
Märklin is targeting the collectors' market this year with its new 1-gauge products and is announcing a classic.


The SBB light signals were a chance find at the 1 Gauge meeting in Speyer.


In Giessen, I was already able to photograph parts of the "only true" SBB Crocodile Ce 6/8 II from Pesolillo. Now the gauge 1 hand-built model is assembled and impresses with an unusual wealth of details.


Some quick shots of the production model of the A 3/5 700 from the hotel room. The detailing speaks for itself.


Dingler will soon deliver its superbly crafted Swiss beer wagons. Photos of all 23 versions.


A photojournalist friend of mine brought to my attention a book review dedicated to a Swiss railroad photographer.


In the popular epoch IV, short express trains were observed as well, for example between Zurich and Stuttgart. Pictures from my archive with interesting train consists from 1970 to today.


Proform has completed a small batch of Rhaetian Railway's Ge 2/4 electric locomotive. The model for gauge 1 is Swiss made and runs on meter gauge tracks.


The limited-edition passenger train of the Gotthard Railway is about to be delivered. Photographic insights into the luxurious interior.


The Mistral is a cold wind that blows from northern parts of France to the south of France. It was once followed by a TEE with luxurious cars, which are not for everyone, as well in 1 gauge.


The meter-gauge Rhaetian Railway already exists very successfully in all model railroad scales. Now Dingler and Proform are pushing ahead with the development of 1m models - a new subject with great appeal in the gauge 1 world as well. Swiss manufacturer Proform already has a range on offer that is even suitable for outdoor use.


Dingler is currently delivering the Ge 6/6 I electric locomotive for the Rhaetian Railway of Switzerland. Only a few copies of the small series are still available.


Modellbau Marcus Jaegers has completed two new gauge 1 freight cars for SBB Cargo.


Dingler builds 23 colorful and graphically varied beer cars from Switzerland for 1 gauge. Here are the illustrations.


Here come now the first hand sample photos of the Swiss beer cars from Dingler.


I received the following news about Bauma.


Like the DB class 111, the class 1812 is a timelessly beautiful locomotive. MBW has now announced that it will deliver the multi-system locomotive for the 50th anniversary in 2024. It will be able to handle international trains.


The Internet is an inexhaustible source of information when it comes to the history and condition of locomotives and other rail vehicles. But you can't do without books, because reaching for the shelf sometimes provides faster orientation than confusing Wikipedia articles. Transpress has recently published inexpensive German language books on ÖBB and SBB locomotives and railcars that provide an up-to-date overview.


At the end of May, the long announced will take place in Birmensdorf near Zurich. In addition to the focus on 0 gauge, 1 gauge will also be represented.


Dingler has specified the model versions at the Rhaetian Crocodile. The meter gauge model for 1 Gauge is coming.


Steiner Modellwerke has provided a hand sample of the Swiss semaphore signal for photographing.

The model for gauge 1 impresses with its details.


Part 2 of the description of the Vectron model from Kiss for gauge 1 is devoted primarily to the fascinating wealth of detail under the locomotive frame. 39 large-format photos provide unusual insights.


Kiss Modellbahnen is just delivering the gauge 1 model of the Vectron from Siemens Mobility. The multi-purpose locomotive, which has already been sold over 1,200 times, is also very well done as a model. A short presentation of this European electric locomotive and the first part of a review with many informative photos showing all the details.


Markus Probst of the Swiss Proform Spur 1 locomotive manufacture has built a 44 of the Deutsche Reichsbahn with pulverized coal firing and is currently working on the 65 1052 of the DR. He also announces a Swiss steam locomotive.


For some railroad models, the question arises for a variety of reasons whether there was a prototype. Bruno Waldmeier has given some thought to this.


With a little modeling experience, building a scale 1 modular layout is not that difficult. Choosing the right season, the result is a jewel that displaces the dark season.


Surprise, surprise! An experienced small series manufacturer enters the gauge 1 market. spur1info knows the facts and exclusively presents three complete models with 84 photos.


Heavy and very powerful is the new Ce 6/8 I from SBB Historic that Märklin is offering as a gauge 1 model. A review of the Swiss electric locomotive with 76 expressive photos in large format.


Dingler will begin delivering BLS, SOB and SBB passenger cars tomorrow.


Unfortunately, the traditional Bahndammfest at EiWi (Railway Witterswil near Basel), Switzerland, has to be postponed again this year due to corona. The new date is the weekend of 11 and 12 September 2021.


