellbahnen will go their own ways.

New Photos of Vectron by Kiss Deutschland
by Friedhelm Weidelich
I just received photos from Fine Models of the Vectron that will be delivered under the Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland brand in May 2021. The amount of detail will surprise steam locomotive enthusiasts.

Last Deliveries in 2020
by Friedhelm Weidelich
There is something stuck in the planned deliveries of gauge 1 models. The current status.

Märklin's old G 10 with Crafting Fun
by Friedhelm Weidelich
With original accessories, old car models can be remarketed. Märklin took this approach with the G 10 and upgraded it to a car for livestock transport. The gauge 1 model 58945 brings a few hours of handicraft fun into the house and stimulates the imagination.

Hand Sample of Wunder's DB D-Zug Car B4ümg 54 (updated)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
One year after the announcement of the novelty, Wunder has received the first hand sample of the classic express train car of the Deutsche Bundesbahn. The gauge 1 model offers superlative equipment, but will not fit on every layout.
Read more … Hand Sample of Wunder's DB D-Zug Car B4ümg 54 (updated)

Gauge 1 Deliveries by the End of the Year
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Numerous gauge 1 projects that were due by the end of the year were more or less silently postponed to 2021. Many a customer will go empty-headed (German phrase: to look at the moon).
But some wagon models and two locomotives will still be rolling in.

Repacking Märklin's V 320
by Friedhelm Weidelich
You don't want to repack such a heavy gauge 1 model like the V 320 from Märklin. If you need to do so, I have a suggestion on how to do it without helpers.

All the pictures of Wunder's sample of DB class 485/885 from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
It was a pleasure to photograph the two hand samples of the ET and ES 85, in epoch IV the Deutsche Bundesbahn class 485 and 885. The models are produced for Wunder only in double-digit numbers and are not suitable for every layout. Here are the details and 53 photos that show where the journey is heading.
Read more … All the pictures of Wunder's sample of DB class 485/885 from Wunder

Wunder's Sample of DB Railcar 485 - first Photos
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder systematically works off its backlogs. Exactly five years have passed since the announcement of the ET and ES 85/485 and 885. But now Wunder has received the hand samples. And they are already in the photo studio at spur1info.
Here are photos that whet your appetite for the attractive Gauge 1 models of the vintage railcar from the Reichsbahn era.
Read more … Wunder's Sample of DB Railcar 485 - first Photos

The Water House of Steinbach in Saxony
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Epokemodeller from Denmark no longer offers gauge 1 buildings.Horst Göhr built and worked on one of the last kits of the water house in Steinbach in Saxony.

Baden Class IVg as Live Steam Engine from Wyko
by Gastautor
Just in time for the delivery of the Baden car kits from Dingler, Michael Wyrwich from Wyko-Echtdampf delivered the Baden IVg to his customers.
Peter Krattiger has photographed his model and is impressed by the quality.
How Märklin's V 320 Roars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A model of a diesel locomotive must offer convincing engine noise. Here's a sample of what the V 320 from Märklin sounds like.

Märklin's V 320 001 Reviewed
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin's V 320 001 of the DB is a massive diesel locomotive. Spur1info was able to examine it as a pre-production sample. A gauge 1 locomotive with which market leader Märklin shows which impressive and enormously attractive models can be produced with zinc die casting. A few innovations are also included in the package.
A report with 84 photos showing every detail.

A first look at Märklin's DB Diesel V 320
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has provided spur1info with a pre-production model of the V 320 001 of the Deutsche Bundesbahn. The gigantic gauge 1 model is impressive not only because of its weight, but also because of the wealth of details - outside and inside.
Part 1 with 39 photos in unique quality.

A Luxembourg Fads from Modellbau Jaegers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modellbau Marcus Jaegers has built a Luxembourg Fads in 1/32nd scale for a customer.

The Updated 1-Gauge Project List
by Friedhelm Weidelich
It's the end of October and not much going on at Gauge 1, because some delivery dates have already been postponed into the coming year. Ancient projects were finally scheduled. But a few models are actually still to come until the end of the year.

First Pictures of Kiss' new Vectron Hand Sample
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models has received first snapshots of the completely new hand sample of the Siemens Vectron. The modern electric locomotive is marketed under the in-house brand Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland.

