An Old Dortmund Brewery
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Der Würfel mit den vier beleuchteten U-Buchstaben steht noch auf dem Turm am Dortmunder Hauptbahnhof. Auch wenn DUB jetzt DAB ist, eignete sich die Brauerei als Inspiration für ein Spur-1-Diorama. Und ganz in der Nähe herrscht Wiedersehensfreude.

Austrian Logging Railroad on Narrow Gauge
by Gastautor
An Austrian logging railroad with charm runs on narrow modules and 16.5 mm gauge. Many self-made switches and self-built vehicles make for interesting operation.

Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Dr. Pauli's Narrow Gauge Modules
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The modular layout of Dr. Thomas Pauli from Öhringen was exhibited for the first time and had an effect on the visitors of the Liller Halle by something that is rarely found in gauge 1: real operation. "Playing with meaning" was the name given to it once a long time ago by a railroad magazine.
Read more … Spur-1-Treffen Speyer: Dr. Pauli's Narrow Gauge Modules

Internationale Spur 0+1 Tage: Westsächsische 0e-Freunde
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The West Saxon 0e-friends offered 0e-fun in Gießen with a large module layout.
Read more … Internationale Spur 0+1 Tage: Westsächsische 0e-Freunde

The Final of the MKB
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Michasdorfer Kleinbahn has been completed. The light railway layout has now been extended by a corner module, which is again characterized by the near-natural design.

News from the Michasdorfer Kleinbahn
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The "Sour Cucumber" has grown. The Michasdorfer Kleinbahn, a somewhat obscure field railroad on 1f gauge, has been expanded by a module. 35 photos bring out the qualities of the layout construction.

Field Railway System at the Highest Level (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the third and last part of the report about Michasdorfer Kleinbahn, the viewer is offered many perfect details and an amazing track plan.

Field Railway System at the Highest Level (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Part 2 of the Michasdorfer Kleinbahn leads through a forest in which some things are quite scary. 31 atmospheric photos in large format.

Field Railway System at the Highest Level
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In Giessen, the field railway module boxes of the Michasdorfer Kleinbahn were constantly surrounded. I have photographed the layout in 1:32 scale at Micha Schmidt elaborately and captured many details that you can only perceive with the camera. 30 photos in large format.

Reports from Gießen: A Couple of Layouts
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Those who wanted to explore all the layouts needed a lot of time and were able to gain interesting impressions. The creativity of many layout builders was convincing. A picture gallery.

Field Railway and sour Cucumbers
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The three module boxes with a 1:32 scale light railroad, designed down to the last detail, were constantly besieged. It revolves around a sour cucumber manufactory in the style of the 1950s. The modules rightly received the attention, because the modeler works on a very high level.

A Segment Turntable in a Module
by Friedhelm Weidelich
With the prototype of a Lasersachen segment turntable, Horst Göhr has built a nice module as the end of a branch line.

Gauge 1 Meeting in the Garden
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Klaus Wagner regularly invites to his Gauge 1 meeting in the garden. Snapshots from the weekend.

Field Railway from Thomas Zeitz (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The modular field railway layout of Thomas Zeitz has already been presented with many pictures. Here now his description.

Spur1/Spur0-Messe Mainz: Hünstetten Train Station
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Together Jörn Gomann, Marc Schneider showed his Hünstetten station, which allows for varied operation with only three switches.
Read more … Spur1/Spur0-Messe Mainz: Hünstetten Train Station

Bye-bye, Sächsische Schmalspurbahn Hamburg
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The large module layout "Saxon Narrow Gauge Railroad Hamburg" was disbanded. 26 pictures for the farewell.

Saxon Narrow Gauge in Hamburg (5)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the fifth and final part of the report on the Saxon Narrow Gauge Railroad Hamburg we look at the three stations of Wilkaustein, where standard gauge and narrow gauge were cleverly combined. 40 photos.

Saxon Narrow Gauge in Hamburg (4)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Part 4 on the Saxon Narrow Gauge Railway Hamburg deals with an industrial siding, the interlockings on the standard gauge line with three-rail track and a light railroad. A gauge 1 layout can be that diverse. 43 photos.

Saxon Narrow Gauge in Hamburg (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The stations Vierenstraße and Venusberg of the large Saxon narrow gauge railroad Hamburg are presented with 34 photos. There are many possibilities for shunting operations here and a locomotive shed in each location. The buildings were self-built after Saxon prototypes.

Saxon Narrow Gauge in Hamburg (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The second part describes the development of the module layout of the friends of Saxon narrow gauge railroads in Hamburg. The large 1e narrow gauge layout has ten stations. Three of them are presented in part 2 with 35 atmospheric photos in large format.

Saxon Narrow Gauge in Hamburg (1)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
A large narrow gauge layout based on Saxon models has to be dismantled. For the time being, we take a last look at the gauge 1 module layout, which reproduces the flair of the Saxon narrow gauge railroads of the Deutsche Reichsbahn in the 1970s to 1980s like hardly any other.
Part 1 with 38 photos in large format.

A Gauge 1 Autumn Bridge Module
by Friedhelm Weidelich
With a little modeling experience, building a scale 1 modular layout is not that difficult. Choosing the right season, the result is a jewel that displaces the dark season.

Pictures from Annaberg-Buchholz (4)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Some nice details were found on the modules in Annaberg-Buchholz. 22 photos in the fifth part of the report.

Photos from Annaberg-Buchholz (3)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Oschersleben depot and some DR locomotives are the subject of the 38 photos from the gauge 1 days in Annaberg-Buchholz.

Photos from Annaberg-Buchholz (2)
by Friedhelm Weidelich
Now it's off to Schlettau and Klütz on the modular gauge 1 layout in Annaberg-Buchholz.

More Photos from Annaberg-Buchholz
by Friedhelm Weidelich
In the second part about the gauge 1 operating days in Annaberg-Buchholz, we go to a railroad depot and a large diesel filling station.

From Walthersdorf to Crottendorf
by Friedhelm Weidelich
The Ore Mountains (Erzgebirge) in Saxony, Germany, offer a lot of variety in terms of railroad technology in a very small area. Ore Mountains stations and lines were the theme on the approximately 120 modules of the fourth Annaberg-Buchholz Gauge 1 operating days initiated by jübe-modelle. The self-builts, together with the DR vehicles, looked authentic and the operation remained relaxed. Part 1 with 51 photos in large format.

Norwegian Modules on Display
by Friedhelm Weidelich
On Sunday an excellent gauge 1 module layout can be visited in Norway.

More about the First Spur-1-Treffen in Hong Kong
by Friedhelm Weidelich
More pictures, information and a video arrived from Hong Kong. The event had prominent visitors.
Read more … More about the First Spur-1-Treffen in Hong Kong