50 years ago, I took a steam special train with 038 650 to Switzerland. A picture gallery.


Dingler received production samples of the passenger cars from BLS, SOB and SBB - and photographed them right away.


From 2021, the two successors founded after the insolvency of Kiss Modellbahnen will go their own ways.


Swiss tractors had their own design language and character. A supplier from Switzerland offers 1:32 models based on Hürlimann & Co. prototypes, which are also available in Germany.


Today I received photos of the Ae 3/6 from Kiss Modellbahnen Schweiz.

The three model versions are sold out ex works and may still be in stock at some dealers.


In 1927, the Swiss Federal Railways SBB purchased two baggage cars from BLS for use in the "Gotthard Pullman Express". 36 photos of the gauge 1 model of Wunder with fantastic views of the rich interior.


Two CIWL Pullman cars and a baggage car from the luxury trains "Edelweiss" and "Gotthard Pullman Express" are presenting themselves before the camera. The first one is spectacular on the outside, less so inside. But in any case a gem for gauge 1 collectors with lots of space. Have a look and enjoy!


With its 8.55 kg, the SNCF 241-A-65 for gauge 1 is a heavyweight with very high tractive power. This applies to the Märklin model both technically and literally. Because the aesthetics of the French steam locomotive in Swiss hands appeals to everyone. Read the detailed review of the gauge 1 model here, with over 100 excellent photos.


The International Spur 1 meeting in Sinsheim, traditionally held this weekend, had to be cancelled due to Covid-19. But you can find out here what Dingler would have presented there. The novelties are tempting and cover a lot of the scope of our hobby.


On April 24 and 25, 2021, a new model railway platform of Gauge 0 and 1 is planned in Birmensdorf/ZH with the title Club layouts and models of all kinds in gauges 0, 0e, 0m, On3, 1 and 1m will be shown in operation, products for layout and vehicle model making will be on sale.


Besides the 07 1001 of the DR from Proform there is also a 07 1001 as a live steam model. It is operating in Switzerland.


Hundreds of Gauge 1 dioramas and layouts are secretly blooming at private homes. Here we have the last opportunity to view an elongated diorama from Switzerland, which is now for sale.


Achim Lutz has weathered a pseudo-patinated used SBB Eaos open freight car from Märklin according to a prototype photo. The effort was worth it.


Yves Rittener has finished his vineyard. It doesn't get any better than this!


On the stand of Fulgurex you could find all sorts of familiar things. But the next Gauge 1 novelty is already planned - with an interesting side effect.


It couldn't be better: Yves Rittener shows how he built the vines for a 1-gauge club layout. The result is high-end model making.

On ne peut pas faire mieux: Yves Rittener montre comment il a construit les vignes pour un aménagement de club de voie 1. Le résultat est un modélisme de première classe.


Vineyards on Lake Geneva are the inspiration for an elaborate plantation on a Swiss club layout in 1:32. Part 1.


Dingler had some of his models of the Ae 4/7 of the SBB photographed.


The Sommerfeldt overhead contact line for gauge 1 has gone into mass production and is available. But before we get to grips with the model, I would like to convey some facts about the original and outline the limits in the model.


A cohesive train appearance as with the prototype is a matter of nerves of steel with four-axle passenger cars on gauge 1. Even the fine motor skills of a surgeon won't get you far. But there are now practicable tools to solve these problems cleverly and to ensure an automatic connection of the cars.


Dingler has now the versions of EW 1 passenger cars for BLS, SOB and SBB.


Dingler's four-axle gravel cars from Switzerland have quite modern prototypes. A series of 47 pictures gives an insight into what the cars look like in operation.


As a surprise and without announcement Dingler has produced another 1-gauge model of a modern hopper. spur1info had the car in the photo studio and exclusively presents 32 photos of the attractive model, which is internationally in use.


Dingler is currently delivering the new four-axle hoppers of the Falls type. Beside the famous "Weiacher" there are also other colorful models. I had the blue HASTAG car on my photo studio desk. 39 photos of the very attractive modern freight car.


Garden railways need robust weather-proof turnout drives. Proform Spur 1 has developed a turnout drive for gauge 1 that can withstand rain and snow. The drive is also suitable for LGB tracks.


Today Märklin announced the French 241-A-65 as a summer novelty in the Youtube show.

Aujourd'hui, Märklin a annoncé le 241-A-65 français comme une nouveauté estivale dans le spectacle Youtube.


Märklin today announced a 1-gauge model that may seem irritating at first glance, but should sell well. 62 large-format photos of the hand sample.