Dinglers Baden Train in Action
by Friedhelm Weidelich
I received photos from Switzerland of a long train with the cars from Dingler's kits, which are still being pulled by a Bavarian locomotive for the time being.

Baden express train car from Dingler assembled (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
After the interior and windows have been installed and the chassis has been completed, the assemblies of the Baden express train car from Dingler can be combined. But in the end there is still a hurdle to be overcome until the gauge 1 passenger car from 1903 is equipped with all the details.
Read more … Baden express train car from Dingler assembled (2)

Baden express train car from Dingler assembled
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler has produced various versions of the Baden express train cars from the turn of the century as partial kits for the target group of live steamers. It is partly already soldered, painted and printed, but it requires more experience and patience than the relatively simple assembly of the Baden baggage car.
In part 1 of the assembly description I show with 60 photos how to assemble the car body.

How to assemble the Baden baggage car from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Car kits for gauge 1 are rare and overstrain many model railroaders. Inspired by the requests of live steam railroaders from Switzerland, Dingler dared the experiment and published two kits of Baden cars. The baggage car offers hardly any major hurdles even for beginners - if they know a few tricks and tools. It is not a quick kit for three afterwork hours. But with a little patience and my detailed assembly instructions with 60 pictures you will successfully reach your goal.
Read more … How to assemble the Baden baggage car from Dingler
Exclusive Novelty Announcement
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur1info subscribers often have an information advantage when it comes to announcements of new products. You will be thrilled immediately.
The September Project List for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At the end of the third quarter of 2020, it is worth taking a look at the current gauge 1 project list. Because by the end of the year a veritable flood of models has been announced, the likes of which we have never seen before. If it will not come otherwise ...
Live steam models and more
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Accucraft and the many brands associated with it now have a new online store that makes it easier to keep track.

Figures that inspire
by Friedhelm Weidelich
This week I received a sample package with figures for gauge 1, which belong to the top class and add unique motifs to the booming market.

Upcoming Deliveries
by Friedhelm Weidelich
We have the new status for upcoming deliveries of gauge 1 models.
Some more Novelties for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Despite the current heat wave in Germany, autumn is just around the corner, with gauge 1 novelties that are not quite as hot.
Novelty announcement
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland, a brand of Fine Models, announces a new model that hardly anyone would have expected.

Photos of SBB Ae 3/6 from Kiss Modellbahnen Schweiz
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Today I received photos of the Ae 3/6 from Kiss Modellbahnen Schweiz.
The three model versions are sold out ex works and may still be in stock at some dealers.
Read more … Photos of SBB Ae 3/6 from Kiss Modellbahnen Schweiz

News from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The new newsletter from Spur 1 Austria brings good news - and critically comments on the speculation in forums about the Chinese production facility.

Swiss Baggage Car 4Fü from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In 1927, the Swiss Federal Railways SBB purchased two baggage cars from BLS for use in the "Gotthard Pullman Express". 36 photos of the gauge 1 model of Wunder with fantastic views of the rich interior.

Dining Car of Wunder's "Flèche d'Or"
by Friedhelm Weidelich
From 1926, the CIWL's "Golden Arrow" connected Paris and London.
Wunder has created a 1:32 scale model of the luxurious train.

Edelweiss Dining Car, deluxe, by Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Two CIWL Pullman cars and a baggage car from the luxury trains "Edelweiss" and "Gotthard Pullman Express" are presenting themselves before the camera. The first one is spectacular on the outside, less so inside. But in any case a gem for gauge 1 collectors with lots of space. Have a look and enjoy!

Painted Scale Figures
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In May I presented figures for epoch I here. You can also use them in epoch II, if they are painted appropriately.
Scales Figures for 241-A-65 by Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
While packing the locomotive I discovered the two figures between the polystyrene flakes. They are cast out of metal and neatly painted.

Preview of Baden kit cars
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At Dingler, the kits of the Baden cars are currently being assembled on a trial basis. Here are the first pictures.

