Review: Deutsche Bundesbahn in Farbe
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Color pictures of railways were rather rare in the post-war and subsequent economic "miracle period" of Germany. Heinrich Petersen searched for such pictures at the Railway Foundation and provided vivid commentaries on them.
An illustrated book about the railroads of Switzerland in the 1960s
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A photojournalist friend of mine brought to my attention a book review dedicated to a Swiss railroad photographer.
Read more … An illustrated book about the railroads of Switzerland in the 1960s

New Books about ÖBB and SBB Locomotives and Trains
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Internet is an inexhaustible source of information when it comes to the history and condition of locomotives and other rail vehicles. But you can't do without books, because reaching for the shelf sometimes provides faster orientation than confusing Wikipedia articles. Transpress has recently published inexpensive German language books on ÖBB and SBB locomotives and railcars that provide an up-to-date overview.
Read more … New Books about ÖBB and SBB Locomotives and Trains

Review: Herkules, Goliath & Co – Rail cranes
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Railroad cranes may be among the least known rail vehicles. This subject, reserved for specialists, has rarely been covered in magazines and books. Udo Kandler has rolled up the history of German rail cranes in his book published by EK-Verlag and compiled spectacular pictures.

Recension: Eisenbahnreisen - Fernweh auf Schienen
by Friedhelm Weidelich
„Eisenbahnreisen - Fernweh auf Schienen“ is the title of a new illustrated book, which has been published as a licensed edition from Transpress of the English book "Railway Journeys" by David Ross (Amber Books). Arranged according to continents, you will find here in the large format 290 mm x 213 mm about 210 photos from all over the world, knowledgeably annotated to 2020.
Read more … Recension: Eisenbahnreisen - Fernweh auf Schienen

Review: Die SWDE
by Friedhelm Weidelich
For five years a hardly known railroad company existed in the French occupation zone in southwest Germany: SWDE.
The current EK-Special 138 describes the complicated railroad history after the end of World War II.

A Book about Station Restaurants
by Friedhelm Weidelich
If you can read German, I would recommend in the German thread of spur1info my review of a German-language book about station restaurants from all over the world.
Or maybe you would like to give it away to someone who can read it.