
The model builders at Spur1-igArtig are known for their precise architectural models in the 1:32 gauge 1 scale. Their latest building is the Magdalenakirche in Bad Schallerbach, Upper Austria.


Horst Göhr was a master of model making and weathering. A pictorial retrospective.

by has masterfully built a substantial part of the Reutlingen South Station as a Gauge 1 model. The building is intended to be the impressive centerpiece of the diorama, with a highly interesting track plan.


Der Würfel mit den vier beleuchteten U-Buchstaben steht noch auf dem Turm am Dortmunder Hauptbahnhof. Auch wenn DUB jetzt DAB ist, eignete sich die Brauerei als Inspiration für ein Spur-1-Diorama. Und ganz in der Nähe herrscht Wiedersehensfreude.


A very special giant model railway station in 1:32 scale is on display at Fine Models – Hamburg Dammtor. 39 large-format photos.


Modellbau Voth produces models for smaller scales as well as impressive bridges for gauge 1.


Sometimes you can't do without stations underground. A model for gauge 1 offers completely new perspectives.


Many water reservoirs for steam locomotives were hidden in more or less inconspicuous buildings, partly because of the risk of frost. For example, the water station in Vöcklabruck, which has now been created as a 1:32 scale model.


At the open-air museum in Neuhausen ob Eck, model builders who value detail and village interiors will find inspiration to recreate.


Sometimes you have to make do with what's available on the gauge 1 market - until you come across better alternatives. Now the German roundhouse has been replaced by a ring-shaped locomotive shed based on an Austrian prototype.


Gauge 1 is ideally suited for prototypical patination, which should not stop at buildings. In addition to a keen sense of observation and a willingness to experiment, photos serve as a welcome stimulus.


Two Austrian exhibitors displayed new material for landscaping, dioramas and buildings in Gießen.


Stangel has some new cardboard kits that can be used to create imposing and small buildings as well.


A modeler has built an Austrian-style locomotive shed for a gauge 1 layout. Of course with interior equipment. 33 photos.


Horst Göhr has turned a simple locomotive shed kit into a highly detailed model for 1 scale. 56 pictures, prototype photos and a video.


Lack of space is one of the biggest challenges in 1 scale. Here is a rural gas station for which there is room everywhere and which can be easily replicated.


Horst Göhr has completed and photographed the Neuendorf-Karritz station. The attention to detail is visible - and this is what the 1 gauge is predestined for.


Not everyone has the space to document an entire station area in 1:32 scale. In narrow gauge, the stations are naturally smaller. Therefore, a masterpiece was created with the three structures of Ochsenhausen, which spur1info has the chance to show with 44 photos.


Horst Göhr's rural station is nearing completion. Here are some snapshots of the building.


Brick and half-timbering, a small footprint and a touch of romance: Horst Göhr builds a small train station in the Altmark region of northern Saxony-Anhalt that unfortunately lost its function 21 years ago.


Thomas Zeitz has taken on the task of building two kiosks simultaneously: one from Plus Models in resin and a laser kit from Jaffa's Moba Shop. First, a detailed build report on the refinement and finishing of the kiosk from Jaffa.


In Annecy, about fifty kilometers south of Geneva, stands the magnificent Maison Gallo. A replica for 1 gauge.


Horst Göhr has built a DB track maintenance worker's house.


Two Polish modelers were running PKP diesel and steam locomotives they had built themselves on a large gauge 1 oval. And Stangel had brought along new kits.


A new subscriber from South America builds French 1/32 scale townhouses at the highest level, inspired by Emmanuel Nouaillier. Miniature art at its best.


How do you build a ballast plant or a loading station? Horst Göhr shows: Like this, for example!


There is no better prototype than the prototype. And suddenly chance helps to make an idea come true in 1:32 scale. A series of worker's houses, supported by an automobile manufacturer, was converted into models down to the last detail.


Self-built buildings for gauge 1 are unique models with charm. Unfortunately, the popular model of the brick and half-timbered signal box no longer exists - and it had a different name.


Horst Göhr has built the former station building of Spechtritz on the Saxonian Weißeritz valley railway in 1:32 scale - another masterpiece.


At the end of 2019, spur1info reported about a Gauge 1 meeting in Hong Kong. Now there is news.


Epokemodeller from Denmark no longer offers gauge 1 buildings.Horst Göhr built and worked on one of the last kits of the water house in Steinbach in Saxony.


Before the coaling station Hans and Walter Ziegler built a small workshop for their museum depot Fützen. The illuminated model is removable and has a sophisticated power supply.


American-style model railroads are quite rare in gauge 1. But it is worthwhile to be inspired by American layouts.


Monheim was the terminus of the Bavarian local railway Fünfstetten - Monheim. Now there are the station building and the coaling station as gauge 1 models.


Horst Göhr has built a signal box for a customer, which is to be installed on a gauge 1 layout.


It is much work to cover a roof with model tiles. But the effort is worth it if you strive for the highest model-making quality.


Lasered roof tiles come in many shapes. If you have very high demands on model making, lay them one by one. Here is a source for high-quality roof tiles.


Spur1-igARTig has again completed 1/32 scale models of two structures that once stood on the Kocher Valley Railway Waldenburg - Forchtenberg and which were moved to the Hohenlohe Open Air Museum in Schwäbisch-Hall, Germany.


With part 2 of the report, the corner house "Dorfstraße 9" by Stangel will be completed. Prerequisites for the successful completion of the semi relief structure for gauge 1 are patience, improvisation and new roof tiles.


After the Stangel's kit Dorfstraße 7 I decided to build Dorfstraße 9. The "work" progressed quickly, but here, too, you must find your own ways during assembly.


Gebäude verwittern mit der Zeit, wenn sie nicht gepflegt werden. Und sie zeigen Spuren von Umbauten. Einige Fotos.


At the Intermodellbau in Dortmund, Volker Gerisch presented his diorama of a factory in the Sauerland region in 1/22.5 scale. The interior furnishings in the offices and the porter's lodge are of the highest level.