Videos from Norway
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The exhibition in Norway is featured in two videos showing the module layout in operation.
Fine Models/Kiss with new versions of Bavarian D XI
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models has added two new variants to the Bavarian Lokalbahn steam locomotive project which has been taken over from Kiss.
Read more … Fine Models/Kiss with new versions of Bavarian D XI

The updated July List of Gauge 1 Projects
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Take one! The plastic box, which will be empty at the end of the 2019 season on a pier on the Baltic Sea, ironically symbolizes a part of the gauge 1 market: Order something, we can deliver almost nothing anyway!
Now it's time to bet on the Zero.
Despite tha: the updated list of gauge 1 projects promises more deliveries for 2020 - and some more new projects.

Märklin's 241-A-65 reviewed
by Friedhelm Weidelich
With its 8.55 kg, the SNCF 241-A-65 for gauge 1 is a heavyweight with very high tractive power. This applies to the Märklin model both technically and literally. Because the aesthetics of the French steam locomotive in Swiss hands appeals to everyone. Read the detailed review of the gauge 1 model here, with over 100 excellent photos.

French Steam Engine 241-A-65 by Märklin Reviewed
by Friedhelm Weidelich
SNCF's 241-A-65 is a Swiss-based heritage locomotive that leaves no one cold. As a Märklin model for gauge 1 it was worth 98 photos in large format. The pictures of this impressive French locomotive show its strengths and few weaknesses, the review is in progress.
Read more … French Steam Engine 241-A-65 by Märklin Reviewed

Unboxing Maerklin's 241
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin's 241-A-65 has arrived for a review. And because unpacking is so emotional, my son took photos of the process.

News from Spur 1 Austria
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Spur 1 Austria today presents a new steam locomotive and another new version. Besides status reports on the currently produced models there is a spectacular announcement: 0 Gauge.

Dingler's Novelties 2020/2021 (part 2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
With a focus on Germany, Dingler announces two novelty packages for gauge 1. Both projects close a gap just in time and will open new perspectives.

New Freight Car Samples from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modern locomotives need modern freight cars. MBJ Modellbau Jaegers has new colorful models under construction. Especially impressive is the detailed, 810 mm long carrier for 80 ft containers.
Read more … New Freight Car Samples from Modellbau Marcus Jaegers

The new SNCF CC 72000 from Modelbex
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The new SNCF diesel locomotive CC 72000 from Modelbex are impressive. A short photo session with 38 photos.

The Excellent 1 Gauge Layout No. 10 (6)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
With a total of 173 photos I have portrayed the private "Layout #10". In the sixth and last part of the picture series, subscribers enjoy the worth seeing layout by evening light and at night.

The Excellent 1 Gauge Layout No. 10 (5)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
25 scenes from the railway depot of Layout #10 and the holding sidings.

The Excellent 1 Gauge Layout No. 10 (4)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
32 photos present trade and industry at Layout #10.

The Excellent 1 Gauge Layout No. 10 (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In part 3 of the picture series you will see scenes at the station and at the goods station. 33 photos.
The Excellent 1 Gauge Layout No. 10 (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Part 2 of the picture section of Layout #10 presents a branch line with 24 photos.

The Excellent 1 Gauge Layout No. 10
by Friedhelm Weidelich
I had the opportunity to photograph an outstandingly well-done private gauge 1 layout. A total of about 170 photos are showing the qualities of the masterfully designed system.

Private Swiss Faccs from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
As a surprise and without announcement Dingler has produced another 1-gauge model of a modern hopper. spur1info had the car in the photo studio and exclusively presents 32 photos of the attractive model, which is internationally in use.

Swiss Falls Type Hoppers Falls from Dingler
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Dingler is currently delivering the new four-axle hoppers of the Falls type. Beside the famous "Weiacher" there are also other colorful models. I had the blue HASTAG car on my photo studio desk. 39 photos of the very attractive modern freight car.

Tipo FF from Lucchini Rail Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
One year ago the Tipo FF with long wheelbase from Lucchini Rail Models was announced here. The Italian freight car will be available in Sinsheim.

