Production model of the DR class 95 from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland has delivered the 1 gauge class 950 production models, the former Prussian T 20. A review with 68 photos in large format.
Read more … Production model of the DR class 95 from Kiss Modellbahnen
A short Preview of DR Class 95 from Kiss
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A few preview pictures of the DR's Blankenburg 95 023 as a gauge 1 model from Kiss Modellbahnen.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Fine Models and Kiss
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Prussian EG 539 was the centerpiece of the Fine Models stand at the 1:32 scale model train meet in Speyer.

Recent 1 Gauge Cars from Fine Models and Kiss
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Modern freight cars are colorful. The gray service tank cars of the DB have become yellow and red water cars. A few yellow examples for gauge 1 are still available at Kiss.

DB MOW Car from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
When enough conversion cars were available for passenger trains, the Deutsche Bahn converted many Donnerbüchsen into railroad service cars. Kiss Modellbahnen offers a maintenance car with kitchen compartment for gauge 1 for epochs IIIb to IV, as they could be found at many medium and large stations.

Production Model of DB Class 54 from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Delivery of the DB class 5415-17 freight locomotive, formerly the Bavarian class G 3/4, is underway. Kiss Modellbahnen has once again completed a beautiful model for gauge 1. 60 large format pictures and a review.
Read more … Production Model of DB Class 54 from Kiss Modellbahnen

Hand Sample of Kiss Modellbahnen Baden Xb
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Kiss plans to deliver the Baden tender locomotive Xb, the later DRG class 922-3, for gauge 1 in a year's time. It should be worth the wait. 50 photos show all the details of this attractive switcher.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Hand Sample of Class 95 and More from Fine Models/Kiss
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Premiere hatte in Speyer auf dem Stand von Fine Models ein Handmuster der Baureihe 95 und die bayerische AA1.
Read more … Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Hand Sample of Class 95 and More from Fine Models/Kiss
Vossloh G1700-2BB from Kiss DE
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Vossloh's G 1700-2 BB is now available as a gauge 1 model from Kiss Modellbahnen DE.

Kiss' new Hand Sample on the Studio Table
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The hand sample of the Kiss DB oil car makes a largely convincing impression in the photo studio. But setting the right tone is harder than you think.

DB Tank Car from Kiss - First Images
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models/Kiss Modellbahnen Germany has received a hand sample of the DB service tank car. First photos of the gauge 1 model.

Hand Sample of the Cab Car from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The command car for push-pull trains is a hand sample from Kiss Modellbahnen with an interesting interior. 28 pictures showing all the details you haven't seen before.
Read more … Hand Sample of the Cab Car from Kiss Modellbahnen

Hand Sample of the Donnerbüchse Di-27 from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Hand samples are the first attempt to put a model on wheels and are necessary to avoid errors in batch production. The Di-27 from Kiss Modellbahnen points in a good direction for the upcoming 2023 gauge 1 models.
Read more … Hand Sample of the Donnerbüchse Di-27 from Kiss Modellbahnen

ELNA 6 Versions from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Here are the factory images of all other versions of the ELNA 6 from Kiss Modellbahnen for gauge 1. The variety of versions of this compact tender locomotive is impressive. The French 040TX is also included.
Voici les photos d'usine de toutes les autres versions de l'ELNA 6 de Kiss Modellbahnen pour l'échelle 1. La diversité des variantes de cette locomotive tender compacte est impressionnante. La 040TX française est également présente.

1 Gauge Production Model of ELNA 6 by Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The gauge 1 models of the ELNA 6 from Kiss Modellbahnen are about to be delivered. I was able to take a close look at the version of the Eschweiler Bergwerks-Verein. A review with 59 photos in large format showing all the details.
Read more … 1 Gauge Production Model of ELNA 6 by Kiss Modellbahnen
Handmade Samples of Fine Models' Donnerbüchsen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Due to slow customs clearance, the two Donnerbüchsen hand samples from Fine Models arrived only today. 18 pictures of the attractive passenger cars for gauge 1.

Reports from Giessen: Fine Models and Wunder
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Push-pull command cars dominated the scene at the Fine Models and Wunder booth at the International Gauge 0+1 Days in Giessen, Germany.

Bavarian D XI for 1 Gauge from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The friends of Bavarian gauge 1 models have no need to complain about a lack of offers. The tender locomotive of the class D XI, the later class 984-5, should fulfill some wishes as a Kiss model these days. A report with 47 photos in large format.
Read more … Bavarian D XI for 1 Gauge from Kiss Modellbahnen

The 1 Gauge Vectron from Kiss Modellbahnen (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Part 2 of the description of the Vectron model from Kiss for gauge 1 is devoted primarily to the fascinating wealth of detail under the locomotive frame. 39 large-format photos provide unusual insights.

The 1 Gauge Vectron from Kiss Modellbahnen (1)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Kiss Modellbahnen is just delivering the gauge 1 model of the Vectron from Siemens Mobility. The multi-purpose locomotive, which has already been sold over 1,200 times, is also very well done as a model. A short presentation of this European electric locomotive and the first part of a review with many informative photos showing all the details.
Vectron Preview
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The photos of the Vectron from Kiss are almost ready. A small preview of the excellent gauge 1 model.

Intermodellbau: More Models from Fine Models and Kiss
by Friedhelm Weidelich
At Intermodellbau, Fine Models/Kiss showed more hand samples - and already a production model.
Read more … Intermodellbau: More Models from Fine Models and Kiss
One more Gauge 1 Novelty
by Friedhelm Weidelich
And once again there is a novelty for the gauge 1 to announce!

Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland to announce Donnerbüchsen and more
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Blunderbusses characterized commuter trains in Germany until the end of the 1950s. Kiss Modellbahnen is now issuing them as brass models for gauge 1 - and some more.
Read more … Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland to announce Donnerbüchsen and more

Bavarian D XI from Kiss Modellbahnen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Im Morgennebel tauchte heute das Handmuster der bayerischen Lokalbahnlok D XI von Fine Models auf. Bayern-Fans werden sich über die sechs Farbfotos freuen.
Kiss Germany and Switzerland go Separate Ways
by Friedhelm Weidelich
From 2021, the two successors founded after the insolvency of Kiss Modellbahnen will go their own ways.

New Photos of Vectron by Kiss Deutschland
by Friedhelm Weidelich
I just received photos from Fine Models of the Vectron that will be delivered under the Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland brand in May 2021. The amount of detail will surprise steam locomotive enthusiasts.

First Pictures of Kiss' new Vectron Hand Sample
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models has received first snapshots of the completely new hand sample of the Siemens Vectron. The modern electric locomotive is marketed under the in-house brand Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland.
Novelty announcement
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Kiss Modellbahnen Deutschland, a brand of Fine Models, announces a new model that hardly anyone would have expected.
Fine Models/Kiss with new versions of Bavarian D XI
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Fine Models has added two new variants to the Bavarian Lokalbahn steam locomotive project which has been taken over from Kiss.
Read more … Fine Models/Kiss with new versions of Bavarian D XI

Märklin's 241-A to be delivered soon – and more News
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Märklin will deliver the 241-A-65 in July 2020. There is even more interesting news from the world of gauge 1.
Read more … Märklin's 241-A to be delivered soon – and more News