Mercedes-Benz Sprinter from MarGe Models
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MarGe Model in Zwolle, the Netherlands, has manufactured a 1:32 scale Mercedes-Benz Sprinter van in China. The model comes in a glossy black box and has a Daimler license, but no specific designation. On the rear side 316 CDI can be read under the magnifying glass. It must be the W 906 built between 2006 and 2013. It is also available as Dodge Sprinter with a slightly modified radiator grille.
The almost 19 cm model has a die-cast body and a plastic chassis. The headlights, rear lights and vents are also made of plastic, as are the interior fittings of the driver's cab. The steering wheel rotates against the direction of travel of the steering axle. The buttons and knobs on the dashboard are delicately printed. The rubber tyres are finely profiled.
All doors are movable. The sliding door can be opened with a handle under the car floor. For the four doors with a minimal gap, a kind of plastic crowbar is included to open the doors. With this aid it is easier to reach into the door handles than with your fingernails. The hinges of the rear doors are somewhat coarser than on the original - this is the only way with injection moulding.
The loading space is painted from the inside and invites to loading scenes. The mirrors are equipped with mirror foil, the side fenders are plastic parts. A spare wheel is mounted under the floor of the car. The step can be replaced by an enclosed towing hook. License plates for ten European countries are also included.
I can highly recommend this model. In silver, black and white, the Sprinter costs 67 €, with Veenhuis, Nooteboom or Claas printing € 69,95.
The high-gloss finish was a particular challenge when photographing. Of course, everything is reflected, you have to work with large light shapers like automobiles. And if you move the flash units, there will be differences like in pictures 6 and 7. This slightly cloudy varnish is also found in the products of the automotive industry, but the effect is greatly increased on the model. The railway industry paints locomotives, multiple units and coaches glossy. But I now understand that the model railway industry prefers to use matt to semi-matt paints. As the Sprinter model demonstrates, even the smallest dust particles and fingerprints become visible. They are easy to remove, but they are not fun to photograph, clean or digitally edit.
MBW announces 53 0001
by Friedhelm Weidelich
MBW wants to supply a German steam locomotive, which never has been built, as a 1 gauge model in 2020.

Märklin announces SNCF 241-A-65 for 1 Gauge
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Today Märklin announced the French 241-A-65 as a summer novelty in the Youtube show.
Aujourd'hui, Märklin a annoncé le 241-A-65 français comme une nouveauté estivale dans le spectacle Youtube.

A Märklin Summer Novelty for Gauge 1
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin today announced a 1-gauge model that may seem irritating at first glance, but should sell well. 62 large-format photos of the hand sample.

The Polish Dragon, homemade
by Gastautor
Jacek Wysocki hat schon einige polnische Lokomotiven im Maßstab 1:32 gebaut. Nun arbeitet er an der Fertigstellung des sechsachsigen "Dragon" der Newag, der ein attraktives Design hat.

DB Stock Car V 23 from Märklin for 1 Gauge
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin has reissued an old Hübner model of the Deutsche Bundesbahn V 23 stock car. The 1-gauge model is essential for epoch III.

New Scale Fugures from Wema for 1 Gauge
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Lang family from Wema Figurenatelier has grown. Following the Wirtschaftswunder post-war era, there are now three children.

Intermodellbau 2019: Steiner Modellwerke
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Steiner Modellwerke had their first trade fair appearance at Intermodellbau 2019. In addition to the hand sample of the class 81 already presented here in detail, two samples of the glass box without blind shaft were presented - but for gauge O.

Intermodellbau 2019: Fine Models and Spur1-Exklusiv
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A long series of Fine Models' Bavarian beer cars for gauge 1 attracted the attention of visitors at the Fine Models and Spur1-Exklusiv exhibition stand - and two steam locomotive versions of the Palatine and Bavarian railways as well.
Read more … Intermodellbau 2019: Fine Models and Spur1-Exklusiv

Intermodellbau 2019: Märklin
by Friedhelm Weidelich
This year the summer novelties were not announced on the Intermodellbau. In May Märklin will try out a new format and present the new products online.

Intermodellbau 2019: Umbauwagen from Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Wunder's three-axle DB conversion cars are represented by a handbuilt sample of the "Deutsche Weinstraße" buffet car in Dortmund. The level of detail is enormous. 30 photos.

Seven Years spur1info
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Seven years ago spur1info.com published its first articles and pictures. To date, it is the world's only online magazine for 1 gauge train models and 1:32 scale accessories.